The blood. The simple smell of it made his nose twinge in disgust as if there had been a large chunk of iron permanently stuck into his nose. It was truly mortifying to see the bodies sprawled out around the campfire he had stolen from them. The bandit's didn't even see him coming, he simply jumped out and ambushed them all. The first fell easier than the last, but naturally that was too be expected. The oncoming first wave of excitement, flash of steel, and spray of blood made the first easiest.
Reaper was alone in the midst of corpses, chirping birds, and the sound of the forest coming alive in those few moment's before dawn. His mind was away from him in complete isolation from the rest of his own being. His mind was always on her, his one and only family he had left. He thought so at the very least, his big sister Teresa. He missed her ever so much, but as his nature showed he was not one for caring. Reaper's horns grew slightly more prominent by the day after every little single evil deed he did.
The guild, it wasn't that he hated them so much it was that they restricted his ways. They restricted his motives, he did not wish too be so evil ever. This was not what he wanted for himself or his sister, he did not even know where she was now. He needed too be so evil, he had to earn the power that would save her from this life she fell into. Bandits are never good teachers and that was all Teresa had after the village was burned down. His mind quickly changed pace once his burning, smoldering village caught sight in his mind.
Reaper was through with his pathetic old life, he needed to earn the power too save his sisters life. At times though, that wasn't even enough for him to quit one day. He knew with all his heart that he would only damn himself and possibly take his big sister with him. She did not deserve this, after what had happened she deserved happiness in its truest form. Although, all she was given was her blindness and her will too kill for the Bandit King; Twin Blade. The blindness was courtesy of none other than, Jack Of Blades.
His rather large; clad in armor, body rose up with a dark clanking of the plates shifting under his movements. He cracked his neck effortlessly with one quick jerk too the right, and then the left. He examined his own surroundings realizing he could be off killing and growing stronger. His only reason for not being gone was his own pathetic conscious for his sister and his own soul weighing him down with guilt over his village and his father. Why did he let him die? Why didn't he stay at home and die with the rest of them? The screams, those awful screams of pain and begging of mercy from townsfolk.
The village burned too the ground, it was torched that fateful day on Teresa's birthday. When he was younger he played around the village with the other children free from all worries of the world. It was bliss too be in his shoes at times, but other times it grew dark and foreboding. That was all gone once his beautiful mother came home, her name was Scarlett Robe. She was one of the greatest fighters in the Arena in those days, she was always off competing and winning. This was all while father stayed in Oakvale as a woodsman and farmer, he worked hard and kept Teresa and Reaper happy while mother was gone.
Things changed after that accident, Reaper shook his head and started walking up the winding path too Bowerstone South. Along the way he stared down at the ground as if he where a Minion walking only too serve Jack of Blades. Why was he being this evil? What purpose did it serve after all the damage and pain he had caused? What power was truly worth losing your own humanity for? Too him it seemed worth the fight too be known by all and save his own sister. But he knew that by being known by all for this power, it also meant being feared by them as well.
Bowerstone appeared before him in plain sight, he was not but maybe one hundred feet away. The tall buildings of Bowerstone South, the shops behind the gates too the city. He could smell the bar's booze and food in the air as he approached the large wrought Iron gate. On the front of the gate was the compass seal the town adopted as it's own personal seal and logo. As Reaper finally made it too the gate itself he rubbed his hands on the rusted metal sign. As he did the gate slowly opened with the creak of age sounding throughout the town signaling a newcomer has arrived.
Reaper's only thoughts where too meet the contact he had been told to meet earlier that day. Of course this was only getting him one step closer too entering the place of Teresa's hiding. When he finally did find her he would slaughter all who opposed his might and his will. His mind was filled with anger, sadness, lust for power, and most importantly ,regret. The only clue or remembrance of Teresa was her diary he somehow found nearby behind Bowerstone South's Bar. The inside was filled with scribblings of what looked like half magic and half madness, suddenly madness didn't seem so bad anymore too Reaper.
Reaper withdrew his Obsidian Katana from the gut of the contact, but not because he gave Reaper the wrong information or anything. Reaper simply felt like murdering the man, ending his life for his own powerful greed and need for Experience Orbs that he deeply craved. He was like a man whom he never would've wanted too become had things been different, he sometimes wondered what it would've been like too be like his mother or father. He would never know now and his only path was straight too Teresa and Jack, either way one was dieing if not both. He felt as if he would have too kill both too achieve the power he wanted yet the power he wanted was what he needed too save Teresa. The power that he wanted was corrupting his very soul destroying it, he was wanting it for all the wrong reasons. Would he know the right thing too do when the time came? Somehow Reaper didn't even care right now, he wanted too be all mighty and stop anything that crossed him again. He did not want too live through another Oakvale burning seeing all he cared about killed, burned, tortured, and raped before him. Reaper's powers would change everything, but the cost of it seemed too much for him. Could he honestly do it when the time came, could he kill one more time and then just stop like that? As if nothing happened before he achieved his own selfish needs and wants? His own answer too that was a resounding, no.