Ok so back in January we had a bit of a disaster in my apartment... I live on the bottom floor of a 3 story apartment. The middle floor people can't keep stuff out of their tub drain, hair(normal)/socks(wtf)/random other s**t. So to have this make sense i will explain like this:
 Ok so after the clump happened water started flowing back into the middle floors tub, it back flowed so much and they are such idiots that they never tried to use a bucket to scoop it out and flush it that it poured onto their floor, and into my ceiling and wall, leaving big holes in the wall and ceiling in my bedroom. Now luckily nothing was destroyed and it looks like they fixed it before the mold started growing, but now our carpet is crunch so they have to rip it up and replace it... What a hassle. crying
alana aie · Thu Feb 24, 2011 @ 06:54am · 0 Comments |