The sea breeze brushed up softly against John cheeck's and he released a sigh of relaxation. To him, this was the life, gouing from country to country, exploring and hunting. He couldn't ask for anything better, though he didn't believe the land that they were going to now would be any different than any other place he had been to. He could hear Ratcliffe speaking to John Rolfe in the back but he ignored him.
Ratcliffe had his nose stuck up high in the air as he spoke, "Are you going to be keeping track of when we strike the gold? I want it all down in writing!" His smug of a pug seemed to nod at him
jhon R; *standing in a proper manner as he answers back* yes, yes you have my word
John Smith turned around and started to walk about the boat, they would be landing in this "New World" anytime now and he needed to keep watch. Meantime on the plains some Indian friends were hanging out near a lake. Kachina (my character) slipped over the canoe and into the water, swimming about and pushing the boat here and there
Ayita (one who dances first) walks over to the river and sits near kachina her most trusted friend and sister, watching her swim. thinking to herself
((Nice name and sentence! Keep trying to write like that))
Kachina looked up at her from the water and smiles, "Wingagapo!"
(thank you)
ayita looked down at kachina, "wingagapo..."
Kachina allowed her body to submerge into the cool lake water and she appeared several seconds later, "What a beautiful day!"
ayita nods not really looking around, clearing thinking deeply
Kachina swimmed closer and pulled herself into the canoe, then looked over, "Sister? Are you alright?"
ayita looks up at her sister "i am worried for father, he has been gone long and is still not back from the war"
She snorted lightly and picked up the paddle, gently pushing them through the lake, "Oh... You know father... He will be back soon from his war and life shall go as it always has... With the sun rising and falling with the land."
ayita nods thinking this thought in "i am so glad to have a young sister like you, you have been a great friend all of these years"
Her sister glanced at her and smiled, "It is only because I have had you to guide me over all these years."
ayita smiles and perks up at the sound of a shell being blown and whooping following after it
Kachina perked up and looked at the shore, "Hm?" A few seconds later a girl ran back, "The chief has returned!!" Kachina gasped happily and grabbed the oar to paddle back
ayita helps paddle back and then gets out of the canoe "come on kachina!"
Kachina crawled out of the boat, dried herself as best as she could and then dashed after her older sister. Soon the village was in sight and they saw their father
ayita soon gets to the back of the crowd of people listening to her fathers speak of peace
Kachina stood in the back and listened along as well, then her father pointed to a man who looked as stiff as a rock and began to speak about how he had fought like a bear, "Surprising that he even moved." She whispered quietly so her sister was the only one to hear her
ayita looked at her sister "that is so mean! personally i think he is handome"
She glanced at her sister then back at the warrior, "Yea.... He kind of.... And that smile of his is wonderful!" Yet the man's face hadn't moved an inch... Soon the crowd dispersed to go and greet the returning men and the royal sisters stepped forward to greet their father
aiyta walks up to her father eager to see him "wingapo father!"
Powahatan smiled and embraced his eldest daughter, then he looked up and offered another arm to his youngest, who happily ran up and embraced him, "We missed you father!!"
ayita looks up at her father, who she missed dearly "im glad you have made it back safely"
He smiled and placed a kiss on both of their forehead's before heading to his tent to talk with them, he was glad to have such gracious daughters such as his
following him, cant wait to talk to him about all of his adventures. glances at her sister
He opened the tent flap and watched his daughter's walk inside before walking in and closing it after him
aiyta looked at her sister "didn't you want to ask him about your dream?"
Kachina looked at her sister and sighed, "I think that father should be allowed to rest a little..." But her father's gentle hand cupped her chin and he smiled, "I will always need rest... But for now I would like to hear your dream." He pulled his hand away and placed his headband on the shelf.
Kachina sighed again and smiled, "Well... I believe that this dream is trying to tell me something... But about Ayita... That something exciting is going to happen!" The older man chuckled and glanced at them both, "Yes... Something exciting it about to happen.." He walked over to Ayita and smiled, "Kokuom has asked me to take your hand in marriage." His face was clearly happy about that whole thing
ayita smiled at her father, shocked but doesnt know what to say, glances at her sister
Kachina scrunched her nose a little and then sighed, "But... He's so.." She opened the tent flap and looked out, Kokuom was being pulled and tugged on by children but he still would not budge an inch.... Not even his face had moved. "Serious." Powhatan moved forward and closed the flap a little, "My daughter... Kokuom would make a fine husband for your sister... He is strong and loyal... He will build her good houses and protect her."
She sighed again and walked over to Ayita, "Yes... But that dream.... I believe that Ayita has a different path to go down.."
ayita looked at her sister then to her father, silent
Powhatan sighed and opened the tent flap, "Come on Kachina..." She sighed and stepped outside, her father began to speak, "Kachina... You are the youngest daughter of the chief... You are also the most reckless." He had a smirk on his face though, "Which is why your mother and I named you 'Kachina'..... it means 'spirited'."
Kachina couldn't help but smiled a little and she followed her father as he began to speak of how she should be steady like the river... As steady as a beating drum. Powhatan then turned to Ayita and smiled, he brought out a very famliar necklace and held it up to Ayita, "Your mother wore this for our wedding.... And I want you to wear it."
ayita bundled up her hair "i would be honored father" she moved her hair side as her father put the necklace on her
Kachina smiled as she saw the necklace on her sister, her father moved in front of Ayita and smiled, "It suits you." He then kissed both their foreheads before going off to attend to some business. Kachina smiled at her and sighed, "........I need to see Grandmother Willow."
ayita looked at a canoe nearby that was deserted "then lets go visit her, i know she misses talking to us as much as we do"
She nodded and climbed into the canoe, she grabbed one paddle and and handed Ayita the other, then she pushed that boat off the shore and started paddling, "You know... ((This would be where the song would start playing, 'Just around the Riverbend.')) The water started to get rougher and rougher, the canoe bumping and down. Then it started to thrash about as the rapids hit, Kachina smiled as she saw the waterfall up ahead and she paddled straight for it
ayita sees the waterfall and becomes scared and held onto her sister close to her
Kachina lets out a whoop as the canoe tipped over the waterfall and plunged down it. She laughed happily as she felt the air and water hit her face and her hair
ayita was holding tight to her sister, trying not to yell in fear of the height of the waterfall, feeling the same rush of air and spray of water on her face
Soon the canoe hit the surface of the water and floated down the stream, Kachina laughed and looked back at her sister, then continued to paddle forward
ayita looked at her sister " you are crazy"
Kachina laughed again and looked back at her, "Maybe.." She looked up and smiled, able to see Grandmother Willow a short distance off, she paddled faster
when they get close to grandmother willows branches ayita separates them to get through
Kachina paddled it through and then settled the canoe onto the shore, she crawled out and looked at the tree, "Grandmother Willow? I need to talk to you."
