× ☾∂αяιoη☽ × ☾кιчo☽ ×

×☾I don't need blood like Vampires!☽×
Darion laughed, and walked over to the side of her new bed, still laughing a bit but then took a deep breath and looked at her, smiling now. "No yelling, silly girl." He chuckled a bit and lifted a phone on her new nightstand that also had a lamp on it. "This kind of calling." He said, "and yes, it would be easy to get lost, but don't worry, someone is bound to find you after a while." He shrugged, "since you're new and all, your scent is easy to track." He explained simply, "but if you want to, feel free to explore." He then looked at Mamoru who had walked off into his room.
×☾I just need Sugar!☽×

It's hard to be happy

His room was extremely large compared to his old one. His things were placed in the same why that they were in his old room. A few things were still in boxes, just small things though. He looked around, seeing the large bathroom to the left, and like aerean's room, a balcony was across the room and he only looked back to see his dresser with a mirror on top. He looked horrible, his hair still a mess, eyes dark and he even looked pale. But it didn't shock him too much, he didn't really care too much. All he wanted to know was when they were going to start their fights with the humans.
When you were taught to hate
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♥ ♏ α š н α ♥ § û z û м î ч α ♥
The One and only Bakeneko

A dream of freedom...
To unleash this power...
Masha frowned, "i've always planned on running away, but where would we go?" She asked, "we would live where you do, but we'd end up starving and we would still have no way to get out of this region." She sighed. "Yes, if we do go with the vampires, there is a chance that they are bad creatures, but what if they do take care of us and get us out of this place?" She asked, looking up at him with hopeful eyes. "I'd going anywhere to get away from here.
♥[And make them suffer like I did]♥

:¤: Kais€r :¤: Momo¢hi :¤:

My past is not what matters
Kaiser dropped from the building and landed beside him, looking around. "If you're lucky, you'll get a rare blood type." He said walking towards the street. "And don't go for those really skinny people, their blood is too thin." He frowned at the memory of his first human meal. Some poor child that had barely any meat on his bones at all. His blood was too thin and tasteless, and didn't even fill him up even though he sucked the boy dry. He looked back at Jayo, "let's meet up later." he said, walking out of the alley and walked with the humans, waiting for the perfect meal.
It is my actions that matter now

‡ Masa ‡ Ka†sumi ‡
Through these smiles, I look so kind

A lovely day it was, he slept well and woke up right as the sun began to hide behing the mountains. The news was spread, and the order was out from his father about the special people with abilities unlike any others of their species. And the only known, living Bakeneko had been spotted in the human region, protected by those nasty creatures that tasted so good. He felt like visiting again, only this time make his kill more noticable.... Say the mayor of a city? Or the president to let everyone know that the war will begin soon.
Unfortunately, the orders for that have not been given, and he had to keep his need for royal blood under control. But atleast he will still get to visit, he would send a few of his followers to the different regions to seek out, and take the special people from their homes, brain wash them, then use them against their own kind, and the humans. But he wasn't expecting it all to be easy at all, teenagers were stubborn these days, and rebeled against anything.
He sighed at the thought, but then smiled. Then again, teenagers have new feelings at their age. Vampires weren't beautiful for nothing, and he knew that would be an advantage in this mission.
But under this skin lives a monster

♦ Hio ♦ Suzumiya ♦
I was born seperated from my family
I lived alone, and died alone

[insert text here]
Nowthat I have her body, I want her to feel how I did

. ± . O§amu . Ka†sumi . ± .
I may be a twin, but I'm nothing like my brother

[insert text here]
I am the one who is the real monster