Congratulations! Your Rainbow Flavored Roo evolved into a Roobledooble on August 15th, 2009. Would you like to give your Roobledooble a nickname?
Roobledoobles are known for their ability to be oblivious and annoying. In fact, this is one of the main reasons they are one of the rarest creatures out there. You see, no one can be just as slow and irritating as a Roobledooble.
Warning: Giving a Roobledooble vicodin, sugar, caffeine, indie music, art, donations, flattery, hugs, kisses, large over-stuffed objects with big eyes, snow, rain, sun, movies, video games, anything related to flapjack, dawson, ki bum, jokes, or your friendship may result in squealing, flailing, smiling, near-death joy, capslock, repetitiveness, and/or other fan-girl type actions.
Roobledoobles can be found with a group called the AK Stache Quartet. This group of glorious magical creatures are not a force to be taken lightly. Since this group has been created it's members have shown signs of having astounding skills when it comes to thinking up catchy theme songs, being conceited, using white text, creating almighty and awesometastical role plays and so much more.
Roobledoobles like to think that they have class. Sadly, they really don't. This is proven by the fact that they sometimes walk around with fake mustaches on. Roobledoobles are aware that this makes them far from classy or sophisticate but they do it anyways. A Roobledoobles greatest wish is to get a monocle to wear with their fake mustache, but this may only ever remain a dream.
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Trainer TEXAS RANGER is about to send out CHUCKNORRIS. Would you like to switch out Roobledooble?
Indeed, dear sir. Indeed.