From a school assignment. That's why I didn't actually put the cursing in it lol. The assignment was to write a minimum of 10 sentences using the characteristics of horror. xD;;
Umm all the characters but Adriyan belong to either -.Pine.Apple.Pizza.-, Teh Random Kitsune, Akidanya, or The Bloodstained Angel. I can't remember which characters come in lol.
I pulled my knees closer into my chest. My heart was ready to burst inside me, throbbing and threatening to escape; I could feel it hammering against my legs. My arm stung where one of them had cut me before I could get away. Some blood ran from the gash, staining the white designs on the now-ripped sleeve of my shirt. I could hear my blood rushing in my ears; I could hear my heavy, gasping breaths. Certainly, they would hear me too, if they came close enough. ‘Slower, slower,’ I told myself, trying to steady and quiet my breathing. In an attempt to steady my racing heart, I began to run over the past events, to get my mind operating once again.
My name is Vudew Vidal, and I am fifteen years old. I had convinced my parents, the oppressive and distant creatures they are, to take me to this little travelling carnival that was coming through, and they jumped on the idea to get rid of me for a few hours. The place had been teeming with people from all walks of life, though it wasn’t as crowded as I had anticipated. That kind of made sense in a smaller city like this one, especially for a little no-name carnival like this.
As I had entered in, there were two people selling tickets. Both of them were older than me. One had light blonde hair with purple tipping the spikes, and the other had white hair accented with black bangs. The only color on him from head to foot was in his eyes; he had pale blue eyes that were piercing and mysterious at once. The other was clad almost entirely in black as well, and both had multiple facial piercings and wore heavy makeup. Judging from their looks, this was probably my kind of place, though my appearance wasn’t quite as eccentric and visual as theirs.
I had a brief clash with the clowns inside the gate. They were blonde Siamese twins, with completely identical faces. From the few minutes I was with them, though, I realized that their personalities were as different as Cain and Abel. I had stopped in the fortune teller’s booth for a few minutes, and he foretold dark things to come. But I didn’t think he was right, or at least I didn’t think he meant this dark.
The show had been pretty good, but as everyone was leaving I made the mistake of waiting for the people to clear out. My parents wouldn’t be arriving for some time, most likely; if I wasn’t lucky then they might not show up at all and expect me to walk to our apartment. The carnival grounds emptied out faster than I had thought, though, and within minutes I was the only one left here. With the gates locked. It turned out that I had made the clowns pretty angry before, and this carnival was full of a bunch of sadistic serial killers.
And that’s how I got here, underneath the unstable metal stairs in front of one of the trailers.
Blinking my eyes, I realized that running through the events had calmed me down somewhat; it had put a sort of logic to the whole crazy mess. ‘They won’t find me. I’ll be able to get away soon.’ For some reason, though my grip had lessened, I couldn’t make my hands stop clutching my knees.
“Did he go this way?”
I froze. The voice. It was the voice of one of the twin clowns; they were still looking for me! I could feel the control I had on my nerves waver, my pulse beginning to accelerate again at an alarming rate.
“Don’t be so loud! He’ll hear you, and then we’ll never find him.”
“Shut up, idiot. I’ll do whatever I want to.”
Trembling, I peered out through the steps. There they were, on the other side of that trailer, only about twenty paces away.
The angry one, apparently Kayne, cursed under his breath. I watched them closely; any move they made I took in. I could feel a sharp pain in my knees all of a sudden that seemed to come from far away. The pain in my throbbing arm was far away as well, for all of my attention was focused on my pursuers.
With another glance around, the two turned and began to stalk away, a scowl on Kayne’s face. “Don’t worry, we’ll find him soon. He’ll be stuck in here with the gate locked, anyways. If he tries to leave another way he’ll be accused of trespassing.” The slightly more feminine acting of the two said, in an attempt to console his brother.
‘The gate is locked…?’ Panic began to threaten, but I suppressed it once again, though it was difficult. The two were going away. I would be fine. I could climb the fence or something, probably. Hopefully. My gaze followed the two.
“You lost him, didn’t you?” A new, slightly deeper and older sounding voice addressed the two from just on the other side of me.
I jumped, pressing my hand tightly against my mouth in order to stifle the shriek that threatened to give me away. Wide eyed, I slowly turned my head towards the other person, to see who it was. Not that I would know them, really, but it was the natural instinct to look.
