A Depressing Day
It was Sunday Sept 26,2004 ya the weekend. I was makieng my self some breakfest and playing a video game I had just rented on thursday.You see I wasn't able to sleep well on sunday so for somereason I wolk up at 4:30 am..anyways after playing the game a bit..I learned that I was hungry and i haden't seen my pet cat That I've had for the past 13 in a half years. We had just been leting her outside to go out and play and explore because well she's old.Anyways on that high way at 10:30 a man called my house and told me the devistateing new's that a freakin coyete killed my cat.I'd let my mom handle the phone after and I ran to my room and cryed crying till I thought I had to do something to get it off my mind. I'm okay now but I miss my furrball cat. But I feel alot better writeing it in my Journal. blaugh