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******** you
If you really dont care
If you don't ******** care anymore then why the ******** do you say anything else.
If you don't care let my word be last.
If you don't care why bother.
If you don't care why did I even try.
If you don't care why do I still love you.
If you don't care then why the ******** have you taken so long.
If you don't care why the ******** do you have to show me.
If you don't care then why do I still care.
If you don't care then why an I still trying.
If you don't care then don't cry about me.
If you don't care don't think about me.
If you don't care why do I trust you.
If you don't care why the ******** did we do this.
If you don't care then why did I give you my heart.
If you don't care then give me my heart back.

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  • [01/16/11 06:01am]

  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Mon Mar 21, 2011 @ 05:48pm

    you know...i alway sknow when these things are about us.
    drama queen... stare

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