This is the section for those of you who want LINEART or really simple coloring (such as for reference sheets and all that).
LINEART (I ink by hand. It takes a while):
Headshot: 35k+
Bustshot: 45k+
Waist-up: High
Knee-Up: Higher
Fullbody: Very High (I don't really want to do these.)

Art will still have shading, but not much. I might throw in a few gradients, or just stick to cel-shading (you can talk to me about that)

Color + SKETCH:
Headshot: 40k+
Waist: 190k+
Knee-up: 250k+
Fullbody: 300k+

Color + LINEART:
Headshot: 60k+
Bustshot: 70k+
Waistup: 300k+
Knee-Up: 400k+
Full-body: 640k+ (I really don't want to do these... I'd much prefer just to color!)

This is the section for those of you who want LINEART or really simple coloring (such as for reference sheets and all that).
LINEART (I ink by hand. It takes a while):
Headshot: 35k+
Bustshot: 45k+
Waist-up: High
Knee-Up: Higher
Fullbody: Very High (I don't really want to do these.)
Art will still have shading, but not much. I might throw in a few gradients, or just stick to cel-shading (you can talk to me about that)

Color + SKETCH:
Headshot: 40k+
Waist: 190k+
Knee-up: 250k+
Fullbody: 300k+

Color + LINEART:
Headshot: 60k+
Bustshot: 70k+
Waistup: 300k+
Knee-Up: 400k+
Full-body: 640k+ (I really don't want to do these... I'd much prefer just to color!)