((You wanna be Grandmother Willow?))
the tree that seemed normal at first glance, changed into grandmother willow a wise and somewhat impatient willow tree. she looked down at both kachina and ayita who was climbing out of the canoe. "is that my girls? i was hoping that you would visit today" she said excitedly
Kachina smiled and settled down on the stump that rested in front of the actual tree, "Hello Grandmother Willow.... I have to speak to you..." She glanced at Ayita and wondered if Grandmother Willow would notice the necklace
((Nice sentance by the way!!))
grandmother willow noticed you glance at ayita and gasped lightly "your mothers necklace i haven't seen that in years" ayita glanced down at the necklace and replied "yes, my father wants me to marry kokoum" grandmother willow said with a little bit of shock in her voice "kokoum! but hes so serious"
Kachina nodded her head ina rather rapid motion, "I know!!"SHe suddenly felt something furry brush against her arm and she saw that it was Meeko, her pet racoon. She sighed and looked back at her, "But I think that Ayita has a different path to follow.." Kachina began to explain the dream that she had been having
when you finished telling your dream she replied "well, it seems this spinning arrow is pointing your sister down her path" ayita looked confused at this and climbed up to the stump with her sister to sit in front of grandmother willow " but grandmother, what is my path? how am i ever going to find it?". grandmother willow laugh and said " your mother asked me the very same question and i told her to leisten, all around you are spirits child. they live in the earth, the water and sun if you listen they will guide you". ayita started to look around trying to listen "i...i hear something" grandmother willow listened and then said "what is it telling you?" ayita looked at her " i dont understand"
Kachina stood up, she tend to have a better understanding when it came to listening to the spirits. She looked around and then closed her eyes, after a few moments she opened them, "What.... That's odd. Strange clouds..." She looked back at her sister, "Up in the trees."
ayita looked at her sister strangely, then turn to climb the side of grandmother willow when she had gotten to the top by the end of the branches, she looked out at clouds
Kachina had followed after her and looked out, they were large and strangely shaped clouds, they moved towards their shore at a slow pace, "Strange clouds..."
Meanwhile back on the ship John Smith prepared the men to land on the shore, helping them get the lifeboat down
ayita looked at her sister "they look fascinating" she started to climb down wanting to take a closer look at the strange clouds
john Ralfe was looking out at the new strange land, it was like one that he has never seen before, as he looked out he heard so much noise and many trees
Kachina backed away and shook her head, clearly hesitant, "Too strange... I must see the council..." She climbed down and started to paddle back to the village.
John Smith got the boat prepared and people started to climb on, he got in and placed his helmet on his hat. The boat lowered onto the water and paddled towards this New World
ayita shakes my head as i see her row away. turns to look at grandmother willow "well, i am going to go to look at the strange clouds" grandmother willow chuckled lightly " you two have always been so different, and yet the same" ayita smiled then turn to leave to follow the clouds.
john ralfe walked to the end of the ship to get a better look at the people leaving
Smith looked around at the quiet scenario, his gun in his hands and ready to be fired if need be. He wouldn't admit it.. But he was enchanted by this new land.... It was something that he hadn't seen before...
ayita was moving swift but silently through the bushes, tree and other animal as micco and flit were running and flying by her side
Soon they reached the shore and Smith climbed off the boat, he landed on the shore and looked around, then he started to wandera little bit
ayita gets pretty close to the clouds then hides in a bush after seeing strange men on the shore below
John Smith wandered around with his gun drawn, his attention was caught by some of the men though and he turned back. They began to speak of indians and what they would do
ayita was watching all of them through the bushes, wondering why they were so shinny
((Heheh... Ooh... Shiney!))
They began to speak for a little longer and then John decided to sneak off again, he went over to a tree and started to climb it, looking over the land silently
ayita stayed completely silent, he was so close she thought and the moment that thought left her interested in the strange man, she saw out of the corner of her eye micco. heading straight for him. in a desperate struggle to keep him next to her she tried to grab his tail missing. flit pulled on his tail in the last efforts to help his master held onto micco's tail. As micco was so persistent to meet this new comer, flit pulled out the hairs that were keeping micco away from john and sent flit flying into the bush as micco ran into the blonde haired man
John Smith felt someone hit his leg and he brought a knife out in the blink of an eye, turning to meet his attacker. When he did not see anyone standing there though he looked down and saw this furry little creature
micco gives him the guilty look as ayita worriedly hides in the bushes watching him pull out the perfect looking shinny weapon that looked a little like a arrow head. looking from both the man to micco
The man settled down when he saw the creature and he kneeled down, he slid the knife back into his boot and cocked his head lightly, "Well.... You're a funny looking fellow..." John perked up lightly and then reached into a pocket pulling out hard tack, then holding out to the weird animal
micco stared at him as if frozen still, then quickly takes it and starts to eats it just as quickly, then looks back up at the man
John chuckled quietly at the animal's behavior, "You like it huh? Well try eating it for 4 months straight." He reached in and pulled out another one, offering it to the creature
micco took it obviously excited that he was actually giving him another. turns to the bushes were i am and waves the cookie in the air
John perked up and looked at the bushes, "Got a friend back there?" He got up and made his way towards the bush, then he started to pull back the branch
ayita show clear fear across her face and as he pulled back the branch flit flow out and started flying around him and in his face
John stumbled away from the noisy little bird that buzzed around his face, he heard someone yelling for him, "Alright... Alright." He put his helmet back and quickly moved back to the shore
ayita stood up when the man left and looked at flit happy that his was so protective. watching the man leave
Ratcliffe was now coming ashore, John Rolfe on the boat with him
once to shore jhon walks over to the other jhon "stunning isnt it?"
SMith gave a small shrug and looked around, "Mm.... I've seen better." Once Ratcliffe came ashore it became established that John Smith was the man that needed to go look for any indians. He gave a small nod, "Don't worry.... If there are any indians out there then I'll take care of them." He grabbed his gun and set off
Once he was gone Ratcliffe looked around, "The rest of you... Start digging." He threw shovels to the men ((Cue Mine, Mine, Mine))
ralfe hears digging and disappears. while ayita starts to follow john everywhere. rather interested in the blonde man
Kachina ran back to the village, trying to get to the council as quickly as she could.
