Arrow woke up on the couch, she had fallen asleep on the couch again. She looked around kind of dazed, something felt different. She looked around, no one in sight. She got off the couch and was amazed to feel a 6 foot drop. She looked around, then at herself. Her hands, different, her feet, had shoes. wide-EYED, she felt her face, she felt flesh, she gasped. She ran to her room and then DragonFly's. "DRAGONFLY!" She shouted, running into her room, not caring if she woke everyone up.
DragonFly awoke with a start. "Ahk!" she fell off her bed onto the hard ground. She sat up and rubbed her head. "ow... wait a minute..." she looked at her hands, then the rest of herself. "AHH! what the slag!?" she called out suprised. When she saw Arrow her jaw dropped. "uh.. Arrow.. i think we are human..." she mumbled. Prowl had heard DragonFly's yell and ran in he too, was human. "DragonFly are you okay?" he asked. She nodded. "just a bit dizzy.. ehh? you are human too!" she yelped. He nodded. "i don't know why or how it happened."
RazorBlade woke up to all the comotion and went into DragonFly's room. "What is going on?!" He asked surprised. Arrow looked at RazorBlade, "Ha! you look awesome!" She said and pointed. She looked at DragonFly, "No all look better than me!" She complained. She fell to her knees, "This isn't good! not at all..." She sai sadly. BlitzWing was in the hall, well the three of him.
DragonFly looked at herself again, She reached up and felt some goggles on her head. "Cool!" she giggled and looked over at RazorBlade. "hi RazorBlade! you are human too!" she giggled. "this is kinda fun!" Prowl walked over and helped DragonFly to her feet, she wobbled a bit and laughed, having fun. He sighed and shook his head. "why did this happen?" he asked, hoping someone might know the answer, but he doubted it.
Arrow looked up and then walked out, remembering BlitzWing. She saw three guys in the hall and she looked at them, resembling a feature of him. They all looked at her, "Hi Arrow!" They said simaltaniously. She walked up to who seemed to be Icy and gave him a confused look. "Hallo! We're human! und so are you!" He said happily. She looked at the other two, Random was trying to pester HotHead while he kept turning different ways, trying to ignore him. He thought if he punched Random, it would still hurt himself. She giggled seeing them, then was caught offguard by Icy hugging her, "Zis is awesome! is it not?!" He asked excitedly. Arrow didn't know what to say. RazorBlade hit Prowl," uhp, it's real!" He laughed.
Prowl winced and hit him back. "i guess it is." DragonFly squealed and ran out to the Blitzwings {lol} she pointed at each one. "hothead.. duh.. random of course! and Icy!" she giggled, then glomped Random. "hehee!" she was happy that everyone was human with her and she wasn't alone. "so... what's goin won anyways?" she asked, a bit confused.
Random was caught offguard and he looked behind him, he fell over and laughed, kind of hurting. "Y' got me!" He said. "You get!....i dunno..." He said in a confused tone.
HotHead patted DragonFly's head, "Thank you little sis.." He said talking about Random leaving him alone. Arrow walked over to the t.v. "How am I supposed to watch tee vee?!" She asked sadly. "do without it! let's go out and explore!" RazorBlade insisted to the city. He slapped Prowl's back and hauled a**. "Stop hitting him!" Arrow scolded. "No!" He ignored. "I wanna go to ze city!" Icy said ecxitedly.
DragonFly got up and smiled. "your turn!" she laughed and glomped Hothead. She looked over at RazorBlade, then Icy. "yeah! i wanna go to the city too! that sounds like tons of fun!" she laughed. Prowl frowned at RazorBlade, and kind of walked away from him a bit, not wanting to be hit anymore. "i admit, it would be interesting to walk around the city, instead of just driving around it for once." he said, trying to agree with DragonFly.
HotHead looked up, "no!" He then ended up carrying her around. "No glompz!" He said.
Arrow walked up to HotHead and took his visor off. "..." She said nothing. "Holy primus your hawt!" She shouted and fainted. "eeh? gimme.." He said and picked up his visor off the ground. "Hey! where's Adrian?!" Random asked looking around. She came running around the corner and she put Random in a head-lock, her hand over his mouth. "Y' couldn't juss shut up, could ya'?!" She asked hyperly. She giggled and hugged him.
Prowl waved to Adrian a bit and looked around. "i guess that's all of us.." DragonFly was still hangin on Hothead. She laughed pretty hard when Arrow took his visor. "hehe! Hi Adrian!" she laughed and waved to her, one arm still on Hothead. She blinked. "hey... if Adrian is here.. and you guys are here... wouldn't that mean..?" she cut off in mid sentence, thinking about the probability of DragonFlare being around. "nah, if she was here, we would all be dead by now." She laughed to herself.
RazorBlade stopped next to Prowl, "What DragonFly?" He asked confused. He hit the back of Prowl's head and ran again. Icy grabbed the collar of his shirt and he choked, stopping instantly. "Arrow asked you to stop...." He said a little annoyed. "Yessir.." He said sadly and he let him go. He poked Arrow's head out of boredum. "It's alive, y' know...." HotHead said, trying to get DragonFly off. Random hugged Adrian, "No I couldn't." He replied.
DragonFly smiled. "ahh, nothin." she giggled and finally let go of Hothead, but stood next to him. "can we get out of here? i hate bein to short compared to the furniture!" she said angrily and crossed her arms. Prowl nodded, he too was kinda of anoyyed at being so short. DragonFly poked Hothead a bit out of boredom. "poke!" she giggled.
Arrow woke up, "ooh! somewhere!" She said and ran out the main door. Icy ran after her, "Vait up!" He shouted. Random took after Icy, Adrian not wanting to leave Random alone. RazorBlade flicked Prowl's ear and ran after everyone else. HotHead walked instead of run like everyone, tollerating DragonFly's pokes.
DragonFLy watched Everyone leave for a second, then ran to catch up with Hothead. "how come you aint runnin?" she asked and poked him again. Prowl growled at RazorBLade and chased after him, when they got outside, he punched him hard eniough for it to hurt, but not eniough to do any real damage. He looked at Arrow. "what are you doing?" he asked.
Arrow looked at Prowl, "Going to the city seems fun." She replied. HotHead looked down at his little sister, "Because, I don't feel like it." He said, still walking. RazorBlade chuckled and flicked Prowl's other ear and ran behind HotHead. "Halp!" He shouted. He looked at him, confused. Random poked Adrian and she poked him back.
DragonFly giggled "okay!" she looked at RazorBlade sternly ."no, it's your fault. you shouldn't pick on Prowl." she scolded. Prowl frowned and jumped behind RazorBlade and punched him again. "jerk.." he mumbled and smiled at DragonFly. "thank you." he said happily and walked beside her. She smiled and nodded. "but you shouldn't have punched him either.." she said and punched his arm.
RazorBlade flicked his ear yet again and hid behind HotHead again, "I wush askin daddeh!" He said in a funny tone. This time he was watching his back. HotHead wasn't paying attention, he only knew they were rouh-housing again an didn't care. Arrow looked at Adrian, "Even as a human, you haven't changed, have you?" She asked. Adrian looked over and smiled, "nope!" She shouted and then put her arm around Random's neck. Icy chuckled, "You haven't eizer..." He told her and smiled.
"i know.." DragonFly smiled and looked at Prowl "if ya react, he will just annoy ya again." she poked Hothead again. Prowl frowned. "how do you know?" he asked. "the same thing goes with Random... duh." she giggled and looked over at RazorBlade, then poked him. "stop botherin people!"
