1: Liadan – Faery. Shy, bookish. Runaway. Rping character
2: Nyx Solas – Rping character. Air element.
3: Claire – Water user. Healer. Bubbly. Cheerful.
4: Tyler – Fire user. Dark, not very social
5: Lyric – Angel, mischevious
6: Rain – Elf, warrior, not fond of humans, dragon-rider.
7: Ciaran – Angel, protector, cool.
8: Zeth – Dreamwalker, teenager.
9: Illyra – Water Goddess. Seer
10: Isha – Zashornese princess. Has a temper.
1) 4 invites 3 and 8 to dinner at their house. What happens?
4: Uh…Sorry. I burnt the kitchen down. Raincheck?
2) 9 tries to get 5 to go to a strip club.
9: *bumps into a stripper pole* What the- how did I get here? oh. I’m sorry. Is this what humans do in their free time?
5: *Up to no good* Why yes, yes it is.
3) You need to stay at a friends house for the night. Do you choose 1 or 6?
*Cough* Definitely 1. See…6 has this little problem. Whenever she’s around humans, they kind of…see red, if you know what I mean.
4) 2 and 7 are making out. 10 walks in...their reaction?
10: *snorts* Oh, my goodness. Don’t you have something better to do? Jeez!
5) 3 falls in love with 6. 8 is jealous. What happens?
Why would he be jealous? One’s an airhead, the other’s a fire-breathing dragon rider who’s going to kill that airhead, and then him.
6) 4 jumps you in a dark allyway. Who comes to your rescue? 10,2 or 7?
I think I will run screaming right into the arms of 7. He’s such an angel!
Number 4’s kinda scary when he sets his hands on fire D:
7) 1 decides to start a cooking show. 15 minutes later what is happening?
1: *Nose in the cookbook, avoiding looking at the camera* Um…and then…uh…you put it in the oven for…uh…half an hour…*trips*
That cooking show got cancelled.
8 ) 5 is in a car crash and is critically injured. What does 9 do?
9: *tells her fortune* I see a very…earthy future for you. Kind of…deathly and dark.
5: Yeah…a little help here?
9) 3 has to marry either 8,4 or 9. Who do they choose?
3: *Giggles* Well, of course I’d choose Tyler (4)
She then proceeds to drag him to the altar. Immediately.
10) 7 kidnaps 2 and demands something from 5 for 2's release. What is it?
7: Lyric, give me a band-aid. Goddess knows I need one after how many times you’ve made me hit my head on the underside of that desk. Give me a band-aid now, and I’ll set this stranger free.
5: Kirru! Peck him!
11) You get to meet either 1 or 6. Who do you choose?
Like I said, I’d much rather meet 1. That way, I get to keep my head.
12) 10 challenges 4 to a chariot race. Why?
Uh…I don’t know? She’s the princess of an empire. She can do what she wants, I guess.
13) Everyone gangs up on 3. Does 3 have a chance in hell?
3: *giggles* Aww, ouch! Hey! That tickles!
Would she stand a chance in hell? Maybe. She’s a water user. She can douse them hellish fires ;D
14) Everyone is invited to 2 and 10 wedding except for 8. How do they react?
He wouldn’t care. Honestly, he wouldn’t. Oh wait, it involves two girls. Nevermind. Maybe he would mind.
15) Why is 6 afraid of 7?
6 is afraid of 7 because 7 is an angel who can report 6 to the higher beings if she gets too out of hand.
16) 10 gathers everyone around to tell them a fairy tale. How does it go?
10: There once was an a**-kicking princess who lost the love of her life to some stupid power crystal. Just as he was dying, that guy pulled a jerk move and made her trek everywhere to find some half-breed and save his a** from Immortals. She had to drag his pansy a** all over her empire and several other kingdoms in order to save them from darkness. And now here she is today. Retelling her story to a bunch of pansies. The end.
17) 1 arrives late for 2 and 10's wedding. What happens? And why are they late?