John Smith wandered around, admiring this new land and everything that it had to offer. After all his hiking and exploring though he finally stopped at a waterfall
(we kinda messed up i will be kakata and kokomum and the father for now)
ayita was on the hill top watching this new man, finding him interesting. thinking that he is just the same as every other man she new....
the meeting had just started when you arrived your father was speaking at the moment "my brothers, we must know more about these visitors... kakata what do you see?" an older man stood up walked walked over to the fire chanting something and through something in the fire as well. the dust like- concoction made the fire burst into live "these are not men like us, they have strange body's that shine and weapons that spout fire and thunder" as he said these things they appeared in the run of smoke that started to fill the room
John Smith knelt down on a rock and scooped up some water, he splashed it on his face, letting it cool him down.
Kachina watched as the smoke took the shape of people, she leaned forward a bit, weapons that spout fire? It sounded like dark magic or something
ayita was leaning behind a tree watching him from afar
kakata continued to talk " they prowl the earth like ravenous wolfs consuming everything in their path" as he said this the human men turned into wolfs and started flowing through the room. one of the wolfs went around the brave, stern kokoum. he followed it with his gaze as it snaked around him and toward the chief "great powatan, i will lead our warriors to the river and attack, we will destroy these invaders like we destroyed the masawanets"
Kachina watched the wolves, but when she heard Kokoum's plan she scrunched her nose lightly, they knew nothing about these strangers.... It would be foolish to go into a battle blindly
(you forgot jhon)
as the wolf came toward Powhatan he moved his hand as if lazily swatting away an annoyance, the smoke of the wolf disappeared "kokoum in that battle we knew how to fight our enemies, but these pale visitors are strange to us. take some men to the river to observe them" kokoum nodded as the great chief told gave the orders. pawatan looked around at his people, his eyes landing on you. "let us hope they do not intend to stay"
John scooped his hands again to pick up some more water when something caught his eye and he stopped, he could see a reflection of something behind him.... It hid behind a tree. He calmy splashed the water back on and then slowly turned to look
Kachina perked up and watched as they went, she waited a few moments then snuck out behind them, running to keep up with them, she stayed as hidden as could
ayita saw him looking through the water and hid behind the tree before he turned around
the men have there bows and are quietly running though the forest
Kachina ran after them, soon the shore was in view and she moved to a different side, crouching down low and moving behind a log. She had no idea though that a man was wandering around, taking notes.
John slowly picked up his gun and moved quickly, taking a place behind the waterfall to hide, that way this indian would come to him instead
ayita had waited for a moment making sure that he had left, then slowly she moved away from the tree and down the hill. when she got to the floor she crouched and walked at the same time. she moved closer to the water behind a rock hiding her with grass, she peered again for any sign of the man then, moved over the rock and went toward the river
when the men had gotten there they abserved what they were doing, probably wondering why they were doing. kokoum instructed them to count "theirs 30 more down by the ridge" said one man kokoum was surprised by the visitors numbers "that makes more then 100"
Kachina was crouching low behind a rock, watching them all so closely, these new people were quite fascinating to watch from a distance.... But she wouldn't dare to go any closer... For fear of what they would do...
John quietly prepared his rifle, he did not see that it was a woman, but only that someone of a darker skin tone than him had been following him. When he waited for the time to be right her leapt out and aimed the weapon at Ayita, waiting for her to give him a reason to shoot
ayita was standing, the wind whipped her hair around. she was watching him with a calm stare
one of the men down below had gotten out of the hole he was standing in "and how long are we supposed to keep digging like this?" another man; started complaining right awy "aye, were slaving away, busting our backs-" jhon ralfe watch as the men and radcliffe had their little disput when he say something move a little near a long, but thought nothing of it at the moment
((Is this when the indians were spotted?))
John felt his body freeze and his finger unable to pull the trigger... He slowly lowered his rifle down and went to move up to her, also very slowly. This girl was enchanting to him, like he had never seen one before
when he reaches out to her, she suddenly turns and bolts for the canoe by the river
ralfe was still rather curious as to what was in the bushes so he quietly walked over to the log
Radcliffe "walking in country i know, i know and i share you fatigue" took a bite of his turkey leg, then walked away from the irish man and he walked away. "wiggins? wiggins!" he replied back as he was finished making a unicorn out of the hedges "coming" runs over to radcliffe "dispose of this" he shoved a plate in wiggins hands.
Wiggins looked around for what to do with the meat, giving a small sigh. Kachina sighed as she watched these men dig, what were they doing here?? They were destroying their land! She had not noticed the englishman that had walked to the bushes.
John Smith turned, "No! Wait!" He ran after her and set his gun against the tree once she stopped running, "Don't run off.... Please..."
ayita turned to look at him when he said that. he started to walk forward. as the man walked watching him suspiciously she replied "nidaqua notorot..."
jhon tapped on her shoulder not sure what exactly to say "please dont run"
Kachina startled and moved away from the man, more closer to her people, what was he doing?!
John Smith sighed lightly and nodded, "Ah.... You don't understand me... Um.... Come on out of there.." He offered her a hand to help her out
Kachina could feel something strange happening and suddenly the wind surged past her, traveling to the lake
ayita looked at his hand and then back at him unsure wiether to trust him, then seeing the wind wind around him, she decided to take his word. she slowly took his hand.
jhon said knowing that he had startled her "i am sorry, i didnt not mean to startle you.. i will not hurt you"
Kachina narrowed her eyes more and cocked her head, he did not have those shiny weapons like the other men did... Or the shiny body... So what was he doing?
John gave a charming smile as she gently pulled her out of the boat and onto dry land, suddenly the wind kicked to life and swirled around them. He let her hand go and smiled lightly, "I'm John Smith." He said slowly, thinking she wouldn't understand
ayita looked at the wind around them im ayita..
jhon thought that you didnt know English, offers his hand "i will help you up"
Kachina backed away more, not trusting this man. John Smith cocked his head lightly, "Pardon? What did you say?" All he had heard was that this woman had spoken English
ayita "i said my name is ayita"
john felt it better if he had gotten to your level that you would be more trusting. he kneeled down to your level "i promise not to hurt you"
Kachina hesitated, if she moved then she would risk showing herself to the white men below. As she was about to move though a shrilly yelp of a dog shot through the air and the men hustled and bustled to grab guns. Then shots were fired and Kachina yelled out and covered her ears from the loudness of it.
