Total Value: 2,656,600 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Noel's Gift
Noel's Gift
Music Note Mood Bubble
Music Note Mood Bubble
Music Note Mood Bubble
Music Note Mood Bubble
Music Note Mood Bubble
Divided Stars
Fallen Wish 10th Gen.
Angelic Microphone
Audrey's Black Ankle Strap Heels
SKA wristband
Nartian Rock 2nd Gen.
The possible one

Total Value: 165,973 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Panda Mood Bubble
Panda Plushie
Black Single Loop Tied Belt
Audrey's Black Long Gloves
Colonial Stockings
Dashing Gentleman Silver And Black Cane
Chapeau Demonique
Neutral Striped Legwarmers
Sugarplum Slippers
Dress of the Swan
Female Bra
Female Underwear
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