Also, could you teach me to vend that effectively?? I wanna be able to make that kind of gold!! eek
BUy in the exchange, sell in the marketplace.
Be aware of the 2% (tax, lets call it) that the MP takes when you sell an item.
I'm not THAT great. I mean there are people who do a way better job then me.
I suppose what I do is stalk threads that sell many items at once and offer there because there is less likely for someone to counter your offer.
I usually offer on a bunch of smaller items rather then one big one. Because a buyer will more likely accept lower bids if you buy more from them.
I dunno.
Look at the graphs in the MP of the item BEFORE bidding and don't bid higher then the lowest point it has been that month.
Unless it was ridiculously low.
Be aware of the second graph to see how popular the item is. If it is really rarely bought, with gaps. I would pay 75% of LMP or AMP.
Because it ties up your gold if it doesn't sell right away.
OH as to selling.
If the LMP is way higher then the AMP, You are most likely to sell something that looks like it is a good deal in comparison to the next price up the list. I mean it sells much faster then, say, one gold less. AND you could STILL be higher then the AMP. Depending on the item.
That's about everything I know.
Or at least what I follow.

I said something useful. xP
I only started vending about 2 months ago.
And NO ONE could give me any info that I could use.
Umm. One more for the record.
My No-risk but slow vending.
Look at the items from the newest rig (that is about 3+days old)
And go to the cheap items.
And the AMP should be around the sell back value (half store price)
And buy them.
If they don't go up, put it in the sellback.
If it does, sell in MP.
Right now Encantado seems like a good decision.
Sell back and LMP are the same and it has different legs the the default shape.
If will probably jump in price in a month or two.
Or slowly go up.
so embrace it!