RazorBlade frowned, "But he's not a people!" He pointed at Prowl. Arrow appeared right behind RazorBlade and slapped the back of his head, not enough to hurt him. "Leave em alone." She said in a low tone. He nodded and looked down. He punched Hothead's arm lightly and looked up at him, "Halp...." He said again, he did this when he got yelled at or he had nothing to do. HotHead looked at him and hugged him. Random poked DragonFly in amusement. Adrian poked her too. When they got to the city, Arrow looked around, the brothers, and all of Arrow, together, RazorBlade sticking close to HotHead.
DragonFly squeaked from the pokes and walked away a bit. While they where in the city she began to wander off a bit. Interested by the different sights, they looked different to her now that she was human. Prowl walked near Arrow. "thank you" he mumbled to her and looked around. "hey.. where did DragonFly go?" he asked, not seeing her.
"She's over there.." Arrow pointed to a pet store. She walked over next to DragonFly, "Whatya lookin at?" She asked curiously. Random pretended to scratch HotHead like a cat. Icy bought a book. RazorBlade was looking at the animals too, "Heh...kitties..." He said curious and amused.
"ehh?!" DragonFly jumped, not expecting Arrow. "oh, heh, i was lookin at the puppies!" she giggled and tapped the glass, making a puppie jump over to her. She giggled. Prowl patted her head. "you really shouldn't wander off you know? you had me worried for a second." he said with a sigh. She stuck her tounge out at him. "ya shouldn;t worry about me. I can take care of myself." she mumbled. {so says the klutz who cant find her way out of a cardboard box...}
Arrow smiled, she saw a German Shepherd and giggled, "That one's cute!" She said and pointed it out. She heard prowl and sighed, "You can't even keep track of her, bell boy!" She said. HotHead smirked, his arms crossed, "I tsink zat had an aftershock..." He said luaghing a little. RazorBlade didn't really hear and didn't get why he was laughing. Random stayed quiet, close to Adrian, they were like the little kids following the whole group, silently.
Prowl frowned and crossed his arms angrily. DragonFLy giggled and wanderd around the pet shop. She wasn't payin attention and accedentaly ran into Icy. "ow.. sorry Icy" she giggled and looked at the book he had bought. "heh, what chya readin?" she asked and looked over his shoulder, trying to see what it was.
Icy looked at DragonFly from his shoulder, "The Na'vi people: .:Omaticaya:." He held up the book, he recited some big words that she probably really did not understand. He smiled and continued reading. RazorBlade only followed DragonFly, looking at what she would and ask some questions here and there. Arrow stayed close to Icy and so did HotHead, he wasn't one for animals. RazorBlade walked close to Prowl and looked at him, "NO." He said and twitched his head a little. Icy looked up and saw it, he read his book for a moment and looked back up, "De ja vu?" He asked himself.
{wow, seriously, LOL}
DragonFly giggled and soon got bored, she walked out of the petshop and wandered again. This time, Prowl followed her, keeping an eye on her. She walked past a fruit stand outside a store, and looked at the fruit. "oh! i wanna taste an apple" she said to herself and kept walking. "maybe i will get one later... oh what's that?" she asked and wandered off even more. Prowl sighed and hoped the others where following too, it would be hard to contact them if they got lost, since they didn't have com-links anymore.
HotHead put his hand in his pocket and took out a rectangular device with a small screen on it. "eeh?" He was confused by it, he pressed some of the buttons and it did different things, one went to the radio, another said. 'Emergency call' He immediately pressed the red button and gave it to Arrow, "Uhm...zis vas in mein pocket, vhat is it?" He asked her. She took it and examined it, "Oh, it's a cell phone." She said and rummaged through her pockets, and found a similar device in her jacket pocket, she pressed some buttons on his phone and then a few on her own, his phone rang. "ah..." He said now fascinated on what else it could do. Adrian took out her phone snd called Random. He jumped and took it out, he pressed the green button because he liked that color, "Hallo?" He spokke into it, "LOVE YOU!" Adrian shouted and hung up. He laughed. Arrow took Icy's book and read it with him, it was small font writing and there was a lot, "Less read together later, too okay?" She asked and he smiled, "Okay." He smiled back. RazorBlade looked at DragonFly, "Hey, do you have one too?" He asked curiously.
She dug into her pockets and pulled out one that was different then everyone elses. "hmm.. this it?" she asked and flipped it open. It had plain buttons and not many features. "heh, mines stupid.." she said and stuffed it back into her pockets. "Hey Prowl! lemme see yours?" she asked. He sighed and handed her his. it was gold and black {lol duh} she opened it and began pressing buttons, in a few seconds she had found the games. he sighed. "you would be able to find those without any trouble." he mumbled and snatched it back. she giggled a bit. "what can i say, i love games" she tripped suddenly and Prowl caught her Arm. "you okay?" he asked. She nodded, but winced at the pain in her ankle, she had twisted it pretty bad, but wasn't going to let them worry about her.
Icy closed his book, deciding to read later and looked at DragonFly, "Are you okay?" He asked helping her up as well. HotHead was determined to conquer his phone's intel. He looked at the back and it said 'Dröid'. "Droeed" He read. Arrow watched in amusement as HotHead messed with his phone. Random kept prank calling everyone, now he prank called Prowl. RazorBlade looked at DragonFly, a little worried, her step was different, he observed this. Adrian was messing with her phone as well as HotHead was.
Prowl looked at his phone as it rang. caller Id said Random, and he sighed. "random im right here, don't call me..." he said a bit irritated. DragonFly smiled. "Im fine, don't worry." she noticed RazorBlade and tried to walk normal, but still limped a bit. She poked him. "I'm fine okay." she giggled "stop bein a worry wort, all of ya."
Random bit Prowl's hand and then he dialed *67 for the unknown caller id. He redialed Prol's number, Adrian giggled as she saw him do this. "you're gonna get in trouble~" She teased. HotHead called Arrow, "Hi." he said and hung up, Arrow looked at him,"y' know, phone conversations can last more than a duration of two seconds..." She smiled. She took Icy and HotHead's hand and kept walking, "I believe it is a public display of friendship!" She smiled. Icy kept walking, a smile accompanied him for a second. RazorBlade looked at DragonFly, "Liar..."He said in a nice tone, he was still worried.
She frowned. "nah uh.." she said in a low voice, and looked at her foot and frowned. "even as a human, i am a clutz.." she mumbled. Prowl nursed his hand for a bit until his phone rang. being the polite guy he was, he answered it. "hello?" he asked, confused upon who would call him, or even had his number in the first place.
Random smirked, then walked behind Adrian. "Iss me...I keel you!" He said in a funny voice. He then put the phone in his pocket and acted like nothing happened. Adrian said nothing as well, she didn't know how she kept that straight face. RazorBlade was chatting with Icy and HotHead while Arrow just listened and nodded to some of his questions. Suddenly a guy walked up, about as tall as Prowl, "Hey, you're kinda cute... Are you single?" He asked, in a different voice, than normal people that is. She was a little behind, that's why he chose her, he was just some loner with some friends, lookin for a good time. HotHead looked behind himself and saw this, he slowed his pace a little.
Prowl frowned, closed his phone and walked up next to Random. "idiot.." he mumbled and hit the back of his head. DragonFly jumped when he walked up. She wasnt expecting anyone to talk to her. She just stared at him. "uh thanks? and.." her voice cut out, she couldn't answer his question.. she wasnt sure about Prowl and RazorBlade. SHe just kept walking, her twisted ankle was slowing her down a bit, and she kind of looked at the group for help, which was kind of pointless, since no one was looking, except Hothead, and she couldn't tell if he would help or not.
