
"There's nothing more musical than the jingling of coins and the shuffling of bills, isn't that right?"
-- Gunnar
Name: Gunnar
Age: 25
Eye colour: Orange
Hair: His head's a little fluffy, but he doesn't have actual hair.
Body type: 6'1'', a bit muscled, digitigrade (walks on his toes), sandy coloured fur, a black nose, black-tipped pointed ears (brownish insides), black claws & pawpads, and a bushy, black-tipped tail.
Short personality: Greedy, ruthless, gung-ho, loud, crude.
Distinguishing features: He's a space pirate!
Outfits: Gold ring through his left ear, badass tattered Victorian coat (he won it off some old guy gambling), sometimes a sweet hat, sometimes an eyepatch, sometimes brass goggles... mostly whatever he feels like, as long as it's totally bitchin'. Doesn't usually use footwear.
Themesong: XXXXXXXX
Incredibly avaricious. He loves money and will do almost anything to get it. He is also HORRID at managing it, therefore, he is caught in an endless cycle of getting a lot, spending a lot, getting a lot again, etc. He has a weakness for gambling, unfortunately. His greediness DOES know bounds, however-- he would never backstab or sacrifice any of his crew for personal gain (unless, of course, one of them has been a no-good ******** lately, which means they are fair game if the opportunity arises before he's decided to kick their a** off his ship!!). BESIDES THAT THOUGH, HE'D DO ANYTHING FOR SOME FAT BILLZ
He's kind of ******** retarded. He paid no attention in school and only got by because he copied off of his friend. THUS he relies solely on his gut to get him through anything, and leaves the smartypants s**t to his smartypants friend. His only strategy consists of running in guns a'blazin, and his first question about most things is "can it be blown up?" Needless to say he is incredibly impulsive.
He's also a total d**k. He won't just kick you when you're down, he'll insult your dead mother while he's at it, and maybe piss on your dog if it's possible. He is ruthless and unsympathetic, and will do almost anything he can to win-- not exactly the portrait of honour.
- unnamed space pirate verse
As a child, he was generally the biggest bully around. He and his recess crew (Victor, an intelligent but rather deadpan owl, Marley, a b***h of a gazelle) 'owned' the jungle gym-- getting near it without being a part of his gang surely meant death (okay, well, more like getting sand kicked in your face or something but w/e). From there, he and his friends went on to live their dreams of becoming infamous galactic criminals, pillaging planets, causing strife, and GETTIN ******** RICH.
- Victor is Gunnar's right-hand man, and the one he relies on to do all the mental work, since Gunnar can't do any of it himself. He finds Victor's seriousness amusing, and always tries to get reactions out of him.
Marley is Gunnar's... left-hand lady? He's had a puppy crush on her ever since he met her years ago, but she always shoots him down, no matter how many times he asks. He admires how much of a badass b***h she is.
OTHER s**t
He had a candy smuggling ring when he was in elementary school.
His ship is called Desert.