I have, but it took a turn down yelling lane.
Maybe like this moring when i woke up took a shower.
Went to the kitchen to get something to eat and ya.
But of course today is Saturday, mean shopping day from my mother.
How much i hate this day. Well thinking right now listening to my BassHunter music.
My mother asked me if i wanted to go to the mall.
I said no since i didn't feel like carrying bags today =/
I took out my english textbook and said i had to study.
She got mad and said i was a faliure of what i do.
As alway i just ingored her, that always worked.
So she yelled and yelled and left to go start the car.
Hope her and my grandmother have a nice day at the mall.
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![User Image](https://i653.photobucket.com/albums/uu259/Hime019/anime%20girls/another%20album/bored.jpg)