Our 2nd session of Ask Shikoku is already here! ALREADY! Shikoku is so popular! Alright, let the questions begin!
CSRail: How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could Chuck Norris?
Shikoku: Not much. A woodchuck would have to focus all its chucking abilities towards chucking Chuck Norris, which doesn't leave much room for a woodchuck to chuck wood. (Especially since, any woodchuck chucking Chuck Norris would die upon an attempt to chuck sir Norris.)
FullmetalLover: If you were to name a penguin..........what would you name it? :3
Shikoku: Pringer X.
FullmetalLover: Which came first? Chicken, or egg? biggrin
Shikoku: The Thessalonians created the first robot chicken in 370 BC. Little did they know, this heap of metal would eventually mate with itself, spawn eggs and bring the world to the first Chicken Outbreak in 312 BC.
Hiriko-Cha: how are you ? xDD (so simple ^^)
Shikoku: Shikoku is feeling dandy~! Thanks for asking~ biggrin
San653pep: why does spongebob have such a squeaky voice?
Shikoku: The water pressure is quite strong down there.
Akkichan: Do you like lamps?
Shikoku: I do! In fact, Shikoku has a cat-shaped lamp that asleeps Shikoku when Shikoku needs asleeping~! :3
RiniGirl: What can i do to stop getting picked on? T^T
(i have family problems and ppl are making fun of me cuz im kind of depressed T^T)
Shikoku: Don't let your home problems affect you too much. :3 Family problems tend to work themselves out, so you shouldn't worry about that. If peoples are only annoying you for being depressed, that's not too difficult to patch up. Be yayness! Like Shikoku! Shikoku is yayness everyday~! biggrin
Liliana3400: Where is the best place to buy an Exilim Casio Charger?
Shikoku: Amazon. But then again, Shikoku doesn't dabble much in the photographiques.
Creamychan: *says in a childish voice* Shikoku Kyushu, were do babies come from?
Shikoku: Dear Creamychan, that depends on the type of baby. Babies born into peasant class families have a tendancy to pop up from freshly watered soil. Babies of the middle class are born from eucalyptus trees. The wealthy families' babies are shot from cannons in the north pole. Studies say there's a connection between babies of the wealthy and Old St. Nick.
*Childe: Why don't you just get a formsping? lolol 8DD
Shikoku: Shikoku actually does have one, but external links annoy some Gaiafolks. :3
*Childe: Why is the raven like a pr0nzmaster? XD
Shikoku: Shikoku is familiar with many Ravens. Which Raven is Childe familiar with?
animefreak6: where does breakfast come from??
Shikoku: Regurgitating Mothers. D:
Winter Moonlight: will i receive a flying red-nosed reindeer this christmas? biggrin
Shikoku: Probably. I surely hope so! Let Shikoku know when you do!
Miriette: Is Santa real? surprised
Shikoku: Very. Santa is actually more real than most people.
Momo-Desu: Where can i find unicorns?
Shikoku: Shikoku's not about to tell you. Shikoku knows what you're up to.
Kimmikoo: ahem Dear Shikoku, What gave inspiration that made you name your Avi, Shikoku Kyushu? o3o
Shikoku and Kyushu are 2 japanese islands, and the name's are cool.
--Rawr: Will i get a panda for christmas?8D
Shikoku: Shikoku doesn't make for an effective 8-Ball, but Shikoku will try to emulate the 8-Ball and answer your question. Here we go!:
Ask again later. D:
jmejoy: i like my friend and i wanna know if he likes me or not, without telling him how i feel. HOW??!
Shikoku: Here are the steps you should take. Try this:
1. Ask him if he likes you without telling him that you like him.
There you go. biggrin
Or, or if that's too difficult, you can always ask him things to get a hint of how he feels. :3 Unfortunately, there's really no simple method. D:
Roxyyy: Will transformers ever become real...? O_o ...if your gunna tell Roxy no, then Roxy would rather you not answer... oh! And: Do you like pie?
