Hey So Today is gonna be the start of my shitty years
Today In Gym Class i was the only one who didn't finsh my testing.
so the teacher asks whats my wieght and i said well im not sure so she makes me stand on the scale and reads it alound lound to the class and i am the second biggest in the class i am not pretty what so ever. draw a big cirlce on a piece of papper and that is me right there.
then by the end of that class i see my friends who treat me like im the dumbest person in the world and my feeling don't matter to then what so ever.
so i have this one friend ivebeen friends with for 9 years now and shes not liked by alot or just everyone in the school but me and my sister and so today was her first day back to our school. but she punched a teacher in the facce and got kicked out for 8 days. and so all my friend come running up saying the m eanest things in the world and what do i do tell them to s top but still going on ILLL ADD L8TR
Kakashiwife55 Community Member |