Oh man. Going back to school? I so didn't think I'd be doing it this soon. I stopped going to fulfill a life's wish and then that wish blew up in my face and left me more than a tad chard.
OC was an escape...at first. Home had gotten progressively more hostile for my health when grandma offered the opportunity to see if OC would work. And then all the pieces just seemed to fall in place. Even being out of sate and only here for a month this last summer to get everything set up, everything was just easy. I say this because I was trying to get into a community college at home too. And that was just ending up in dead ends. I took it all as a sign that I was meant to go here and I'm not sorry. There's something about salt-spray that's essential to my makeup.
This first month has been tiring but pleasing. I'm doing homework for once, actually doing it, and this is a revelation. I feel at home here. I had wondered if anywhere could feel like home but the place I was born and raised in. I'm learning that anyplace is home as long as you love it. Classes are slow but I wanted it that way knowing that if I took too much on at first I'd burn out hard and never go back. But I find I want to be here and I'm ready for next semester and something a little more challenging. I love the environment and the mix of things, the youth, the age, the wisdom, the not so wisdom, and the diversity. I don't mind at all how much my narrow little eyes have opened just a tad bit more. I realize how terribly white my world was before and I don't mind at all seeing more of every tone. There are so many different kinds of people. I hadn't realized that a simple human could talk so many different ways. I like knowing. I want to be friends with someone from every race. Just to know more things I never knew before.
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a_roar_in_the_dark's Jornal
This will mostly be like and extended about me and sig. I plan to put the things that won't fit or Idon't have a place for here. I have lots of things that I tend to accumulate so this space will not go wasted.