The guy now walked with her, "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, noticing her ankle, "I know what'll make it feel better." He insisted. HoHead didn't like it, he saw the look on her, face, she wasn't having fun at all. He stopped, and let the others go ahead. He walked up to her and put his arm around her, "What're you doing vis my girl?" He asked with a tone of command and strictness. The guy had a look of fear for a second, then he kind of took up the nerve to reply, "W-well, she had a limp to her step and I thought I-id help out...eheh?" He reasoned. HotHead frowned, "Feh....gez out of my site..." He said and he gave him a painful look. The guy put his hands up kind of like a surrender and walked away, off to his punk friends, who eventually luaghed at him. Arrow had seen up to where HotHead had said that and she was confused, a little mortified, but more confused, she hesitated then saw the guy and him walk away and sighed.
Prowl looked at RazorBlade and frowned, "She could've come to us...why didn't she?" He asked Prowl. Prowl sighed and took the time to answer, "Because she doesn't like you like that..." He replied smugly. RazorBlade smirked and put his hands behind his head,
"Not yet."
He said and Prowl choked on his words, like when people were drinking and they heard something funny or absurd. HotHead looked at DragonFly, "You okay, lil sis?" He asked.
She smiled."yup. thanks HotHead." she hugged him and noticed that the others where a bit farther away now. "gah! we gootah catch up!" she said a bit worried that they would actually get left behind. She tried to walk faster and pull HotHead along too, but failed. "c'mon!" she said as she struggled to get him moveing. she winced at the pain in her foot and stopped, then looked at him with a smile trying to hide the pain again.
HotHead sighed, "sometsing's vrong vis you..." he said actully knowing her ankle had been hurt. "Here." he said and he held her upright, supporrt so she could walk. He walkked faster and caught up with the others. "We'll take a look at your ankle when we get back, okay?" Arrow asked, "Shouldn't tak too long..." She said. They were actually heading back from being in the city for at least six or seven hours, it was now about seven or eight o' clock in the evening. Arrow was getting very tired from waking the whole day, and she had to look at DragonFly's ankle when they got back. Adrian was hyped out for once, tired with Random, he was a little quiet for once, him and her both.
DragonFly nodded and hugged Hothead again. "thanks Big brother." she giggled and yawned. "heh, after we look at my ankle... im takin a nice long nap.." she mumbled sleepily. she was tired too. Prowl looked at her and smiled, she was very cute like that. She poked him. "stop starin at me.." she mumbled with a small smile. "makes me feel like i did somethin wrong.."
HotHead looked at her, "You aren't going to let go now, are you?" He asked planning on not getting his arm back. Once they got back, Arrow wrapped a bandage with guaze on it and gave her a pain pill,she knew only a tiny bit about human medicies and things. Arrow was sitting with Icy and reading his new book with him, if she read slowly, then he'd wait and then turn the page. Random began pestering Prowl and RazorBlade, making fun of them and everything. HotHead was napping, in Arrow's normal spot, Adrian was sitting with him.
Arrow had fallen asleep kind of on Icy an he kind of did too. When Arrow woke up, she sat up and looked up, she was in her bed, she looked at herself, cybertronian. Her visual scans and hands, cybertronian. BlitzWing:cybertronian. [lol] She looked over at a nearby metal box, on it, lay a book; The Na'vi people: .:Omaticaya:.
DragonFly had let go of HOthead eventually and fell asleep upside down on the couch, when she woke up she was on her bed. She looked herself over and saw that she was back to being cybertronian. she looked at her foot, there was a dull pain but not much. She jumped off of the bed and jumped for joy. "YAY! back to normal!" she giggled then stopped. "it was probably just a dream though..." she mumbled and walked into the living room to wait for the others to wake up, then she would tell them about her amazing dream.
BlitzWing and Arrow walked to the living room, to see if anyone else was awake. Arrow saw DragonFly and smiled, "Omigosh! you would not believe the dream I had!" She said excitedly, BlitzWing looked at her, "I vas human..." Icy said kaing it no big deal, Arrow stared at him blanky and faced DragonFly, "So what have you got for this morning?" She asked happily.
RazorBlade walked out of his room lazily and looked at everyone, "God, what's with everyone waking up at the same time? I wish i were human again...." He said referring to his supposed awesome dream. BlitzWing held up the Na'vi book and RazorBlade looked at it, in awe.
"I dreampt i was human last night..." she looked at BlitzWing and Arrow. "you guys where all seperated, Arrow, adrian, Hothead, Icy, Random. and we all went to town! and i twisted my ankle! which still kinda hurts..." she added the last part with a wince at her foot. "and Prowl and RazorBlade where there too! it was awesome!' she giggled and fell backwards on the couch, giggling a bit. Prowl walked in a few moments later. "same dream here... we all had similar dreams?" he asked, a bit interested in what was going on. DragonFly suddenly sat up. "Oh, and Icy bought that book tooo!" she pointed at the book.
Icy looked at it, "Come to think of it...i did..." He said amazed. Arrow looked at RazorBlade and frowned, "And you wouldn't leave Prowl alone..." She said kind of annoyed. "But I didn't want to!" He argued playfully. Arrow was taken aback, "Didn't want to? really heard me and everyone else? in the dream?" She asked. "Well if you said the things you think you said then...yeah....i guess..." He said and sat in his favorit part of the couch. Adrian came up, "Oh! and we had phones! and Random prank called Prowl...twice... How's your hand, by the way?" She asked. Random looked at Adrian, "I still luff you!" He said in a complaint tone, Adrian was confused, "What does that have to do with anything?" She asked, then shrugged because she knew anything that they both said NEVER made sense. Random shrugged and then he switched to HotHead, Some punk tried movin in on my lil sis!" He said a little pissed.
DragonFly giggled. "I remember that!" she ran up to HotHead and tackled him in a hug. "thanks again!... ow..." she winced at her foot. Prowl sighed, and looked at his hand. "it's fine now." he said with a small smile. DragonFly looked around the room. "so.. we all had the same dream? is that even possiblke?" she asked.
"Well...technically but i don't think i've ever heard of it actually happening." Arrow said. She looked at DragonFly and frowned, "Well, now I can actually fix that if ya want..." She said knowing hell of a lot more about cybertronians than humans. She did like being human though. "T' was fun..." RazorBlade said, tapping Prowl's audio receptor. HotHead punched RazorBlade's head, making fall. "I wasn't gonna hold back." He said, looking at the crumbled ninja-bot.
DragonFly giggled. "nice punch." she looked back at Arrow. "that would be nice." she smiled. Prowl looked at RazorBlade. "ow.. that's gotta hurt.." he mumbled, almost feeling sorry for him. then he remembered the 'not yet' comment when they where human, so he didn't anymore. He smirked. "payback.." he mumbled.
Arrow smiled and patted RazorBlade's head on her way to the med-bay. "Ouch! that hurt!" He said, rubbing his head. She smiled, and didn't even look back, "Good." She said in a sadistic tone. She took out a small med-kit from a medical cabinet and set on a table in front of DragonFly. "I dont trust you with this so, up." She said, patting the table for her to sit on. RazorBlade got up and ran for HotHead, putting his arms in front of him like a tackle. HotHead saw it coming and he held his ground, they collided and he put his hands on RazorBlade's shoulders, RazorBlade's hands on his shoulders. "Again?" He asked, this wasn't the first time, this was their verison of rough-housing, well RazorBlade really wanted to fight.
