But some things I still agree to.
But now I realized that I've changed a lot from last year. (me getting all butt hurt about my friend who claimed she was dying)
It was bullshit, I've caught her in a a lot of lies and I have learned to ignore her and say in my head: "liar liar, pants on fire" the attention wanting people always get on my nerves. :/
(she's one of those people who thinks her life is so horrible even though it's not)
Cyle and I both agree on those things.
Now if I would've had that state of mind back then that I have now.. I would've been like: "oh cool, good luck with that." And had a great time the rest of the day. (it was my b-day and she ******** it up for me)
But oh well, I'm moving anyway so no need to let it bother me.
It's not Arizona that I'm moving to. It's some other town 6 hours away from where I live now. Don't get me wrong, I would love to move (I've gotten bored of this place, and the people piss me off here) But the town we're going to is small too and god knows what freaks live there too. XD
And the reasons why we're going:
1. cheaper over there. (AZ wasn't so cheap)
2. Jason's best friend lives over there. (our grandparents live near us but they hate us for god knows what)
3. We'll have someone one to turn to if we need help.
So I guess those are good reasons, I just hope I can enjoy the school. I know people will be like: "omg you're a freshmen?"
and I'll be like :no wai dude I'm a junior!"
I'm finishing school here, we're moving over the summer. XD
(ew I just ate this gross hamburger from Wendy's and ew I hate it so much it's making my stomach hurt.. But the only reason I ate it was because my mom would've been like: "why didn't you eat what I bought!?!?" {she didn't even know I was home when she got them} But yes... random comment there)
uhhh... so.... my dad wants to talk to me now. He sent me a message on face book telling me how happy he is to finally know how to use the internet, and that I'm such a good artists and all that bullshit.
Then he sends me another message (I didn't reply to the first one) of a picture of the beach in Florida saying: "it's okay."
I told my mom and she said that I reminded her a lot about him. Which I don't know why I smiled about it, I guess it was because she was smiling. :/
But I don't want to talk to him or get to know him. He was never there for me anyway, so why should I give him another chance?
He's just gonna lie again and tell me: "I don't know how to be a dad."
well you're the one who knocked up my mom, so I would think that you should've learned how to be one by the time I as born. He wasn't even there when I was born anyway, I don't even know why I have his last name! D:
He then sent a message to my mom, telling her that they needed to talk. I wanna know wth he wants to say. Is he gonna try to take me away? is he gonna plan to have me sent to him over the summer?
Well, heh heh, I'll go to Florida to visit, get some things take pictures and stuff, but I wouldn't live there permanently. XD
I'm sure my crazy aunt will want to see me too and drive over speed bumps going 60mph again. o.o...
I might even see my other brother... But he's a drug dealer so....
I would just go so that man can buy me stuff and I can try to recall the first 4 years of my childhood over there.
the only thing I remember is a bird, a pretty light green and yellow one up in a tree with really green leaves. Everything else is not there.
anyway, sorry for bitching, it's not like I can say everything to my mom without her saying something back that will make me feel like a bad person. > u >; She has that ability.
ohohohohoh!!! I wanna post all the art I've received!! > u < but in a different entry so I can update and such. C:
I love the ones with Masha and Mamoru as a couple, they're so cute! it's motivated me enough to draw Mamoru more and practice the hair style I want for him. ;D
btw... this picture is true. XD (mine!! my art!! no stealing! i'm gonna add more, just need to ask one of his fans something XD )

bye bye!!