wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance WARNING! SWEARING! IF YOU DON'T LIKE SWEARING AND DON'T LIKE AKATSUKI DO NOT WATCH! wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance
fun with akatsuki 01-the n00b

fun with akatsuki 02- you lack hatred

fun with akatsuki 03-looking around

fun with akatsuki 04-akatsuki game

fun with akatsuki 05-aditions

fun with akatsuki 06-criminal records

fun with akatsuki 07-you lack p*n*s

fun with akatsuki 08-red clouds

fun with akatsuki 09-PTA

sorry but you need to copy and paste these if you want to watch them. either that or just go on youtube and look up fun with akatsuki. okay bye!*waves both arms frantically until you leave*