Prowl watched them fight with some interest, if RazorBlade got hurt, it would be kind of funny. DragonFly nodded and sat on the table. "it really was fun, bein human for a while... I kinda wish it would happen again.. don't you?" she asked, looking around the room.
Arrow smiled, and worked, "Yeah, it sure was fun, i would like for it to happen again..." She said with a faint smile. "yes!" He said and turned his body, throwing HotHead in the direction next to him. HotHead skidded to a hual on the ground. "Gotten better.." He said and ran at him with incredible speed. "TAKE IT OUTSIDE!" Arrow shouted, knowing exactly what was going on. She looked at DragonFly, "heh, sorry." She apalogized. HotHead got a hold of RazorBlade and he flew outside, then they continued their half fake half real fight. RazorBlade was getting his a** kicked by not being able to hit him, wiht recieving small hits from HotHead.
DragonFly giggled. "it's okay." She looked at her foot while Arrow was working. it was begining to feel better. She wished Arrow would hurry up, she kind of wanted to see the fight too. Prowl followed them outside and leaned against the base, watching them fight, it was quiet interesting. He remembered all of the fights he had with BlitzWing before He changed sides. He was a good fighter.
Arrow had finished up and looked at her, "Ha, you're good now" She said. "Calm down, I'm sure it won't last long..."Se said walking out. BlitzWing got RazorBlade in a head-lock, "Give up?" He asked, RazorBlade struggled, "Nope." He said. HotHead strengthened hi gripon RazorBlade, "Now?" He asked with a smirk, RazorBlade frowned and choked a little, "Y-yeah..." He said sadly. He smiled and let him go. HotHead walked away. Arrow walked up to him and hugged him, "You didn't kill him, did you?" She asked jokingly, he smiled," Nah." He replied.
"aww.. i missed it.." DragonFLy mumbled and crossed her arms. "ow well." she smiled and walked over to RazorBlade. "hey. you okay?" she asked curiously. Prowl shook his head. "ah, he's fine." he said.
Arrow helped him up. "Hah, need a clean up?" She asked, he had an energony nose. "No, i dont." He replied kind of angrily. HotHead walked up to RazorBlade, "Dont hit me,okay?" He asked. RazorBlade looked up, a look of hatred for a seocnd then he faintly smiled, "yeah" He said agreeingly. [lol, might just give ya a big wet kiss]
DragonFLy giggled and poked BlitzWing out of boredom. "rawr!" she giggled. Prowl shook his head. "you are so childish DragonFly." he mumbled and looked at RazorBlade with a smirk, holding back a laugh.
RazorBlade looked at Prowl, before following Arrow, "Bell boy." He said to him and walked away with her. He knew he said no but he also wanted to let her know he was okay and he learned to tell her that by letting her fix him up. "Too many people getting hurt to many times.." Arrow mumbled to herself, she began working on his small cuts. Icy poked her sensitive spot and smirked.
Prowl frowned at RazorBlade, not being able to come up with a comeback. DragonFly fell over. "eehk.. ow..." she mumbled, "that one actually hurt!" she yelled and threw a small rock that was nearby at him. "grr.." Prowl shook his head again. "you too!" she said again and threw another one at Prowl, who caught it with his ninja skills.
Icy poked her again, this time a little bit harder. "Ranzom did it...not me.." He lied jokingly. He put an 'x' in front of him with his arms, preparing for an attack. Arrow finished up with RazorBlade and met up with the others. She looked at Icy and frowned at his posture, "What are you two doing?" She asked.
[blah blah blah shut yoor covenant flaps!]
DragonFly frowned and kicked him angrilly in the knee. "jerk.." she mumbled and ran to Arrrow. "He was picking on me!" she whined and pointed at BlitzWing. Prowl looked at RazorBlade with a frown, still angry at him.
RazorBlade noticed Prowl, "What, bug eyes?" He asked annoyed. Arrow looked behind her at DragonFly then BlitzWing, "Well then, i'm gonna haveta punish him later, huh?" She asked DragonFly and smiled. "But I didn't do anytsing!" He whined. He switched to Random and pointed at himself, "Brozer blamed me!" He complained. Arrow sighed, "Too confusing...." She mumbled to herslef.
DragonFly stuck her tounge out at him. "either way, he always picks on me.." She hid behind Arrow, just in case he got angry, knowing Hothead, he might. Prowl looked at RazorBlade. "at least i didn't get beaten by the triple changer.." he smirked.
RazorBlade folded his arms, now a little pissed again. "Least he doesn't hate me....Autobot..." He said, choosing sides.[D.A.] Arrow looked behind her and watched DragonFly, "aw, you're alirht DragonFly...he can't hurt you, im here" She said with a smile. Icy folded his arms, "hmph." He said and looked at Arrow, "You're safe for now sis..." He said faking it.
DragonFly froze and then held onto Arrow's arm. "don't...EVER..leave me..." she mumbled and gave BlitzWing a look of complete fear. She never could tell when someone was joking. Prowl smirked. "last i checked you werent a decepticon." he looked over at DragonFly. "if you are, go let DragonFly know for me." he grinned.
"Gladly" He shot back and walked over to DragonFly, ignoring the fact she was hiding behind Arrow. "Hi! I am a Decepticon!" He said, kind of like an answering machine or something. Icy gave her a look of questioning, "Vhat did i do?" He asked walking up to her.
DragonFly looked over at RazorBlade. "no.. you aren't..." she mumbled and looked at him oddly. "you are too good for that." she smiled. When BlitzWing walked over she pulled RazorBlade in front of her next to Arrow. "keep him away..." she mumbled, half scared for her life. Prowl looked at RazorBlade and shook his head.
RazorBlade was confused and waved at BlitzWing, "h-hi." He said shyly and looked behind himself, "Yeah I am..." He said in a funny tone. Arrow was going to go read Icy's book but then she remembered DragonFly and her being scared of him so she decided to just keep an eye on her.
DragonFly punched him. "if you are a decepticon, why aint ya attackin us? hmm?" she giggled, a bit amused. but she shut up when she looked back at BlitzWing. "dun let him hurt mee..." she said quietly and made sure RazorBlade or Arrow where always between him and her.
RazorBlade frowned, "uhm...i was from and raised by Decepticons! so that makes me one..." He said. He switched to Random and looked at DragonFly, "Whatya talkin about?!'He asked interested. Arrow walked away a tiny bit, just to see what DragonFly would do, would she let her go? or would she make her come back?
"hmm, well that makes some sence... but you are an Autobot in my terms." she said and nodded. The moment she noticed Arrow wasn't there she took off and walked with her, keeping an eye on BlitzWing. "heeeyyy... i said don't leave me siisss!" she complained and kept close to her side.
"I'm only getting a book, silly." She said and kept walking, "He's not gonna hurt you..." She said looking behind her. Icy was determined to follow DragonFly. RazorBlade wanted to convince her he was a decepticon. "I'm. A. Decepticon." He said again.
DragonFLy giggled. "okay, you can be a Deceptycon, but you are a good Deceptycon. Like Arrow" she giggled at her goof up in saying Decepticon and patted his head. SHe looked at Icy and then looked foreward, trying to ignore him. "he will!" She told Arrow, not wanting to beleive her.{lol she left out BlitzWing cause she still thinks he wont hesitate to hurt her}
Arrow heard DragonFly and looked at her, "No he won't! and he's not bad either!" She said now getting involved in the conversation. She picked up his book and opened it, and began to read while walking back to where she was. She was going to sit on the ground and read. Icy looked at Arrow, "See? i am not bad!" He said and olded his arms. "You hate me!" He accused.
