omfg!! today, our teacher told us we were making puppets against our own will! that totally sucks!! those peoples torture us!! maaan, i whine to much but what the crap!!? we still have so much freakin homework and crap like that even after the ileap tests gonk ?!? but i went over to ma bestest buddy in the whole wide worlds house and we hada soumen* party!! it was so much fun cuz we tried to play ''halo'' but i freaked out to much and asked if they had other games, and they did! i fergot the name but we played it while eating tons of dum-dums!!(i think i gained a few pounds!!) anywho--it was real fun and i hope that she can get an account on gaia! and ma other bestest buddy in the whole wide world is katara_chan_101....but she won't talk to meeee!!! that's why i hava surprise for her!! m'kay thats the end of todays edition, of my crappy life and me!
*noooooodles n_n i like noodles
*noooooodles n_n i like noodles
Community Member
Haha, onee-san, I remember that. I think I gained some too xd hope katara-san starts talking to you again!