Wow. I just decided that I am not going to get any gaia cash. I don't really use the aquarium anymore, and I won't be able to take care of it considering the fact that my parents are divorced and I switch between houses. For some reason I cannot get gaia to work on my mom's computer or my laptop. I am now seeing a therapist because I am having trouble dealing with the divorce even though it happened almost 5 years ago. She has me do these worksheets and she has me keep a journal and write an entry everyday. I see her on mondays during my lunch hour at school, so I have to hurry downstairs and back with my lunch. I am at my dad's right now, and I go back to my mom's house later tonight at about 6:00 pm. I do this every sunday, and ever other weekend I stay friday night until 6:00 sunday night, and I am with him on wednesday and I stay with him monday while my little brother and sister go to our local church for awanas. Crazy schedule, I understand if you don't get it because I don't think I get it most of the time. I think I have to go now, I am going to go see Clash of the Titans in 3D, the original, which is my favorite, is what inspired me to go see this one. SEEYA!!! biggrin