"no i don't hate ya.. im just afraid of ya.." DragonFLy said, still keeping her distance. "more of HotHead then you or Random..." she said and hid behind RazorBlade again, expecting HotHead to react badly. She looked over his shoulder at Arrow and BlitzWing.
Arrow sighed and sat down, content on where she was. Icy switched to HotHead and hugged her, "Does zis look like kill to you?" He asked. He expected her to probably run away. Arrow was just going to stay out of it. RazorBlade looked at DragonFly, "Me thinks ya hate him..." He said jokingly.
DragonFly looked at HotHead, then RazorBlade. "jerk.." she mumbled and punched RazorBlade lightly on his shoulder. She looked back at Hothead. "fine, i guess not.. but stop bein so scary all the time!" she complained and sat down too, next to Arrow.
HotHead looked at DragonFly, "I didnt do anything!' He complained. Arrow turned the page and looked at DragonFly, "Hey kiddo!' She said and continued reading.RazorBlade looked at Prowl, "okay now what?" He asked confused.
Prowl sighed and sat Next to DragonFLy. "no clue, you beat me." he admitted and looked over at him with a smirk "this time..." DragonFly stuck her tounge out at HotHead. "you have no idea.." she mumbled and looked over at what Arrow was reading, she read a few sentences out of boredom. {gr... waht now?!?}
[agh dunno!]
HotHead stood up and looked away, "Stop hating me!" He said and walked away. Arrow sighed, "He's overreacting again..."She said and kept reading, "Though if I were you, i would assk myslelf why i was scared, he didn't do anything..." She explained. RazorBlade was going to say something to Blitzwing but didn't get the chance, "Why ARE you scared, dee?" He asked.
"i threw a rock at him, and thought he was gunna attack me.." she addmitted. "heh, i guess i did overreact a bit." she said and stood up. "be right back." she said and ran after BLitzWing. "I dun hate ya!" she yelled and tackled him in a hug. She had eniough momentum to knock him down too. "heh, sorry." she giggled. "i guess i was runnin to fast.. thank primus i didn't fall before i got to ya."
HotHead looked away, "You don't like me, stop faking..." He said and got up, on his own, and kept walking. RazorBlade flicked Prowl's audio receptor out of boredum and didn't expect anything to happen. Arrow looked up for a split-second and fronwed, "you're only setting yourself up..." She told him as a warning.
DragonFLy followed him. "aww.. big bwother.. don't be sa-" she tripped and landed on her face. "Oww!" she cried and sat up a bit holding back tears. "ow.. ow ow.." she mumbled and rubbed her forehead, she looked at Hothead.. "fine.. be that way.." she mumbled and turned around so she wouldn't see him and curled her knees to her chest, then put her chin on them "I can't do anythin right, can i?"She asked herself. in her Processor, DragonFlare laughed. 'nope'. Prowl looked at RazorBlade with a death glare. "stop that." he said angrily.
RazorBlade went right on ahead and poked him again. Prowl had no reaon to hit him like crazy. well, maybe. Icy kind of hit his head, "scoun...she's your sister, she'll always love us..." He said and walked over to her, he bent down in front of her and looked at her. "Hey zere..." He said, hoping she was okay. Arrow walked away because they were getting annoying and she didn't want to see a fight. " I just might save you, only to remind you Prowl is a better fighter...but then again...i might not.." She said in a serious tone.
Prowl glared at him and punched him, eniough to hopefully make him back off. He wasn't angry eniough to fight, yet. DragonFly looked up at him. "hi.." she mumbled, she did cry a bit, but she held back most of the pain. She frowned. "you can be mad at me.. i deserve it.." she said and hid her face in her knees.
Icy then sat on the ground and hugged her. "No, It's his fualt." He said and patted her head, still hugging her. Arrow was walking by and she saw them both, she continued to walk, "Ha, now you know why i love him." She said partially to DragonFly, she went to the kitchen to make herself something to eat. RazorBlade poked his head and disappeared with the ninja-like speed he had.
DragonFly hugged him back. "you guys are hard to deal with.. y'know?" she giggled and poked his head. 'how cute, makes me want to barf.' DragonFlare said. 'ahh shut up you..' she thought to herself. Prowl frowned. and looked for RazorBlade. "where did you go?" he asked a bit annoyed.
"Where you can't go..." RazorBlade replied in a sadastic tone. Arrow raised an optic ridge, looking at them both over the kitchen counter, "How am I hard to deal with?" She aked. She threw a piece of energon at DragonFly, "Taste it." She said, needing a taster. Icy caught it fr her, he gave it to her and helped her up.
DragonFly giggled and gave Blitzing a hug. "thank you." she smiled and tasted the energon. "hmm.. this is good!" she giggled. Prowl frowned. "scardy-bot." he mumbled and began to walk away, annoyed with the whole thing.
RazorBlade chuckled, He ran past him and poked his head nad ran off again. "You're scared for not reacting..." He said. Arrow made something for herself and BlitzWing and DragonFly. She sat down at the table and looked out a window, "Iss nice today...we should go flying, yes?" She asked.
DragonFLy giggled. "yeah! that would be fun! I'm much better at flyin than runnin." she said. Prowl got ready for his next poke. "I would react, if you weren't running away like a scrdy bot..." he mumbled and listened for him. He wasn't going to loose to RazorBlade.
Arrow smiled and nodded. RazorBlade appeared behind RazorBlade and put him in a head-lock, rough-housing style, nothing to hurt him. "You're mine!" He said.
Prowl smirked and flipped him over his shoulder onto the ground, then easily pinned him by putting his foot on his chest. "stop." he said with a grin. DragonFly looked to where Prowl and RazorBlade where. "uh.. i think they are fighting again..." she mumbled and pointed towards them.
Arrow shrugged, "I told him and warned him but i guess he didn't listen." She said and didn't even look at them. Icy smiled, "He only wants someone to train vith and he's too stubborn to ask Prowl himself..." He explained. It made sense. Arrow made an expression of agreement. RazorBlade head-butted Prowl and got up, a tiny bit dizzy.
Prowl took a step back, slightly dizzy too. He shook his head and got ready for RazorBLade's next attempt. DragonFly giggled and nodded. "i never thought of it that way before. heh, i guess this helps Prowl get his anger out too?" she asked and watched them, a bit interested.
" is a good way of putting it..." Arrow insisted, she looked out the window again. She looked outside and then looked at the book she had, "Oh, and im borrowin your book, okay?" She asked with a smile. He nodded, "Okay, you would stop zem if zey vere fighting too seriously right?" He asked. Arrow almost choked, "Of course!" She said.
DragonFly giggled and watched them. "they like to fight a lot, don't they?" she asked. Prowl looked at RAzorBlade. "give up yet?" he asked, but highly doubted it. he knew RazorBlade wouldn't give up after just one attack.
RazorBlade smirked, "Nope, just gettin started, pretty boy." He said and he pretended to hit him with one hand but hit him with the other. [can be acted if desired] "I don't think RazorBlade really likes Prowl...but I don't know why...he's nice and everything..." he said trying to understand. Icy said nothing.
Prowl barely dodged it and slid his foot under RazorBlade's and tried to trip him. He knew Arrow would get mad if he hurt him too much. "aww.. it sucks when people cant just be friends.." DragonFLy sighed. 'gah, why am i stuck with your nonsense! lemme out of here.' DragonFlare complained. 'primus, shut up, you are noisier today, more then ever..' DragonFly mumbled 'bothering you? good.'She replied angrilly. DragonFly sighed and shook her head."shut up.."
