There I stand at the edge of the mountain. I glance down the side of it that I had been debating to jump from for almost an hour. Taking off my coat, I lay it on the snow covered ground. As I push myself off the side of the mountain spreading my arms wide I feel my soul jumping from my body barely hanging on by the threads of my veins. The rush was incredible and I could feel the cold winter air surfing through my hair. I noticed what I was doing when I finally hit the water being shocked by both the pressure of the impact and the temperature of the water. Swimming to shore i ran for my truck freezing. I colapse next to my vehicle and slowly i drift alseep dreaming you were laying there with me. I wake up and get out of bed, turning up the heat I lay back on my warm bed and again fall asleep in your arms because I realize there is where I'll always belong.
xX_Broken Addiction_Xx Community Member |