This is a story of a little boy, not so long ago and not so far away.
He was young, this child, and had a normal life; one that some would envy. Every day he went to school, talked to his friends, had fun, learned, and at the end of the day would return to his home. His parents were kind and caring, teaching the child many lessons about the world around him that would serve him well in his life. And so he grew at a young age, Shining bright among his peers. His ego grew also, as is normal among such vibrant youth, and before he knew it, he had made enemies when all he saw were friends.
It started with the name calling, the 'wonder girl' and 'stinky' might seem childish and petty now, but the child was unprepared, and he fell all too easily into the darkness of exile. One after another, sometimes in threes and fours, the others turned against him as his assailants laughed; what fun it must be to ridicule this child, to call him names and cause him pain.
He pleaded for help, to stop the agony that he had never even dreamed existed. But time and time again, he was rejected, not only by the others, but by the adults as well. "It's just a phase" they said, "Can't be helped." "Ignore them; they'll go away." The adults were right. It was a phase. The adults were wrong. They didn't go away. They remained for five years. Not long for some of you, but an eternity for such a child. Five long and painful years. And now he sits typing this story, still holding on.
Many times I have considered death an option, but never have I forgotten a single fact about it. Death is forever. Life is temporary. Pain is temporary. Those around you will not be there forever. Why throw it all away? Many would say that it wouldn't matter. Everyone goes in the end, so why wait? Why stay and make it more difficult with each passing second?
To that I would agree with you. I would agree with every will of my being were it not for one thing. What is that little thing I held onto? I will tell you right now; the reason why I do not give up. Why I have hope.
One day on the way to a field trip, the child sat alone on a bus. Alone, he thought, because the girl sitting next to him was silent. He considered it a blessing that she wasn't another gossiper like the others.
"You don't talk much, do you?" The voice came as a surprise. The child looked over, still not letting himself get his hopes up. He would just be disappointed again, he thought.
"Why would I?"
"Well, everyone else is. Why did you come if you weren't happy?"
"If I did everything that they did I would be a complete moron."
Silence. "Well, what's your name?"
"Ethan. Why do you care?"
"Because I can."
"Fine. What's yours?"
"Brianne Flynn."
The field trip passed, and when the time came to load the buses once more, the child felt anxious. Why, he was not certain, but when the girl sat down beside him again, he felt a little better. They started talking, and his mouth felt strange. It took him a while for him to figure out why, but the reason was quite simple.
For the first time in many months, he was smiling. And just a few minutes later, he was laughing too.
The child did not know it, but she would become his most trusted friend in the months to come. He could not understand why he always looked around the hallways, as if searching for someone. When middle school came and she dissappeared from his life. Once again he was left alone.
Still, though, he did not forget her. Even then he did not forget the day that summer break came, and she hugged him before they were driven apart.
He never forgot.
And now he sees her, growing up in a way that he never thought she would. In many ways, she is the same. In many, she is different. He still hasn't forgotten, though. I haven't forgotten. That acceptance, and that willingness to reach out and hold me up will never leave my memory until the day I die. And even though it's temporary, it's worth living for.
I will not forget. Will you?
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Words of an Aging Soul
Thousands of years of insanity packed into a bunch of pages. What more can be said?
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From one whose heart to the knife is wed
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![]() Daraith Community Member ![]() |
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I want to make you laugh again, you silly boy.
I'm not gonna disappear from your life ever again(even when college comes). be honest, I'm rather surprised you remember all of that. neutral
*shame corner* I fail.