John Smith gave a sweet and charming smile then he signaled for them to sit down under the tree so that they could talk, what a day this had turned out to be
jhon looked around alarmed, seeing that they found other Indians, he looked at her "run!"
the men took their muskets and the Indians started to shoot arrows at the men. nanantat move from one tree to the other trying to get a better aim at the men. radcliffe saw the change and shot toward it hitting nanantat's leg, causing him to fall to the ground in pain. kokoum had seen his fellow friend fall to the ground and ran over to him "nanantat!"
ayita sat next to him, finding his smile charming
Kachina looked at him for a bit but then sprinted away, darting through the forest like a frightened and hunted deer. It was several minutes later but she finally reached the outskirts of the village, she leaned against a wall to catch her breath.
John Smith looked at her with curiousity, "How can you understand me?"
ayita hesitated then replied "my mother taught me at a young age"
kokoum run over to the wounded Indian and fought off one of the settlers in silver, who was about to hit nanantat with a musket. kokoum took ahold of what looked like to him as a oak branch and pushed him away. after this he took nantantat and called for a retreat back to the village
Kachina was already there and was shaking, she was also confused, why hadn't that man ratted her out? He was pale skinned just like the others.... So why?
John nodded, "She taught you well."
soon the other arrive in the village and kokoum bring the wounded man to the counsel to be heeled by kakata
ayita smiles lightly finding it odd that a total stranger is complementing her mother
John smirked at her and sighed, not sure of what to talk about so he took off his helmet and set it down
ayita looked at the helmet and picked it up "what is this?"
kakata walked over as quick as he could along with nanuraut's wife and tried everything he knew to cure him. after a while he gave up and looked up at Powhatan "this wound is strange to me"
Kachina peered inside the tent from outside and sighed, she hoped that he would be alright...
John looked at her, "Oh.... It's called a helmet."
Powhatan moved away from nantat and talked to kokoum "we will fight this enemy, but we can not do it alone, send messages to every village in our nation" the chief went out of the tent to his people and gave a warning " these white men are dangerous, no one is to go near them"
Kachina bit her lower lip nervously and then went to go get her mind off things, deciding to go and help with chores and whatnot.
John Smith looked at her, "I don't mean to be rude but I can't help but find your name interesting.... Ayita..."
women around you are helping with the chores as well, talking about the strange intruders
ayita looked at him "and you have the most unusual name to.... jhon smith"
John chuckled lightly, not used to someone thinking his name was odd, "Yes.... But it is quite common from where I'm from." He looks to see that strange creature from earlier going through her bag, "Hey.." He grabbed it's tail and pulled it out
ayita shook her head as micco was pulled out trying to get to johns supply of food "micco.."
John looked at the creature named Meeko then at her, "This bottomless pit is yours I assume?" He handed her the strange looking creature
ayita took him from john and tried to hold him still "not really, he is a friends"
John nodded and sighed, laying back on the ground and enjoying the sun and shade
((What do they talk about next?))
( its on the internet... but hand shake with meko and then the campus and "how to make the most of the land" wink
ayita put on the helmet after examining her reflection in it, as she did this she started moving her head with it on. noticing how limited their vision was with it on
He nods and looks at Meeko, extending a hand, "Well how do you do Meeko?"
meeko took john smiths hand but not to shake it, but to look under and around it for any sign of food. ayita looked at his hand strangly then looked back up at john "nothing's happening"
John sighed quietly when he saw that they didn't know what to do, did they know so little, "Well..... That's because you're suppose to shake it."
ayita hesitated then moved her hand up to his
John took her hand into his, smiling lightly at how soft and gentle they felt, then he slowly shook her hand, "It's how we say hello."
ayita nodded and then moved her hand away and this is the way we say hello "wingapo" move her hands in a certain fashion. "and its is how we say good-bye "ahna" moves her hands again
John quickly moved forward and placed her hand against hers, "Well... I like hello better." Then he flashed her a charming smile
ayita was about to smile back when a little irritated hummingbird fly in between their hands and then in front of john's face
John pulled his hand back and moved his head back, "Ah... I remember you...." He narrowed his eyes a little at this harmless yet pesky creature
ayita shook her head and offered her index finger for flit to land on which the humming bird galdy landed on "flit... he doesn't like strangers"
John extended a hand to examine the creature, "Well I'm no stranger.... At least not to you..." He retreated his hand though when the little bird pecked his finger, "Ah.... Protective and stubborn."
ayita looked from john to the bird "very stubborn"
John chuckled and was about to mention something else when he saw that the raccoon was going through his stuff again, "Hey." This time he had his compass!
ayita yelled at the raccoon as he run up the tree "micco! bring that back"
John tried to grab or him but it was toolate and he groaned in frustration, "No... ugh... It's alright.... We call it a gift!"
micco looked at jhon, then back at the compass and hits it against the tree. ayita glanced at micco and the circular object "what was that?"
John shook his head at the creature and looked at the young woman, "It's called a compass..... Tells you where to go if you get lost."
ayita looked at micco as he hit it against the tree as she looked at the odd device called a compass "so did you get that from your village? what is your village called"
John Smith laid back on the grass and put his hands behind his head, "London..."
ayita in excitement moved her hands through her hair to push it back "london, what is it like?"
John gave a sigh, "Well... It's got paved roads.... Stores... Houses as tall as trees, carriages in the streets, oh and music."
ayita seemed to be trying to picture these places "i would like to see these things"
John looked at her, "Oh! Well you will! There going to be built here... It's really a wonderful thing, we can build roads and decent houses... Use this land properly instead of letting it go to waste."
ayita huffs a little at johns ignorance "our house are fine"
John sat up to look at her eye-to-eye, "You think that, but it's only because you don't know any better."
ayita could not stand his ignorance anymore and decided with a glance of annoyance at him to get up quickly and go in the canoe, she started pattling away
John tried to chase after her but he was stopped by a little two inch tall annoyance, he ran past it eventually and stopped in front of her canoe, "Wait! There is so much that we can teach you! We have improved the lives of savages all over the world!" He really didn't understand what the big issue was
ayita was shocked at his remark and looked up at him "savages!?!"
