Nineteen years ago on this very day in the 17oo's a baby named Samantha was born. Her parents were in a war, a terrible grusome war. The "evil" side who just wanted to be skilled and education, her father was on that side. The "good" side, that her mother was on, just wanted a big population. Her brother was also on that side, but what she didn't know was that he wasn't her real brother. When she was born, her parents faught over who was going to keep her. Her parents both died fight each other. The "evil" side took her before her brother could reach her.
I am Samantha and this is my story.
Monday April 26, 2010.
We were having another practice drill at camp, yawn. The drill instructor is having one of those boring prep-talks. You like like, 'I know you can do your best, blah, blah, and blah. We're about to fall asleep, when the real, yes real, sirens go off for the fight to begin yet again. I ran to my room and got my two katanas and my daggers. I hurry to my spot in our swarm of soldiers. My spot is the front of course. I see the good's side soldiers sprinting at us. Their armor is all white. We were taught to hate that color. Our armor is black, the best color of all, it has red sqirled into the black. To my left, theres my cousin Katie. She's my only family on the evil side. To my right, about 10 people away, is my friend Flora. They both have blonde hair and green eyes, they're both really pretty. The good side is comming closer. I don't think we'll make it.
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