Name: Vincent Anotenette
Race: Demon
Age: 18
Likes: ✰His family
Dislikes: ✘Being woken up
✘His family in danger
✘Gross tasting food
Bio: Vincent was born with complications. He was sucking th life out of his mother, not knowing until two angels appeared before them and told tia that she was going to join them up in heaven. Of course vincent didn’t want his mother to die so he left with the older angel and stayed with her to keep a distance from taking his mothers life force. Soon a kind man named kuro helped with it, taking it upon himself to have the stones implanted inside of vincent to take demon energy instead. It worked and they all were saved. Soon the family left, making voncent grow up and then returned to the place of his birth.
Hobbies: Playing with his sister
Practicing controling his demonic powers.