you reach into the bag and pull out chopsticks
" for the love of god please dont be----" you begin to say
"I GOT _____ BELIEVE IT!" naruto screams
" no why did it have to be him of all people" you cry
"stop your bitching and get in the closet" i say and shove you 2 into the closet
*in the closet*
"grrrr" you whine
"_____-chan are you mad because you got stuck with a screw up like me " naruto asked sadly
you feel bad so you turn around to look at naruto who is standing closer then you thought "no its nothing like that"
" really" naruto asked more cheerfull
" well see im kinda nervous this is my first party with a lot of guys so i dont really know what to do" you say
naruto smirks "can i so you what to do"
"wha----" you were cut off by naruto's lips pressing agaisnt yours surprisingly you found your self kissing back. he pushed you againt the wall and slid his tounge acroos your lips, you opened you lips slightly and rested the tip of your tounge on his, he smirked and slid his tounge in your mouth exploring every inch, you moaned littly. he pulled away and kissed down your neck extracting more and more moans. he pulled away
"Know what to do now" he asked smirking
you nodded then the room filled with light naruto helped you up and dragged you over to were he had been sitting he asked you out and you guys get married and have little fox babies >x< hope you liked it