1: Oh…I…uh, I’m sorry. I g-got lost…
10: *facepalm* Are we seriously going through with this?
18 ) 5 and 9 get roaring drunk and end up at your house. What happens?
Me: Oh…Illyra, so nice of you to come. But what’s up with her? *points to 5*
9: I do not get drunk from that nasty stuff you mortals serve, but it seems that she is not immune.
5: *hic* Oh…heehee…’scuse me. Haaaa….I-*hic*-Illyra…see thaaaa man…he…ohmahgaaa…he…pffftt…when I was all…woosh…and…*passes out*
9: She pulled out her wings on him. Poor man, it was too much for him to handle.
19) 3, 7, 6 and 4 all go to the zoo for 8's birthday party. How does it go? What presents do they get 8?
3: *giggles* Happy, happy, happy biiiiiirthdaaaaaay! *constant repeat for the rest of the day*
7: *Drags 6 away from the humans and locks her in a tigers cage, where she can snarl like the tigers, with the tigers* And that, boy, is my present to you. Your life.
4: *Shrugs* Here. An alarm clock. From both me and Claire. See ya. *drags Claire off somewhere*
8: This is lame. Why the hell am I at the zoo?
20) Everyone gets together and start protesting something outside of your house. What are they protesting? What do you do?
*cough* Once again, they’re protesting m—OHGODSNO! DON’T SET MY HOUSE ON FIRE.
Fine. If you want to play it that way…*deletes stories, and erasing them from existence*
21) 9 murders 2 best friend. What does 2 do to get back at them?
2 has a best friend?! Since when?
22) 6 and 1 are in mortal danger. Only one of them can survive. Does 6 save themself or 1?
6 saves themself. Why would she help a faery?
23) Which one of them is most likely to fail at life?
Uhh…6, hands down. She’s bloodthirsty and hell bent on killing humans.
24) 5 is trapped in a cave. 10 comes to rescue them. What happens?
5:*pretends to whine pitifully* Help me, oh help me!
10: *rolls eyes* Coming, coming…*walks into trap*
5: HaHA! Wooo! Caught you! Now seriously…help me out of here.
25) 3 starts a day camp. What happens?
3: awww! They’re so cuuute! Who wants some candy? *giggles*
Yeah…that day camp close after about an hour.
26) 4, 6, and 7 are doing the Hokey-Pokey. 8 walks in. What happens?
6: Do the hokey-pokey and you killthehumanstandingnexttoyoooou-
4: Don’t try me, elf. *lights hands on fire*
7: Break it up, NOW.
8: This is all just a dream, this is all just a dream, this is all just a dream *hyperventilates*
27) 1 starts to write a fan-fiction where 9 and 10 are going out. What is 2's reaction?
2: You really need to get out more often.
28 ) 7 makes an apple pie. Is it any good?
Well…of course! 7 does have an angelic touch!
29) 8 and 3 go camping. For some reason they forget to bring any food. What do they do?
3: *giggles* Don’t wooorry, silly. I know how to live off the land! *comes back with with a bunch of poisonous plants*
8: *rocking back and forth* This is all just a dream, this is all just a dream, this is all just a dream…
30) While they are camping, they run into The Blair Witch. What do they do? (If you haven't seen that movie pretend they ran into the Bogyman or something like that instead.)
8: Aaaaaaahhh!! *runs off screaming*
3: *giggles* You look like you’re having a bad day. I’m just about done making dinner. Want some? *charcoaling the poisonous plants over the fire*
31) The quiz is over. What does everyone go to do now?
1 and 2 go back into their roleplays. 4 grabs 3 and drags her off to someplace to find a way to knock some sense into her and get her off her sugar high. 5 and 7 work together to contain 6. They end up throwing her back into the tiger’s cage. 8 Wakes up. FINALLY. 9 goes back to the Cloud Realm, where her kind resides, and 10 goes back to being the pissy princess of her kingdom. The end.
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