Dinah is a spoiled queen, but not an unrealistic one. She has grown up alongside hardship and bloodbaths and is always most concerned for the welfare of her people. There is no personal sacrifice she is not willing to make for their sake. She is strong, determined, and does not back down from a challenge, even when she knows she'll fail. She has great pride in herself and her heritage, and is very confident. She makes friends easily and is rarely shy. In battle, Dinah is focused and deadly, much like any other cobra.
On a more personal level, Dinah is strong willed and stubborn. She enjoys pushing her limits and seeing just how far she can go before getting into trouble. Danger is nothing more than a plaything to her, though this could easily be because she has lived her entire life during a period of a bloody war. Danger is just another fact of life, so you might as well get used to it and enjoy it, rather than fear it. Despite all her over bearing qualities, Dinah is a good and loyal friend, and tends to be very gentle with the people she loves. She is a protector always.
This character originated from a role play done some time ago. It has sense died, but I am still very fond with this character and I would really love to use her again if at all possible. The RP was based off of a book series called "Keisha'Ra". In the book series, there are various races of people who have "second forms". The Serpente (a race to which Dinah belongs) are people who can change into snakes. The Avians are people who can change into birds. There are also people who can change into wolves and tigers, though they played a very small role in the RP. The Avians and the Serpente are at war, and have been pretty much sense the beginning of their known time. The two main characters (Zane, a king of the surpente and Danica, queen of the Avians) marry each other to try and stop the war. The roles were switched in the RP the other person and I did simply because we wanted to mix things up a bit.