So I haven't written in for-friggin-ever. Let's begin with school.
Keith Country Day School = fail.
There are exactly 10 people in my entire grade. Granted, they're great kids! But unfortunately, they are all doctor's children. Well, at least half of them. I do not fit in so well. I miss my friends, well, friend. Of course, I have a few friends at Keith, but none of them really get me. So far, 1 out of the 4 guys like me. I do NOT like him back. The classes are pretty challenging as well, which I wouldn't mind if I could keep up. My grades are okay, but they certainly are not straight A's. And that makes me so mad. I refuse, however, to let my grades slip below a B. It's mostly just my foreign languages (Latin and French) that get to me. JE N'AIME PAS LE COURSE DE FRANCAISE! JE DETESTE FRANCAISE! Le prof de francaise est beaucoup sympa, elle est un pue stricte. I'm quite proud of the fact that I can say that in French, but in Latin I only fail. My vocab is pretty limited in that class. Magistra Heden est dura. We don't have very many adjectives, but..yeah.
Social life = more fail.
I have no free time. Ever. If I'm not doing the four hours or more of homework each night, I'm either folding laundry, doing dishes, watching kids, or cleaning something. I'm not really complaining, I'm just saying it would be nice to go out every once in a while. To be fair, I went out for Halloween, and Lindsey has come over a few times, but I mean, really? I haven't been sleeping very well, either, so that takes it's own toll. As most of you have probably noticed, I'm never really on gaia anymore.
Friends = A bucket of fail.
My friend's list
Details: Death by betrayal. Flirting with everything with a pulse, being a poser, going to Waterfront with Lindsey's ex and a guy I used to like, breaking every guy's heart after toying with them, being a flat out witch with a B.
Details: See Stacia. Not as major as Stacia, but pretty darn close.
Details: Remains loyal.
Details: Death by annoyance. Being a jackwagon.
Details: Death by noncommunication (Yes I did make that word up).
Details: Unsure. He likes me. I just want to be friends. Very awkward.
Details: Unsure. We get along great, but he likes Hannah (one of my more recent friends at Keith). I have a feeling he's only using me to get to her. I do not like being used.
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Never know who you're gonna get.
This is mixed feelings/entries from Lindsey and Jess. Enjoy?
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[[ My mom has a uterus. I lived in it. ]]

Hi there, I'm Jess! How ya doin?

Hi there, I'm Jess! How ya doin?