Shikoku: Yes, Roxy! Mobile Suits are already real, so keeping in mind that Japan is technologically 255 years ahead of the US, Transformers should become a reality in about the year 2265 AD. Good luck surviving that long. :3
And no, Shikoku does not like pie.
Pikachu Kabuki: is there any way to stop a ninja from backflip kicking you after you have angered him?
Shikoku: Luckily for you, Pikachu Kabuki, there is! You can simply parry said backflip kick, or dodge it completely! Unluckily for you, however, if you do avoid being hit by a ninja's backflip kick, your head will die.
Aerabi: :O What's that over there? *point* >.>
Shikoku: :O Oh dear! It's another question!
Tanix-chan: why is the sky blue?(and various other shades of blue such as unsaturated blue and baby blue and gray blue?)
Shikoku: Because, Tanix-chan, short light rays are scattered by dust and water particles. These light rays have a higher frequency, which have a tendancy to rupture the skies, causing a dimensional rift, revealing dragons. These dragons are the cause of the light rays.
Light rays also destroy airplanes, so be careful.
That is why, Tanix-chan.
AmuletCharm5: have you ever ate a cookie? biggrin
Shikoku: Yes, Shikoku has! It was wonderful. :3
vamp99901: will i have a robot car?O.o
Shikoku: Like, a car that has the ability to transform into a robot and vice versa? Cause I'd think cars are pretty robotic as they are. :0 If so, then probably. But you'll have to wait till 2265 AD. D:
N a y u r i: waffle....nom nom...want some ...???
Shikoku: Yes! Dearly! o_o
oOmitsuOo: does you like mah duckie?
Shikoku: Shikoku does! In fact, Shikoku is looking for duckies to wear on Shikoku's feets~
XFairytaleX: If you see a frog trying to eat an apple in real life, what would be your reaction?
Ren <3: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
Shikoku: It's 2010 and I don't think scientists have even figured that out yet. If Shikoku recalls correctly though, the average was like, 144 licks. Or something like that. @_@
uminosuke: would i get a great trade or gift this christmas on TM? biggrin
Shikoku: Yes! Because if you find anyone to trade with, Shikoku will not do it! :3
doomsakura: does Shikoku like apples?
Shikoku: Shikoku does indeed like apples~ Shikoku likes apple chips more though. :d
ReFrhaine: Will you commission me if I opened slots? roflolz
Shikoku: For arts? Maybe. :3 I'd need more items to pay with first though. D: If Shikoku does, Applefrog's sorry if the commission causes blue hue genocide among your Copics. D:
SoulForAnime: What IS a Shikoku Kyushu anyway?
Shikoku: Shikoku and Kyushu are 2 japanese islands.
MaggieBear: Does Shikoku like frogs or apples?
Shikoku: Both! biggrin
Luneza: does Shikoku Kyushu always speak in 3ed person?
Shikoku: Sometimes. But sometimes Shikoku uses first person to reduce repitition. biggrin
inaiichigo: What is the answer to the universe?
Shikoku: Smores Poptarts.
Kaban: what does yellow taste like?
Shikoku: Hydraulics.
Tetramorph: do you like cats or dragons more? surprised
Shikoku: Shikoku likes cats more! :d
biggrin Yay! Remember, if you want to Ask Shikoku, you may do so here~!
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I'm Bitchy Amaya
Badass Booti is herself
UPRlSlNG is ******** superheroes by day. And night. Beat that, bitches. cool
Badass Booti is my CB lover. heart
And we have our own soap-opera. emotion_kirakira
I'mma bird, ********! I'mma bird!

UPRlSlNG and I are birds, moe'suckras! cool
And we have our own comedy. emotion_kirakira
And she's the mother of my children. heart
Badass Booti is herself
UPRlSlNG is ******** superheroes by day. And night. Beat that, bitches. cool
Badass Booti is my CB lover. heart
And we have our own soap-opera. emotion_kirakira
I'mma bird, ********! I'mma bird!

UPRlSlNG and I are birds, moe'suckras! cool
And we have our own comedy. emotion_kirakira
And she's the mother of my children. heart