Arrow looked at DragonFly with a look of confusion, "Huh?" She asked her, "I didn't say anythin..." She said. RazorBlade almost got tripped, he staggered and caught himself, giving him more stamina and power to throw his arm back behind and next to him, where Prowl was.
Prowl was hit right in the face. He took a few steps back and cursed under his breath. he kicked RazorBlade in the back. DragonFly looked at Arrow. "eehh?" she blinked. "oh, nothin, just talkin to myself..." she mumbled. 'heh, no you aren't, you are talking to me. i am in no way, you.' DragonFlare growled. 'i just pray to primus someone makes you angry eniough to let me loose.. then i can take care of your friends..' DragonFly frowned. 'that's not gunna happen anytime soon.'
Arrow frowned, then let it go, "If you say so." She said and faintly smiled. She was finished and put her plate away, as well as DragonFly's. BlitzWing could do his own, she didn't think their fight was escelading really, she watched from the counter, and rested her head in her hands, her elbows on the counter. RazorBlade fell forward and tried countering it but ended up falling, in front of Prowl. "s**t"
Prowl stepped on his back, applying more pressure. "give up yet?" he asked, trying to keep the fight down to just a spar. DragonFly looked up as Arrow took her plate. "thank you! it was very good!" she smiled. 'hmm, do you know how much of an idiot you are? you can't even walk right...' DragonFlare teased, trying to get DragonFly angry. 'yeah.. i know.. shut up, i don't need you inturuptin my thoughts.'DragonFly shot back, trying to ignore her.'thoughts? what thoughts?! your a moron!' DragonFlare laughed. DragonFLy sighed and slouched at the table she was sitting at. "grr.." she mumbled.
Arrow noticed DragonFly and decided to keep a close eye on her, perhaps something could've been wrong with her? RazorBlade looked up, struggling. "nuh uh!" He took both of his legs and pulled his foot under him, causing Prowl to fall, giving RazorBlade little time to get up.
Prowl fell on his back and winced at the pain. He blinked and realized that if RazorBlade got up before him, he was in a bit of trouble. he tried to get up as quickly as possible. DragonFLy sighed and wanted to slam her head on the table. 'oh, that wouldn't be weird, would it?' DragonFlare laughed. 'primus, you are worse then me..' DragonFly thought to her a bit angry. 'heh, am i really bothering you that much?'she laughed. 'no..' She sighed and looked out at Prowl and RazorBlade's fight. 'i really think i am, too bad you can't do anything about it.'
RazorBlade got up on all fours and crawled and struggled to get up for a second. He got up but didn't have time to look behind him.
Prowl smirked and jumped back to his feet. "never leave yourself open." he mumbled and kicked him in the side, knocking him away a few feet. DragonFly frowned as DragonFlare kept paestering her. She walked outside and acted like she was watching the fight. 'it is sad really that you can't take my insults.' DragonFlare scoffed. 'it just shows how weak you really are.' DragonFly clenched her fists. 'I'm not weak, and you know it.' She replied trying to keep her cool. 'heh, you are strong when you use my strength. but without me, you are the weakest one here. your lucky your friends are just being nice and not admitting that you are a nuesance(sp?).' DragonFly gritted her teeth. "s-stop it.."
Arrow had gotten out of DragonFly's sight but was still watching her. She was thinking really hard, about something. "You are not okay..." She said in a world wonder. RazorBlade rolled a few times and hit the base's outside wall. 'Hurk!" She spit up some energon, "That's some kick y' got..." He said and ran at him. "Thass right b***h!" He shouted.
Prowl sighed and moved out of the way. he causualy stuck out his foot and tiripped him. "give up, you are just hurting yourself..." he mumbled, knowing full well that RazorBlade would never give up. 'don't ignore me.. you know it too. you just don't want to beleive it.' DragonFlare laughed. 'and with having me as part of you, it makes you a threat to them too!'DragonFly winced, double whammy{lol} She sighed and slid down the wall and sat against it. 'please.. shut up..' 'aww, am i upsetting someone? that is sad.' DragonFLy's optics turned a light shade of red. "leave me alone.." she mumbled and shook a bit. 'why should i? you are so close to letting me free.'
Arrow walked up to DragonFly, carefully. "H-hey, are you okay?" She asked. RazorBlade sort of flew and did a tuck and roll. He kicked off the ground and punched Prowl in the back, full force.
DragonFly didn't look up. "j-just fine.. but you should be payin attention to them.." she mumbled, meaning Prowl and RazorBlade. 'aw.. pushin her away? how cute.' DragonFlare began to speak again. 'if you are trying to keep her safe, it wont work. I will still go after her first..'She laughed DragonFly let out a low growl. "no.." she mumbled as her optics turned a dark red. She began to shake a bit. Prowl fell facefirst onto the ground. He winced a bit at the pain.
"Do YOU give up?" He asked,putting his knee on Prowl's back, his hand on his head. His free hand held both of his hands together, behind his back. Arrow sat next to her, "Ah, i can watch them turned away..." She said looking over at them, she knew the fight was almost over.
DragonFly looked at her a bit. "you REALLY shouldn't be over here.." she mumbled, not being able to fight DragonFLare for much longer. 'this is going to be fun..' DragonFlare laughed Prowl frowned. "good move..." he mumbled and struggled to get free.
"Mhm." RazorBlade said confidently. "So?" He asked. Arrow chuckled, "Why shouldn't I be?" Arrow asked a little confused. Icy noticed that Arrow left the book on the table and decided to read it, somewhere where no one was, so it wasn't annoying or noisy.
DragonFly stopped shaking and stood up. "you really don't pick up warnin signs do you?" she asked and looked over with an evil smirk. Her optics dark red. 'thank you pest, you finally did something right.' DragonFlare thought happily and took control. her cannons whirred to life and she looked over at Arrow, ready to attack. Prowl frowned. "you win, for now.. i think something is up." he said and nodded towards DragonFly. She didn't look right, even from a distance.
Arrow looked up, a look of fear for a second, then she got up and looked into the cannon. RazorBlade looked behind him for a second, and then let Prowl go, "Y-yeah...less go." He said and helped him up. He walked up a small hill to where DragonFly and Arrow were. He looked at them and gasped, putting his hand out to stop Prowl from going any further.
DragonFlare smirked. "one down." she said and fired, DragonFly gasped, 'Arrow! no' and took just eniough control to make the shot move a little bit to the side, it still should have done a lot of damage. Prowl stopped and gasped. "that's not good, she normaly holds back.. what hapened to make her mad?" he asked, extremly worried. "get BLitzWing..." he mumbled.
RazorBlade nodded, "don't get dead!" He said and ran inside. "Hey! heeey! DragonFlare is on the loose again! Arrow is possibly down." He said over a com-link, he ran down a few halls and found him. He just heard him and he had been running, RazorBlade ran with him. They got outside and met back with Prowl. Arrow got hit in the side, closer to the top middle. She fell down, a small energon mess spread across he neck and stomach.[sp?]
Prowl nodded as they got outside. DragonFLare looked at Arrow. "aww, now she will go offline in pain, look at how much suffering you caused DragonFLy.." she mumbled and turned to face the others. "you really shouldn't ruin my aim." she laughed and aimed for them, first BlitzWing. 'I'm sorry Arrow!' DragonFly cried inside her Processor. Prowl looked at Arrow. "we need to get her out of here.." he said and looked at DragonFlare, ready for anything.