John groaned in frustration, "I'm not saying that you're a savage."
ayita shook her head, wondering why she was even talking to him "just my people"
He shook his head, "No! That's not what I'm saying! Just let me finish."
ayita sighs and starts to try to paddle away "let go"
John gripped the boat tighter and leaned forward so that he was only inches from her face, "I'm not going to let you leave...."
ayita looked at him then jumped out of the boat and onto a nearby tree branch and started to climb up the tree
John followed after her since she had nowhere left to go, "Look... Savage doesn't mean anything bad! It's just a term.... A metaphor for people who are uncivilized."
ayita swung causally from a branch, sense she did this everyday she seemed to make it look easy "like me?"
John climbed after her and gripped onto a branch to hold himself, "Well... No.... No... What I mean is-" He started to pull himself up with the branch but it broke and he startled tumbling and falling out of the tree, landing on the rough ground
((Sorry! I lost a small part of the roleplay here but we all know what happens so it's okay))
Kachina's basket was full of corn and she looked down at her sister, noticing her unusual behavior, she was about to say something when she heard their father's voice call out to them, "My daughters! You should be inside the village."
ayita snapped out of her thoughts and stood up "we are just picking food for the warriors" as ayita said this she looked down at her basket noticing that she only had one piece of corn and pulled her basket up from view
He walked closer to them, "Don't go far.... Now is not the time to be wandering off." Kachina nodded, agreeing with him completely, "Yes father."
his face turned gentle and he looked at Ayita, "When I see you wear that necklace you look just like your mother."
ayita looked down at the necklace and picked it up. she looked back up at her father "i miss her"
Powhatan smiled, "But she is still with us, her spirit is in the wind, and whenever it blows through the fields we know that she is here with us." He walked forward and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Our people looked to her for guidance... And one day they will look to you as well."
ayita smiled, happy that her father believed in her "i would be honored by that, father"
She smiled lightly then started to turn away, "You both shouldn't be out here on your own.... I'll send Kokuom.." Then he walked off, once he was gone Kachina looked at her, "Alright.... What are you hiding? What is it?"
ayita turned to her sister "what? i am not hiding anything"
Kachina looked a little offended by her comment, "Kachina.... You are my sister.... I know you better than that.... If you are hiding something you can tell me... I won't tell-" She gave a gasp and stepped back though when she saw a pale man walk out of the cornfield, "It's one of them!"
ayita turned to look at what she was talking about and shocked to see that john was behind her, ayita walked over to her sister and put her hand on her mouth. "what are you doing here?"
((Out of order but here it goes))
Miko saw John and shot right at him, but the man held up a biscuit and when the bird stabbed that he dropped it, "I had to see you again." Kachina gasped in shock and looked at her sister, trying to get away from her
(wrong animal, haha)
ayita was about to say something when she heard kokoum yelling for her and her sister. ayita looked at her sister and let go of her sister "please dont say anything" she then looked at john smith and grabbed his hand "come on, this way" and they both disappeared from view. just moments afterward kokoum appeared "kachina, where is ayita?"
Kachina had no time to think and she quickly blurted out, "I-I haven't seen her around..." She picked her basket back up and held it close to her
kokoum sighed "ayita cant keep running off its dangerous out there.. tell he that she listens to you" after saying this he walked off
((Is this the part where I sneak off to tell John Rolfe or not yet?))
Kachina scoffed lightly and made her way to the village to prepare the corn, "Yea... Sure she does... All the time.."
(yes after you see the warriors and its also the part where smith meets grandmother willow and she beats the two guys)
ayita was still holding john smiths hand as they entered through some branches and a familiar looking tree appeared.
John Smith looked around in wonder, "This place is incredible.... And to think that we were going to dig this all up for gold.."
ayita lead him across a branch and over to a very large stump "gold? what is gold?"
((No... Wait... I thought I left before then... Because remember you talk with Kokuom but I'm not there?))
He sat on the stump with her and greeted Miko, "You know... it's yellow... It comes out of the ground.... And it's really valuable"
(if that is right then we missed a part)
ayita sat down "oh i know, its.." she took the only piece of corn that i pick out of the ground and pulled back the green leaves "this"
((Okay so what part did we miss?))
(no we didnt miss anything because you leave when the warriors arrive and then you get caught when john was out and then came back and he tried to tell them the Indians were not savages and then they announced they had the other princess)
He took the strange object out of her hand and chuckled lightly, "No... Gold is um... is this." He brought out a gold coin to show her
she looked at it strangely "mm, we have nothing that that" she went to grab it but micco took it before she did
John sighed, "No gold? Well.... The boys sure will hate to hear that... Come to this place for nothing."
ayita wonder and "asked will they leave?"
John laid back on the stump, "Some of them will, but you never really know."
ayita felt sad as she thought of something "will you go back?"
He sat up a bit and supported himself with his elbow, "I'm a captain... So I guess only the ocean is my home... Other than that.... I've never really belonged anywhere."
ayita was watching his reaction as she said "you.. could belong here"
John looked up at her, not sure of how to react. Suddenlymelodic chanting could be heard and when he looked at the tree he saw it turned into what looked like a face, and then change back, "What was that??"
ayita stood behind john her hands on his shoulders with a smile on her face "did you see something?"
John shook his head and closed his eyes, "No... No... I didn't see anything..... Did I?" He glanced back at her and asked
ayita smiled and giggled a little "look again"
John looked again and the face appeared, singing softly.
((You be Grandmother willow))
grandmother willow appeared in front of the shocked eyes of john smith and after singing she replied "hello, john smith"
He stared in shock for a bit, "Ayita..... That tree is talking to me..."
ayita was still smiling as she replied back "well, maybe you should talk back"
John was about to say something when the tree said, "Don't worry young man... My bark is far worse than my bite."
John sighed, "What do I say to a tree?"
(o, woops)
ayita giggled again "anything you want"
John stood up and walked a bit closer to the tree, "So... um..."
grandmother willow noticed his nervousness "come closer jhon smith" she then pushed him close with her vines "he has a good soul... and hes handsome too" ayita walked up to john smith
John gave a big smile and nodded, "Oh, I like her."
ayita smiled and layed her head on the back of his shoulder "i know you would" just as she said this though a man yelled for john "smith!, smith! where are you?"
