that was yesterday. If I wasn't enduring my first time marching in a long time, I was trying not to throttle the dentist or actually trying to figure out how to carry 7 boxes in one hand and a trash bag in the other. =l
my calves are soooo sore~ i'm a wuss xDD
trailer house is being moved tomorrow =o
found a sewing pattern when I was cleaning my room- for halloween costumes. Idk why I got it- I hate the style of neck it has o.o;;
emotes at the end of every phrase ftw. biggrin
I need tighter fitting capris.
My Alice in Wonderland shirts are teh shiz.... haven't worn the other one to school yet, though. x]
no work tonight!! x3 dog project, kinda wanting to skip but i'll be doing that a lot later on this summer... *shrugs*
did you know you can get PAID for helping w/ little twerps marching band? =o
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