It was the guy from the entrance, the one with black and white hair. He had been the knife thrower in the performance. Motion caught my eye; motion which turned out to be a knife that he was twirling around his fingers in one hand. My heart dropped into my stomach, and I was unable to pull my eyes away. The knife was bloody, and some incriminating garnet splotches decorated his skin and clothes. All of this, though it seemed to take eternity, I noticed in mere seconds.
The clowns froze, then turned back towards the new arrival, embarrassment on both faces, coupled with anger on Kayne’s. “Shut up, Adriyan! I’m just… we’re just sporting a bit with him, that’s all!” Kayne stammered loudly.
“Oh? That so?” Adriyan raised an eyebrow, then turned and headed straight for me.
I was trying not to panic. My palms were slick with sweat, I could see little stars in the edges of my vision, and I was trembling in an almost violent manner. After a moment, as he seemed to walk in slow motion, I realized that I had stopped breathing. But now, he was too close, too close, too close. If I breathed, he’d hear me.
I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing myself. What for? I didn’t know. What good would it do? I didn’t know. All I knew was that I was afraid to die. I couldn’t die, not yet. It was too soon!
But then, I heard a heavy footstep, and I opened my eyes to see Adriyan stepping up the stairs. The flimsy metal structure shuddered under the extra weight, and each thud of his thick-soled belted boots was a hammer smashing on the anvil of my heart.
I breathed out a sigh of relief that I was unable to repress as I heard the creak of him opening the trailer door. He hadn’t seen me. Thank God. Thank God. I have never loved darkness and poor lighting so much as I did in that moment; they must have been the only things that kept him from seeing me.
I took a shaky breath, relief filling me. My hand loosened its grasp on the small felt-and-string doll that I wore on a chain around my neck. Without even realizing it, I had grabbed it during my sudden terror. It was a habit that I had. I looked up, through the slits in the small platform-like porch in front of the still-open trailer door.
“There you are,” a voice spoke from the side as something grasped my arm.
A shriek escaped from my throat, and I jumped involuntarily, the back of my head smacking against the stairs. I spun my head around. It was the two-headed clowns, and the nicer looking one- he didn’t look so kind anymore- was gripping my arm tightly. The other, Kayne, grasped a butcher knife in his hand. All color, I am sure, fled from my face, and my heart stopped beating for a moment. It resumed after a moment at a much faster pace in order to make up for the lost time.
I tried to pull away, but they were strong. Finally I succeeded, after much cursing from Kayne, and I began to crawl frantically away.
“Nice going Aebyl! You freaking let him go!”
“No, Kayne, you just didn’t stab him fast enough!”
I began to rise to my feet, only to feel a boot on my back, kicking me mercilessly to the ground. Taken by surprise, I was unable to catch myself, and I hit my face on the ground. It took only a second for me to taste the blood; I had busted my lip. I began to try to get up, but the foot came again, pushing me roughly back to the ground. I let out a small cry of pain and surprise. My back would be bruised, I knew for a fact. My ribs and spine were screaming in protest against the weight of the older teenager’s heavy, thick-soled boot pushing into my back to keep me still. Breathing was getting harder, with the small doll I wore pressed tightly between my chest and a rock on the ground. Everything in me was screaming to fight, to get up and run away, but I didn’t. I knew deep down that there was no hope, so I momentarily stopped resisting.
“Thanks for catching him, Adriyan! We-“
“Are completely incompetent?” Adriyan cut Aebyl off, sending the two of them a dirty look, a glare that could kill. “Two heads supposedly are better than one. Stop acting like a bunch of idiots! Valentine would be upset if… Well, what do you think would happen if one got away?” The black-clad teenager studied the two with those piercing blue eyes as he scolded them.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for-“
“It was all Aebyl’s fault! He’s a wimp!”
“Kayne! You should have done it faster! It’s your fault!”
I heard Adriyan let out a sigh as the two began bickering again. He muttered something to himself as he roughly flipped me over onto my back.
Trembling, I looked into his cold blue eyes. They were cruel and bitter, as if they regularly cursed the hand life had dealt them, and took this anger out by hurting others. They chilled me to the bone; they were different eyes than the ones I had seen at the entrance.
Adriyan smirked darkly. “You two idiots. If you don’t want him, I’ll take him.”
