Healer Fervens: I trust you to make this gorgeous peacock stand out as an air adult male. Please edit and elongate the tail and headfeathers to match the type of feathers a peacock has in shape and texture. Do not edit the wings like that, the poor thing wouldn't be able to fly. The rest is up to you.
Naotsuki: Try some form of air mix - an airwater would be a good idea - to work with this California Quail. I'd like to see that single, chunky feather sticking up. The rest is up to you. You're also assigned to make a female dark of this Arctic Loon, but please wait until I release the new female dark template. Work on the quail first.
StarrySeas: You are in charge of the American Kestrel! Please make a pure-bred stone of either gender. No edits. You're also in charge of the Tree Sparrow - the race and gender is up to you, but please avoid airs.
Giftwrapped: Let's put your detailing skills to good use! Your other assignment is a Golden Lady Amestris Pheasent. Please work with a wingless female fire.
Aaron Arrikanez: I'm sure you can make a marvelous light of either gender of this Scarlet Macaw
Malhyanth: Either a male or female ice would make a wonderful Formosan Blue Magpie. You are also in charge of this here Flicker, who would make a wonderful stone or stone mix of either gender.
If any of you have any problems with these, or will not be able to complete them, let me know ASAP! Your deadline is March 1st, which gives you 4 weeks to work on these.
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