◉◉ || "I rise from your misery....just to lend a hand"

Who am I?
Mercadi(Reinne) Bakir
[The knowing]
Where I Stand¦¦ Ultim[secretly works for tempus]
◉⇒» I Like¦¦ Males
◉⇒» Let's See, I'm About¦¦ 5'8
◉⇒» Are You Seriously Asking¦¦ 187
◉⇒» Other Reflection¦¦
◉⇒» I Wield¦¦ Pocket watch ,Notebook ,and pen
◉⇒» Power¦¦
◉⇒» I'm Good At¦¦
•Ese dropping.Mercadi is qiuck when it comes to hidding her presence.This is how she gets her nickname for she knows everything you would never want anyone to know
•Holding breath.she can stay in hidding for quite a long amount of time .This skill comes in handy when sneaking around.
•Light on her feet.Mercadi is quick and alittle bit flexible she gets this skill from gymnastics
◉⇒» I'm Bad At¦¦
•Lying.Never trust her to keep a straight face when telling a lie .The only way she could ever be serious with lying is if lives depended on it.
•Kid care.Mercadi has a tendency to but kids in danger with out her even knowing it herself.she thinks if its dangerous then it has to be fun.
•Keeping quite .She always has something to say even if it does not envolve her being.
◉⇒» Well When You Get to Know Me I'm¦¦
•Brave.Never backs down once you start something she's goin to finish it
•Hyper.Can never stay sill for more then a few moments.
•Fragile.Can go from happy to pissed,Pissed to sad within a blink of the naked eye.
•Trust worthy.If she says she is going to do something then you better believe she will do it.
◉⇒» A Brief History of Yours Truly¦¦
Mercadi was born in Paris,France.She loved to dance when little but moved on to be a gymnist at the age of six .She praticed for years to be the best she could be and then some .Her father was with Ultim.While mother Tempus.They both wanted her to follow in there foot steps.Merscadi wanted to be a highly skilled gymnist who worked for both Ultim and Tempus.At the age of fourteen she was dragged into Ulitim after her father died in battle ,She was ment to take his place since she almost had the same traits as him.When sixteen her mother's time had finally come.Tempus also wanted Mercadi to fill her mother's spot .Mercadi then dicided to work for both .She would get information from Tempus and give it to Ultim,Then get infomation from Ultim and give it to Tempus.Mercadi has made sure to quite anyone who finds out her secrect.
◉⇒» I Love¦¦
•Music razz op,Hiphop,Rock,and so on
•Dancing:jazz,and tap
•Gossip:She dose not talk about gossip only listens for the important things.
◉⇒» I Despise¦¦
•Being talked to like a talkitive idiot
•Meaning less gossip
•Gangs of any kind
◉⇒» Nightmares¦¦
•Being caught in the act.
•Losing her gymnastic skills witch makes her who she is today.
◉⇒» Secrets¦¦Mercadi has killed countless people for reasons unknown even to herself.
◉⇒» Other¦¦Can talk multiple languges and can play the clarinet .
◉⇒» ♫ They're Playing My Song ♫¦¦ My heart:Lizz Wright
◉⇒» Color My Words¦¦Olive