John noticed and gently pushed Ayita behind him, "We can't let them see us." They hid behind the branch of the tree and remained quiet
the red headed man talked first "this place gives me the creeps savages could be hiding anywhere" the other man curtly answered back "when if you see any dont ask questions just shoot" grandmother willow raised a eyebrow clearly thinking them to be rude. as they walked over one of the roots, she lifted it causing them to fall. the black haired man was clearly angry as he went to get up "watch your feet you bid oaf-" "it wasn't me!" the other man replied "it was the tree". the other man gave him a big sarcastic look "oh! right cause the tree just felt like lifting it roots and" as he pointed to the tree, grandmother willow lowered the roots back down. both men gave terrified looks to each other as the sarcastic one replied "lets get out of here". grandmother willow had clearly not thought that was enough to punish and scare them off for their remarks and whipped them hard with her vines. both of them men yelp and ran with their guns as fast as they could
John Smith led Ayita out from behind the tree and put his sack back over his shoulders, "Boy... Am I glad that you are on our side." Grandmother Willow chuckled lightly, "There's still some snap in these old vines." John Smith chuckled quietly
ayita moved out from behind grandmother willow and smiled as she said that
((My bad, I forgot he said something else after her))
John sighed, "I better go before they send the whole camp after me." He turned and looked back at Ayita
ayita put her hand on his shoulder "when will i see you again?"
He reached up and gently stroked her cheek, "Meet me back here... Tonight.." Then he turned and ran off
ayita felt his warm hand brush her cheek before he left and was thinking about it as he ran off. grandmother willow was excited by this whole meeting "well i haven't been this excited in 200 years" ayita looked at grandmother willow what am i doing? i shouldn't be seeing him again.. i mean i want to see him again" grandmother willow gave her a strange look "who wouldn't i want to see him again" ayita was braiding her hair, more to fidget with something "i dont know but something is telling me that this is the right path" grandmother willow thought for a moment "maybe its yours sisters dream" ayita had just come to a thought as she said out loud "her dream?" she turned and looked at the wise tree "do you think the sinning arrow was pointing to him?" to this the only thing she said was "hm.."
Meanwhile back in the village tension was building for Kachina, she saw that the warriors had arrived and she grew nervous. She thought about the man who had saved her when the whites started shooting, she wanted to help him.... She owed him.
She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, ''Oh... What am I doing?" She made sure that no one was watching her and then she ran off towards the fort, hoping to get to him in time
ayita ran back to the village, just missing kachina. when she entered the village she saw the chief from another village and warriors exiting their canoes, thier father walked up to the other chief and gave him a warm welcome. kokoum had spotted ayita and walked over to her and put his hand on ayita's shoulder "now we have the power to destroy those white demons"
once you had gotten their you had seen men were stationed outside the entrance of the fort made by the white men
Kachina stayed low, trying to figure out a way to tell the man who had rescued her about the coming warriors, she looked around and saw a rock, then she gave it a hard chuck and it made a noise in other part of the area
the men heard the noise and ran to see the sorce
kokoum and ayita looked at her father as he announced "now that we are joined by our brothers we will defeat this enemy" Powhatan turned to leave as ayita left kokum and ran to her father, she put her hand on her fathers shoulder "father i need to speak with you"
(can you also be Powhatan?)
Powhatan shook her off, "Not now Ayita, the council is gathering." He started to make his way inside.
Kachina slowly crept towards the fort and it only took her a few seconds to open the door and sneak inside, then she clung to the shadows and gave a deep breath
ayita walked up to him "we dont have to fight them there must be a better way"
men were walking by her not noticing her (how do you get caught? we never discussed this)
((Let's just B.S it.... It's fun to sort of plan it as it goes))
Kachina kept to the shadows as much as she could, her eyes darted around and looked for the man who had saved her
Powhatan turned to her, a look of annoyance on his face, "Sometimes our paths are chosen for us Ayita... I have no choice."
(i wouldnt know)
ayita answered back quickly "but maybe we should try talking to him"
john ralfe was in his tent thinking of the woman he had saved and also wondering why she was at the fight
Powhatan turned away, "They do not want to talk."
When Kachina couldn't find him out in the open she cursed lightly, this was starting to look like a very bad idea. She decided to bail and made her way back towards the entrance. Someone had left their bag in her way but she didn't know it was there until she hit a pot on it and tripped, causing a loud sound
ayita said quickly "but if one of them wanted to talk you would talk to him wouldn't you?"
a man very close had heard the fall and quickly walked over to the bag and saw a Indian on the ground, not realizing it was a women. he pointed his gun at her "get up"
The older man sighed, "Of course I would.... But it's not that simple.... Nothing is simple anymore."
When Kachina did not move more men came and forced her to her feet, they brought her closer to the fire in the middle and threw her to the ground, they were shocked to see that it was a woman and someone shouted to bring Radcliffe
john ralfe walked out of his tent at the same time that radcliffe exited his and they both walked over to the crowd, radcliffe was yelling for the to get out of his way "move!"
Kachina tried to scurry away from them but they just pushed her back, when she saw John Rolfe her eyes widened but she looked away
radcliffe looked at you like you were a disgusting beast and john ralfe recognized you as the woman who helped he helped. radcliffe "well, what is a savage doing her?? trying to find out information about our fortress?! just like savages they make the women do the dirty work"
Kachina slowly stood up and looked at Radcliffe with mercy in her eyes, wanting to get out of there
radcliffe was about to say something or worse, hit you when john walks past radcliffe and in front of you. radcliffe looked at john "what do you think you are doing?? step aside!" jhon stood his ground as he looked up at radcliffe "you will not harm her, she is a women". radcliffe had rage in his eyes as he said "she is a savage!" john gestured for you to stand up but stay behind him
Kachina slowly stood and moved closer to John Rolfe, thankful for his help. The men murmured amongst themselves and one shouted, "She is our prisoner!"
john looked at all of them, not finding a way out of it "if she is our prisoner then she is to stay in my tent and no one is to see her, except me, captain smith and.. radcliffe. radcliffe thought about it for a little then said "fine, just get her out of my sight!" john nodded then looked at you and took you by your wrist not tightly and walked you off to his tent
((Remember, I still get the crap beaten out of me at some point))
Kachina followed closely behind him, very glad that he was there to help her... Who knows what wouldv'e happened if he hadn't been there
(you still want that to happen and wouldn't that make Powhatan angry, not happy in the end?)
john walked in the tent with you and let go of you, then looked at you "please dont run off and i will let go of you... do you understand me?" john sighed and started to talk to himself "...but of cause she doesn't understand me, how could she?"
((Well that was what we had originally agreed on))
Kachina stumbled over the words but she said, "I un-understand you..."
(i know, we could make it radcliffe that does it)
john stops dead in his rambling and looks at you "how- how do you know our language?
