Hey there Gaians heart
I'm going to be turning 21 on March 21st. I'd love some presents from my friends on Gaia! Here's a list of the items in my signature pic and more:
Alruna's Rose
Animal Cracker Buddies
Anurla's Amulet
Compass of Seidh
Elemental Spirits
Flame Sword
Fruits de Mer
Gin the Cat
Hidden Ace
Imaginary Friend
Inari's Beads --- Wanted most
Seracila Pendant
Yama no Tamago
or random gold donations
Gifts so far
Freebie art from Vane Light
Christian Siriano's Red Coat + 1700 gold from iManga
Rich Copper Slinky Split Dress from Mika Rythos
Sen's Underwear and March Birthstone Crown from Spaztastic Cookies
Winter Groom from hillary84
March Birthstone Cape from KIRA Drykan
21,000 gold from Bigt275316
Rich Copper Slinky Split Dress from x_F i r e - C h a n_x
Gift of the Goddess from .M i s a k i - c h i.
heart Thank you! heart