“Hey! No! No fair!” Kayne shouted, both of the twins turning abruptly towards him. As Adriyan pulled out a knife that he had tucked into a small sheath strapped to his right thigh, the clowns hurried over. My concentration was on the knife, however, and on the blood splattered all over him.
“I’m sorry! What do you want? I didn’t do anything!” I pleaded, feeling my eyes begin to tear up. My heart was pounding, and I felt sick laying there on the ground, facing up towards the dark sky.
The teenager standing over me glanced towards the clowns. I followed his gaze with wide eyes. They had sadistic expressions on both of their faces, grinning at me.
They reached down, and at their motion I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to shrink away, only for the knife thrower to send a hard kick into my ribs. I let out a cry of pain; had that been a crack I heard? Aebyl reached down and grabbed my arm, jerking me into a sitting position. His grip was tighter now, vice-like and prepared for me to try to break free.
I heard a whimper as I tried to pull away. After a moment, I realized that it was me. The three carnival workers laughed, then Adriyan turned.
“Have fun and don’t lose him again.”
Have fun? Don’t lose him?
My fighting against them became more frantic as Kayne raised the knife in his hand. I couldn’t get away. I was trapped. ‘Let go, let go, let go!’ my thoughts screamed. I grasped the doll around my neck tightly in one hand as I tried to pull away; so tightly that my knuckles were white. I couldn’t breathe.
Kayne grinned again. “Still playing with that doll? Let’s see how you like getting stabbed!”
It clicked. He was going to kill me because I had stabbed him with a needle earlier, to get him to let my doll go. That’s why it was me, out of all the people he could have chosen.
The needles! If I could just…
The knife glinted as he brought it down, down, down through the back of my hand. I could feel myself screaming in pain, trying to wrench away. The knife slipped between two of my bones and protruded through my palm out the other side. Tears streaming from my face, I could see them laughing, hear them laughing. A rip, a splash of released blood, sharp pain, and the knife was out.
I had to get away! They would kill me!
I sent a weak kick to Aebyl’s leg, and it merely knocked them off balance for a fraction of a second. His grip loosened just enough for me to break away, streaking my crimson blood on his hand. I think they spoke to each other, I don’t know; I couldn’t tell. It was just me and the knife and the pain. I began to scramble away, dirt getting into my wound and blood spilling on me and the ground.
But no. No! Just a few steps, and the two were on me again. They were bigger, heavier, stronger, older. They had every advantage. I was already panicked, I couldn’t think; I could only do. I screamed, screamed for somebody, anybody, to help me. There had to be someone!
The knife came down again, into my shoulder near my neck. Pain ripped through me, and my other arm was now painful to move. Then the knife was out, freeing the blood to flow in coppery, sticky cascades down my arm and chest.
I crawled for just a moment, going on sheer adrenaline and instinct. The twin clowns were there. With a shove, I was on my side, the earth spinning around me. The knife pierced my stomach, then through my ribs. I coughed, blood filling my throat and mouth with its coppery taste before escaping into the night. It must have hit my lungs.
I pleaded, I begged for mercy, but to no avail. “Stop, please, just stop!” My words by this point were probably near unintelligible.
My hand, bleeding from the initial wound, grasped for the doll as Aebyl ripped the knife out of my ribs. I couldn’t feel each stab anymore; all I could feel was pain now, filing my body, and sticky blood running from me. My hand closed on air, and a panic even more unutterable filled my being. I wasn’t going to make it, of this I was now sure. The doll I had carefully made of myself was gone.
“I’m not ready to die yet…” I murmured, laying on my back in a sea of pain and my own blood. Tears streamed from my eyes, and I stared up at the endless sky.
A slight expression of sympathy crossed the clowns’ faces, lingering on Aebyl’s just a second longer, before vanishing.
“Too bad,” Kayne muttered. I barely heard him. They leaned closer, and seemed to move in slow motion, bringing the bloodied knife against the skin on the side of my throat. Aebyl hesitated for a fraction of a second, then applied pressure and pulled.
I felt pain erupt across my throat, coupled with a strange sensation like I was suffocating. I felt warm liquid soak my already dampened clothes and body. I could hear a gurgling sound. Then, all I could see was red that quickly faded to black. After a moment, I realized something.
I didn’t hurt anymore.
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