((That's what I was thinking))
Kachina still stumbled over her words, "My m-mother u-u-used to tell my s-sister and I th-that if we-we listened with our h-heart we would u-understand."
john smiled "and what a wise women your mother must be, you do not have to be afraid of me or captain smith"
Kachina nodded, very flattered by what he said about her mother, then remembered what she came here for, "Warriors.... Warriors... You in danger."
john processed what she said then said "warriors? more of them?"
Kachina nodded, "Many more...." There was worry in her voice
john nodded "thank you for telling me this.. is this why you came here? to warn us?"
Kachina lowered her eyes slightly, "To warn you.... You save me... I save you."
john nodded in understanding "thank you, again and i will help you as much as i can.. but for now please stay here"
Kachina nodded slowly and hesitated before sitting down on the ground
john nods then sits down and thinks for a moment, not sure what to do with this information
Kachina sighed and her chin shook a little, realizing that she was prisoner to the white man
(should john get back first or should your character get beaten first?)
((It would make sense if she got beat after John Smith left again...))
(yes, i was thinking that)
john stood up and looked at her "please dont leave i will get you out of here tonight"
Kachina looked up at him, hoping that he could trust him.... There was no way she could fight her way out, suddenly there was a commotion outside, John Smith was back
john ralfe left and walked toward the commotion to see what everyone was talking about
Racliffe walked out, "Smith!! Where have you been!?"
John pointed his thumb behind him, "Well I've been scouting the area." Radcliffe smiled, "Good... Then you know the location of the indians, we will need that information for the battle..."
John took a step forward, "What battle?"
Radcliffe sighed, "We will eliminate these savages once and for all.
John stepped forward, "No! You can't do that!"
Radcliffe raised a brow, "Oh... Can't I? Look... We've got a savage woman as our prisoner.... Why don't I bring her out and shoot her?"
John Smith sighed, "Look... We don't have to fight them."
john ralfe walks up and stands next to the other john "i agree with smith, and you had agreed not to harm the women"
Radcliffe looked at Rolfe, "I made no such promise." John Smith sighed, "Look.... I met one of them."
one of the men looked totally shocked "you what??" and other another man said right after "a savage??"
John felt a strong need to defend Ayita come over him, "There not savages. They know more than we do... They know the land and how to use it..."
suddenly from his bag popped out a furry, skinny hand with the corn that ayita gave him
He grabbed it and pulled back the leaves, "And look! It's food! It's better than hard tack and gruel that's for sure." A little voice piped out from behind Radcliffe but no one noticed as Radcliffe stepped forward and grabbed the corn, "They don't want to feed us you idiots! They want to kill us! All of us! They've got our gold and they'll do anything to keep it!" He threw down the corn and shook and old man not to far from him.
John shook his head, "But there is no gold!"
rafle looked at their captain "no gold?", at this whispers of the same thing started around them
Radcliffe just smirked, "And I suppose that your little indian friend told you this? Hm?" John stood proudly, "Yes."
Radcliffe snarled with anger, "Lies! Lies! All of it! Murdering thieves! There is no room for them in civilized society."
John grew angry at this statement, "But this is their land!"
"This is my land! I make the rules around here! And anyone who so much as looks at an indian without shooting or does not take a swing at the captive one will be trialed for treason... And hanged!"
john ralfe glared at radcliffe as he had said this, feeling angry about this statement and refusing to hurt you in anyway
John Smith glared at Radcliffe, then looked at Rolfe, "Show me the woman."
john nodded at the caption and walked to his tent and opened the flap for smith
Kachina heard the flap open and backed away a little, but when she saw John Smith she stood, "You.... You... I've seen you.." John Smith sighed, "Damn...." He recognized her from the cornfield
john ralfe walked in, closing the flap. ralfe looked at smith "you both know each other?"
Kachina stepped towards him, "My sister! Ayita! My sister!" Smith's eyes widened when he heard that, "I need to go.... I'll be back later..." He jogged out of the tent
john ralfe ran out and caught ahold of john "wait, wait wait... where are you going?"
Smith turned and looked at him, "To warn them." He shook him off and started to sneak off, once he was out of the fort he thought he was in the clear, but Thomas and Radcliffe had seen him run off
john sighed "great.. this is just perfect ralfe" he walked back to his tent
ayita was running out of her village wanting to warn john was was happening as she ran off into the cornfield, a man soon appeared and wanted to know where she was headed for her safety. silently kokoum went to get his spear and leave to follow her
Radcliffe walked out of his tent and told Rolfe to go finish mapping the area.
((You play Radcliffe while he's with my character))
John ran out, Miko short behind him, he was desperate to get to Ayita
(wrong name)
john ralfe gave him a dirty look as he walked out of the tent. radcliffe walked inside and let the flap fall behind him.
(didnt we say you were also going to be there at the fight scene?)
Kachina looked up and saw him walk in, though she wasn't sure how to react to him.
((Yea... We'll just add some stuff to delay it))
radcliffe stood there for a moment and watched you
Kachina stood up slowly and looked at him
radcliffe began to get angry as you got up he hit you hard "dont look at me savage!"
The force of the hit was hard enough to knock Kachina back, she held her face and looked at the man through cold eyes
radcliffe walked over and kicked her side "dont look at me like you are better then me and kicks you again
Kachina clutched her side to try and protect herself as best as she could
radcliffe continued to kick her on the side, stomach and legs soon after a while of this he stopped and stepped on her stomach and leaned down using his weight on her to lean closer "dont forget where you are placed" *moves his foot as if he had just squashed a bug under his shoe "under my foot"
Kachina growled at him, refusing to give in and she spat in his face
radcliffe wiped off the spit and moved close to your her by pushing down even harder and punches her face
Kachina cried out lightly and tried to push him off, having difficulty breathing, "Get off...."
radcliffe answered back in a very short reply "no"
Kachina gasped for air and started hitting Radcliffe's leg to try and get him off
radcliffe kept his leg there until he realized what he was doing and removed his foot, turns to leave but then turns back and kicks you again. leaves the tent.
(it that good?)
((He didn't beat her enough but it'll do))
Kachina clutched her body and tried not to cry, but she had never felt pain like that before... And it hurt
john very soon returned " i can help you escape.. what happened?"
Kachina backed away and covered her face in fear, trying to protect herself
john soon realizes what he had wanted him to leave for and becomes angry at radcliffe but doesnt show it "no, no i wont hurt you.. i want to help you leave, to go back to your village" extends his hand to help you up "please trust me"
Kachina sat there for several moments without moving, but then she slowly uncovered her face and placed her hand in his... She couldn't feel it because they were in a tent but the wind started to pick up
john took your hand and helped you up, then turned off the candle as it became dark. he turned to you and whispered "stay behind me and keep quiet, alright?"
