Gaia Name- Ipuntmidgets
Name- Bahamus Dormec
Age- 19
Gender- male
Height – 6’6
Race- Human
Side- Shogun
Sexuality- There is no time for sex when there are is money to make I can ******** Sluts later
Occupation- Free lance Bounty Hunter
Personality- Bahamus lives by a very strict code he is always calm and collect and laughs at anyone who trys to fight him and is weak. When people look at him they always see a very intense very controlled stare. People who fight him will be shown only merciless attacks. He never goes into a fight without creativity and it always takes a different way of fight than normal to fight him. He always knows what needs to be done and he always gets it done even if it kills him.
Bio: Since he was a small boy he has been interested in 2 things Spiders and poisons and his control over metal allowed it so that he could not only increase his own strength through lifting and allowed him to be more agile. When he was a small boy he was just barely able to control his powers but he was able to levitate 3 small metal balls around him at all times and the other children picked on him for it but later in life he saw all those other children that were mean to him breaking laws and going to jail and he always saw the same bounty hunter taking them in. so one day he asked the bounty hunter if he could be an apprentice. At first the bounty hunter laughed but then Bahamus lifted his sword in the air turned it into a metal ball the returned it to its form and position. After that the bounty hunter showed him everything that he knew and the exact way of thinking the perfect bounty hunter should have and he took that to heart and lives his life by it. So after this moment he has been hunting down people for anyone willing to pay for his services. He found in his travels a demon and he asked that demon to bestow the poison of a spider upon him. The demon laughed and swallowed him whole, Bahamus immediately slashed through the belly of the demon and ever since he came out of the stomach of that demon his body excreted a knock out gas at all times. Later he learned that he could control it by incasing his body in metal but once he did this he had enough control to make spiderlike legs out of metal that help him move around all the time. And later he found out that the gas that he secretes isn’t only highly conductive but combustible as well. And the only thing that he fears most is the thing that takes his powers away… magnets. He is not a very accomplished swordsmen but this metal he can control by speeding up his swings with it but that’s all he can do. He finally approached this shogun and asked what he would pay to have a bounty hunter like him taking down who ever and was pleased with the prices of these criminals.
Weapons- controls metal to attack with as he sees fit and fills it with knock out gas
Powers- Metal control
Likes- Killing and maiming but loves doing it while making money even more.
Dislikes- Happiness and sunshine when there is no money involved
Appearance - 6’4 with silver hair that looks like the metal he shapes he’s muscular but has the look of a seasoned warrior he only wields the metal that he controls. Metallic spiderlike legs protrude from his back and walk for him though he is able to walk and his body is usually incased in 1ft thick of metal that is shaped as armor of his choice at the time. When he does wield a weapon it is always made out of the metal that he uses to make the spider legs.
Technicalities about metal controlling powers – If metal is 10ft – 5ft away depending on size he can control it smaller metal is 5 and larger and max is 10ft but if he can see the metal then he can control it and that extends 60ft maximum range but if he is already controlling the metal then he can sense its presence around him thus focus on it with a maximum range of 120ft if he can see it and is focusing on just that and a maximum range of 30ft if he cannot see the metal but control of a metal means that he has taken it morphed it into the metal he already has and been pushed back out of the source. He can fly while incase in metal but it is very slow and he can only attack with melee also when flying he cannot take in any new metal. But if he is knocked unconscious then all the metal melts to the ground then becomes solid but does not impede any movement and cannot be used to hold people if they step in it before it is solid. One magnet will disarm if his powers as long as the magnet is within 5 feet of him the metal on his body melts away just as unconsciousness would to show him holding a katana because of special properties that the katana has he cannot increase the speeds of his attacks with it but other than that it is a regular katana and he does not regain his powers until he is 30 – 40 feet away from the magnet.
Technicalities about gas – the temp of a flame in order to be seen is 572 - 4987 degrees Fahrenheit before changing colors it takes 250 degrees Fahrenheit in order to make the gas that my body creates explode so to a discretion the armor of metal that encases my body has a chance to heat up to that point but If I get the chance I can slowly disperse it at a rate of roughly 20 degrees every minute and 100 degrees every minute if I peel off the metal completely and separate every part of it into sheets
Code of conduct –
1. Always accept more money for another job but never stop in the middle of a job and never take jobs from people when they have no ability to show the money up front
2. Do what the client says unless it means committing suicide or falling into an obvious trap (obvious traps are at your discretion)
3. If you kill a person then you must give them a proper burial unless they were begging for their lives before they died
4. If they beg for their lives then they are not worthy of living or worthy of any kind of burial you are allowed to do with them what you wish
5. There are no lines to cross no moral code one must use and certainly no mercy unless the client says otherwise (again begging may allow you change that ruling at your discretion)
6. If you fight the same way every time expect to die because people will be expecting it so change up your fighting tactics
7. While in a war strike in groups if possible if not then never enter buildings you wouldn’t sleep in destroy them if possible
8. it’s a trap it’s always a trap and you must always be expecting one no exceptions
9. Allies do not exist there are simply clients and beggars you are loyal to clients and you could give a damn about beggars.
10. Don’t use unnecessary force save your strength and you have a better chance of surviving anything.
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