BlitzWing lowered his cannons, in hesitation. He charged them though, ready as well as Prowl. "You're notsing but a virus, infected mein harmless little sister..." He said. RazorBlade kneeled down to see if she was okay, at least breathing. Arrow was, she looked up, "It's DragonFlare, not her, okay? not her...don't shoot...her..." She said faintly and coughed a little. She wasn't near offline but she really wanted to stay and deal with DragonFlare carefully. She tried getting up, RazorBlade tried convincing her to stay so he could carry her to the med-bay but she refused. She got up and saw her aiming at BlitzWing, she set her cannons to stun and aimed.
DragonFlare smirked. "you do know she is the virus? I was a Decepticon before she managed to take over." she let out a laugh and shot a barage of missiles at BlitzWIng. "why you even keep her around is beside me. She is the reason why i keep showing up!" she laughed. DragonFLy had given up, DragonFLare was right, she was just the virus that took over a Decepticon She did nothing to effect her aim. "heh, even SHE knows that. Prowl moved out of the way of the stray missiles. He didn't want to attack DragonFly at all, but would for self defence.
BlitzWing dodged a few and shot the missiles heading right for him, one hit his cannon. He shot the other at DragonFly. "YOU ARE ZE VIRUS!" He shouted as HotHead. He grabbed her wrist, normally a reaction would make the foe bent and stressful. Arrow fired at DragonFlare's back, the stun mode still on. "Ha, I'm a Decepticon...don't shoot comrads..." She said in a low hazy tone.
DragonFlare winced at the pain, then tried to free herself from his grip. she raised her other arm cannon up to his Spark chanber, it charged up and he could probably feel the heat of it as it did so. "no im not... and you know it. you just grew too attached to harmless DragonFly. and can't bring yourself to offline me." She knew she was making them angry, it was all a part of her plan to get complete control. DragonFly was listening, and every sentence brought her down more.
HotHead didn't let her go, not for the probably soon to be ended life of him. "DragonFly! you couldn't have given up so easy! " He shouted and brought her closer, strengthening his grip on her wrist. His voice seemed differet, almost worryfull, urgent. Arrow faintly smiled at not offlining her, then she fell, from a little too much loss of energon. RazorBlade immediately ran to her and picked her up, to carry her to the med-bay.
"She wont listen to you." DragonFlare smirked, she wanted to see how long this fool would keep trying. DragonFly felt horrible, this was all her fault, she couldn't keep herself calm. Prowl looked at DragonFlare. "c'mon DragonFly, don't let her win." he said sadly.
"DragonFly! Don't. Let her pull it..." He said, now twisting her wrist in an angle not meant for her joints. Arrow woke up again, in a daze, she saw RazorBlade's face, "Where's DragonFly? Is she okay?" She asked faintly. He looked down, a look of sadness, "No, not yet..." He said hoping everyone else was okay. He didn't get to finish his spar with Prowl.
DragonFlare let out a low growl of pain. She looked up at him. "aww... you are hurting your little sister.." she said in a sad voice. "no wonder she doesn't like you." she smirked and charged up her cannon again, letting it warm up before she could fire. 'DragonFlare.. stop it..' DragonFly mumbled and tried to take over again. 'nah uh, be a good little whimp and stay down' DragonFlare commanded.
"No, i'm giving her confidence...i dont care if she hates me, she'll always be mein sister!" He shouted, he attempted to grab her cannon, as he lowered his own. RazorBlade set Arrow on a table and made sure she wouldn't offline, "Be right be back, it'll feel like five minutes okay?" He asked trying to assure her.
DragonFlare growled and pulled her cannon back, out of his reach. "heh, i guess that means i have to stop you." she grinned. 'no, you can't..' DragonFly mumbled and wouldn't let her fire. "let me shoot you pest.." She growled and tried to fire at BlitzWing. Her optics turned a lighter blue. "go ahead and shoot, i'll be fine..." DragonFly mumbled. and her optics turned back to red. "pest.." DragonFlare looked back at him with a slight amount of fear in her optics.
HotHead pulled her back, and put her in a head-lock. "Fight her DragonFly!" He shouted. RazorBlade met up with Prowl, "No one dead..right?" He asked hopefull. He hesitated to take action.
Prowl looked over. "no, hopefully no one gets hurt." he mumbled. DragonFlare growled and struggled to get free. "Let me go you malfunction!" she yelled angrilly, and shot him. since she was in a head lock, she couldn't aim, but she managed to hit him in the shoulder, pretty close to his neck. "next shot wont miss!" She yelled. 'DragonFlare, stop.' DragonFly said angrilly. 'no! i like being in control!' She growled. 'I don't want you hurting big brother, or anyone else.' DragonFlare stopped struggling a bit as a result of DragonFly trying to take control again.
He had lost the hold for one second and then managed to get it back but not as good as before. He winced as energon spilled out a little. RazorBlade flinched a little, not knowing what would happen or not knowing what to' do' [lol]
DragonFlare smirked and squirmed out of his hold she charged up her cannons and raised them to fire. Suddenly they shut down. "slag.." she mumbled. 'got ya..' DragonFly said with a small laugh. "no, i haven't even taken one of 'em offline!" DragonFlare growled just before her optics went blue and her stance relaxed. "heh, i won.." DragonFly mumbled with a smile just before she passed out and fell foreward, exausted.
HotHead caught her, barely and fell backwards, passed out. RazorBlade ran over to them and looked at his injury, "Doesn't look too good...he'll live though..." He said. He looked over at Prowl, "how does she look? okay?" He asked hopefully.
Prowl picked her up. "yeah, she looks okay." he walked inside. "I'll be back to help you with him in a second, i'm going to get her to the med-bay first" he said as he left. When he got to the medBay, he put her down on a table next to Arrow. "keep an eye on her okay? i have to go help with BlitzWing." he said and left. 'Primus, you ruined everything.' DragonFlare growled in DragonFly's Processor. 'i know, but you are just gunna have to deal with it.' DragonFly giggled and kept up her strong defence keeping control, even though tshe was exausted. 'now i am gunna have to apologise to Arrow and Big Brother.. thanks a lot.' she mumbled.
Arrow looked next to her, it seemed like she just appeared right there. "Oh...hi there..." She said, "You aren't gonna" She aske dnot really caring. HotHead opened his optics and tried getting up, his neck still bleeding energon, he put his hand up to it. He took his hand back and looked at it, "Is she okay...?" He asked thinking hard about different things. RazorBlade tried getting him to stay put, but he got up anyway. He looked over at RazorBlade and faintly smiled, "It doesn't hurt..." He said lying.
Prowl walked out and sighed. "you really shouldn't be moving, that looks pretty bad." he sighed. "she is out like a light. no doubt keeping DragonFlare at bay." he said. DragonFly opened a dull blue optic. "no..i wouldn't ever wanna hurt ya.." she mumbled to Arrow and went back into stasis. DragonFlare growled. 'you know, when you pass out, you are supposed to let everything go down, including control over yourself...' 'aww, someone's not happy they cant go crazy? I'm not letting my guard down for a while.'
Arrow faintly smiled, "Ha...that's...that go-" She had fallen asleep before she could finish her sentence. HotHead looked at Prowl, "No it doesn't..." He argued, he began to walk and struggled, he contined, with look of pain.
"c'mon, let's get you to the med-bay." Prowl said and helped him walk. "before you kill yourself. That won't do anyone any favors, except the decepticons." he mumbled. DragonFly and DragonFlare kept arguing in her processor, causing her to twitch occasionaly.
RazorBlade, being taught only a little bit, used some monitors to watch activity in her processor."She's doing okay...." He handed the mini-monitor to Prowl. He looked at HotHead, "Now are you gonna be stubborn and not let me patch you up?" He asked. HotHead gave him a look then he looked up a littlw bit, letting him work. Arrow looked up, going in and out of stasis, "No..that one goes...there...and the monitors...aren't..." She got cut off form her sentence.