She gave a slow nod and moved closer to him, "Alright..." SHe whispered softly
john crawled out of the back of his tent and immediately went to the shadow, making sure you were following. after mapping the area earlier he learned all of the blind spot of the guards watching the fortress and moved through them
Kachina was glad for this man's help, though she felt bad that he was having to help her again...
john ralfe soon had gotten her out of the entrance and into the woods, with little problem. john looked at her "go, you are free to leave"
Kachina bowed her head at him, "Thank you kind one." Then she turned and sprinted away, desperate to get to her sister
(can you make it so that only you can see the how it began journal?)
john watched as she left.
ayita ran through grandmother willows vines and looked around wildly. grandmother willow felt her enter through her branches "the earth is trembling child, whats happened?" ayita looked up at grandmother willow as she stood on her branch that arched up over the water below it "the warriors are here and kachina is missing"
Just then John Smith ran up, he felt his heart soar when he say Ayita standing there, he ran up to her, "Ayita!"
ayita turned on her heels and saw him as he ran up to her "john!"
He ran up to her and grabbed her shoulders, "Ayita.... You need to listen to me.... My people are planning to attack yours..."
ayita shook her head "maybe it not to late to stop this" she attempted to take his hand and walk in the direction of her village "you have to come with me and talk to my father"
John pulled back and stopped her, "Talking isn't going to help... I already tried to talk to my men but everything about this place has them spooked."
suddenly a horrible howl came from the right of ayita and she looked over in alarm as a creature that looked half tree came stumbling over to them. grandmother willow was staring at it with bewilderment across her face "that is the strangest creature i have ever seen"
John watched as the creature fell over and rolled several times, it got stuck between two rocks and out flew a pug which John caught, "Percy?!"
the first creature that Percy saw was the oddly stripped creature that took all of his food and the only thing on his mind was to attack the raccoon. Percy pushed out of johns grip and ran around trying to get ahold of micco
John tried to grab Percy and chaos broke out, "You see what I mean! Once they start fighting nothing can stop it!"
grandmother willow seemed clearly irritated as the barking and fighting continued. when Percy was on the large stump in front of her she yelled "alright! that's enough!" percy seemed to freeze with fear as he had finally noticed the talking tree. the puppy who had finally stopped yapping fell over into the water. the willow tree sighed and moved on of he vines and wrapped it around the puppy's tail and pulled it out of the water and back onto the stump. as she let him go she muttered "spoiled.."
John sighed and pushed his hair out of her face, "We are never going to get them to listen...." He whispered to himself
grandmother willow looked at both ayita and john "there is something i would like to show you, look" as she said this she move her vine down and barely touched the water making many ripples appear. ayita's eyes widened as the ripple appeared and said more to herself "the ripples"
John knelt down but say nothing significant about them whatsoever, "What about them?"
grandmother willow replied "the ripples, so small at first but then look how they grow... but someone has to start them"
John sighed and looked at her, "They won't listen to us... They refuse to."
((Gah! Lost a bit more of the roleplay!))
He only put up a light struggle against them as they dragged him away, looking at Ayita one last time before she was hidden by the trees. Kachina glanced over at her sister and saw the sadness on her face
after seeing john disapear she looked down at kokoum, lying dead on the ground. she could not believe it. men walked up and slowly picked up kokoum, ayita helped by lifting his head until he was out of the water. ayita then let go of him and silently followed after them
Kachina followed as well, but in the village choas had errupted. As Kokuom's body was carried through the crowd whispers and gasps hung in the air. Powhatan closed his eyes and gave a deep sigh before turning and looking at the crowd, "Who did this??"
The men came forward and shoved John Smith to the ground, "Kachina was out with Kokuom, when this white men attacked them and beat Kachina."
Powhatan felt anger surge through him and he aimed his spear right at the man's adam's apple, if he wanted to he could've slit his throat right there, "You made a mistake by killing one of our own... Your weapons, they may... They may be strong.... But now our hate and our anger is stronger than you....." He then pulled his spear back and looked at the crowd, "At sunrise.... he will be the first to die!"
ayita was scared for john but didnt show it "but father!"
The chief turned to her and scowled with great anger, "I specifically told you to stay in the village but you disobeyed me!! You have shamed your father!!"
ayita looked at her father with sadness in her eyes "i was only trying to help.."
He was seething with anger now, "Because of your foolishness! And your lack of disclipine Kokuom is dead and your sister is hurt!!" He looked at the men who held John, "Take him away!" He then turned away to further plan the battle and the crowd slowly dispersed, Kachina stayed next to her sister to comfort her
ayita kneeled down to the floor and looked down at the ground in shame "kokoum was just trying to protect me.. and now i will never see john smith or kokoum again"
She sighed and looked down at her, then she knelt before her. "Sister.... You can not blame yourself for this.... The hate between our people and his is too strong."
ayita looked up at her sister "how could i not? the man i was betrothed to is dead and the man i love is sentenced to his death" ayita hugged her elbows as to help sooth her overflowing thoughts of sadness
She tried to find words to say to comfort her sister but she thought of something else instead, "Come with me." She stood up and offered a hand
ayita looked up at her sister and took her hand, while standing up again
Kachina led her sister over to the tent where they kept all the prisoners and she looked at the guards, "My sister wants to look into the eyes of the man who killed Kokuom..." The guards glanced at each other, knowing they could get in trouble, but one pulled back the flap, "Be quick."
ayita nodded and moved inside of the tent and saw john smith tied up pretty well. she walked over to him he seemed to be resting as his head was down and he didnt seem to notice her kneeling in front of him. she moved her hand and placed it under his chin
He hadn't heard her come in and when he felt the hand under his chin he glanced up and saw Ayita, then brough his whole head up, "Ayita.." He was glad to see her but at the same time he didn't want her to see him like that
ayita looked in to his eyes and said "im so sorry" as she said this she layed her head on his chest and slowly wraped her hands around him
He would've hugged her if he wasn't restrained, instead he just placed his chin on top her head, "What? You mean this? Oh I've gotten out of worst situations.... Can't think of any right now but I have!"
ayita moved away and averted her eyes "it would have been better if we had never met. she was feeling her throat close as she said these words, feeling if she said anything more that tears would fall
John f
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