I got Halo for pc as a Christmas gift eek I loves it ^_^
Besides Halo, I've been playing loads of oldschool NES games, like Mendel Palace, Bomerman, Adventure Island II, and of course Mario. And Pokemon Snap!, but that's a 64 game, not NES, oh well.
I FINALLY WATCHED REPO! THE GENETIC OPERA! It was AMAZING ^.^ That's pretty much all I've been doing, lol. Playing games and watching movies, but now that my dvd player is toast, I'll be playing a lot more games... Runescape has taken up quite a bit of my time lately.
IF YOU PLAY RUNESCAPE, MESSAGE ME!! If you don't, have you ever thought about trying it? Its not for everyone, but maybe if we get more intelligent people playing, it might seem like there are less noobs and there will be less of a stigma around it... Hopefully? Hey, a girl can try.
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Organized Chaos
Just a brief view into my screwy world, I hope I don't scare you... too much...
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"I get by in a world with no conscience
By shutting it out and being anonymous
And the problem is you’re just like me."[/size:41d47baddd][/color:41d47baddd]
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By shutting it out and being anonymous
And the problem is you’re just like me."[/size:41d47baddd][/color:41d47baddd]
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