Prowl looked over at DragonFly. "must be a war-zone in there for her." he said and watched her for a moment. "I wonder what set her off in the first place?" He asked. "big.. brother.." she mumbled quietly in her stasis. "thanks.." 'great.. now he saved me twice, i owe him..' she said angrily. 'hey, that first time when you where human was on your own' DragonFlare said as she retreated to her corner of the processor. 'how did you know that?' 'i was there.. duh.. being human sucked, there was no power.'her voice faded off. DragonFly smirked.
HotHead for a second looked over at DragonFly, "H-hey, look oback here, so i can work..." He said and moved his head back to where it was. A small smiled found it's way onto his face. After a few hours, RazorBlade checked on them, Arrow was standing outside, looking at the moon. It wasn't good for her to be up. He left her alone but until he knew the others were fine.
DragonFLy yaned and opened and Optic. Everything was normal. She sat up and streched, then she winced as her back hurt from Arrow's shot. "ow.." she mumbled. "stupid DragonFlare.. causing so much trouble.." she sighed and looked down at her hands,it was hard for her to beleive that she had eniough firepower to do any damage to anyone, even BlitzWing.
"It vasn't easy, you know..." HotHead said, walking in. "Don't vorry about me, okay?' He said knowing she was thinking about feeling bad. RazorBlade and Arrow were both looking at the moon. "Pretty, huh?" She asked. RazorBlade looked at her, "Yeah..." He said. "No one really appreciates casts such a divine and inevitable's so...refreshing..." She explained why she liked the moon. He smiled and put his arms back, resting on them, "Okay, Prowl..." He joked. She giggled a bit then stopped form her side hurting.
DragonFly looked over at him. "sorry.. she had me beat.." she mumbled "She is right about me bein the virus though." she sighed, and got to her feet. She wobbled for a second and tried to get her balance. "how's Arrow?" she asked and looked around again, she didn't see ARrow, so she was kind of worried.
"Arrow's fine... and how are you ze virus?" He asked. He walked over to help her, "I dont tsink you should be getting up..." He insisted.
"I am fine, ya worry too much" she said and got her balance back. She gave him a small hug. "DragonFlare was here first, i just somehow took over when she got K.O'd" she giggled "that must have been a sight to see, a demonic monster of a decepticon turn into a childish and pathetic Autobot after she hit her head." She smiled, not caring that she was making fun of herself. "but, im pretty sure a lot of us like me better like this."
"I know i do." He smiled. It would've been interesting to see the difference between the original and now. Arrow walked back inside with RazorBlade, "Hi guys!" She said and waved a little. She yawned and stretched, hurting her side a little, "Ouch." She said and held her side.
DragonFLy's Optics wided. "aww.. that's my fault.." she mumbled and looked up at BLitzWIng's neck. "and that too.. wow i am a bad shot" she giggled. "lucky for you guys." She heard DragonFlare make a gaging noise and smirked. Prowl walked in. "soo, everyone online and awake?" he asked. DragonFly nodded. "yup... more or less." {ehh..}
"So to speak..." Arrow said with a smile. "And iss late...g' night guys." RazorBlade said and walked away. Arrow nodded and walked away as well. "Be carefull, okay?" Icy asked DragonFly. He then walked away as well, leaving Prowl and DragonFly alone. [lol....YOU MATED WITH THIS WOMAN?!]
Prowl smiled and escorted DragonFly to her room, then gave her a kiss on her lips and went to his own room. She blushed and felt her lips for a second. "Good night!" she called down the hall. He waved back and nodded. "goodnight." She turned around and collapsed onto her bed. and was into a deep stasis in moments.
[good start. now....get better!]
Arrow woke up early and looked around tiredly, "Stoopid sun, i hate you..." Arrow said and got up. She walked down the halls and listened to the silence of the base, she looked out a window and saw, "Clouds...dark ones...." Arrow said a little happily, "Today is going to be awesome!" she told herself.
DragonFly took her own sweet time to get out of bed. She practically rolled off of the bed. "mornin already?" shhe mumbled and walked out of her room. when she got out to the living room, she flopped onto the couch, with half a thought of falling asleep again. She winced at the pain in her wrist. "dang.. now that hurts.." she mumbled.
Arrow saw DragonFly, "mornin sunshine..." She said and plopped down on the couch next to her. "Feeling okay?"She asked, seeing she was examining her own wrist. Random woke himself up, he knew what time it was and squeed that he finally got up at the time he wanted to, he ran down the hall. Arrow face-palmed and waited for it. Breaking the silence, came Random, "Arrow! I woke up on time! arroooww!! Hey, hey Arr-- oo..looks rainy!" He said looking outside, coming to a complete stop.
DragonFly smiled and stopped looking at her wrist. "i'm fine, how about you?" She asked looking at her side. She giggled at Random. "silly Big Brother." she sighed when she saw his shoulder, still a bit burnt looking. She felt bad for shooting him. Prowl walkin and sighed. "what's with all of the commotion?" he asked.
Random looked behind him and walked up to him, "O...hai sleepy head..." He said and patted his head and walked over and sat next to Arrow. "Hai" He said. Arrow finished talking to DragonFly, "I'm fine too" She said with a smile, then turned to Random. She hugged him, "Thass great! now see if you can do it tomorrow to, kay?" She asked, he nodded. RazorBlade appeared sitting in an individual chair, "Hi guys!" He said. He was unusually happy on rainy days.
DragonFly giggled and waved to RazorBlade. "your all freakin ninjas... it aint fair.." she said and crossed her arms, pretending to be upset, a huge grin on her face. Prowl shook his headand frowned slightly at Random. "it's okay, DragonFly, you would just end up hurting yourself if you tried to be a ninja."
RazprBlade got up and put his arm around DragonFly, "AW, don't be a crow-bar in the slag! she can do lots of things!" He said. Random was confused, "But i'm right here..." He said. Arrow nudged him with her elbow, he switched to Icy, "Yes, be qviet, you..." He scolded. [lol, he might be so happy on rainy days he might admit himself to Dee ^///^]
DragonFly looked at him. "like what? i mean, other then turn into an evil Decepticon bent on hurtin you guys." she smirked as she heard DragonFlare growl. Prowl looked over at them, keeping a close eye on RazorBlade.
RazorBlade smiled, "Well, Dee, you can make us smile anytime! You're also good at annoyin daddeh...Oh and you can trip on flat surfaces, THAT takes some serious skill..." He explained. Icy was now reading his book, content with the noise level. "Don't even get me started on what you can do, Dee!" Arrow said cheerfully. "Anybody want some energon this mornin?" Arrow asked getting up. RazorBlade rose a finger in the air, Icy rose his hand, afraid he'll lose his place in the book.
DragonFly jumped up and raised her hand. "oh! oh! i want some!" she giggled. "and tripping on flat surfaces isn't a good thing." she mumbled to RazorBlade. Prowl rose his hand too. "I would like some too please." He said politly.
Arrow smiled and walked into the kitchen to make something for everyone. "It isn't?" RazorBlade asked in curiosity. "There ain't gonna be no fighting today!" Arrow called from the kitchen. RazorBlade looked up, "Y' know i love rainy days!" He called back and stood up. "Im gonna go fly for a bit, lemme know when it's done, okay?" He asked, Arrow nodded. He walked outaide and jetted off, feeling small sprinkles here an there.
DragonFly waved as he left. "don't be g
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Jamison Junkrat Fawkes
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