A/N: Yay big fight scene thing!
I've never done a fight scene...so this will probably suck...
I hope things will get interesting after it....I keep promising it'll get good, I hope it's good already...
God I sound so wimpy!
Just...go read it...and stuff...
On another note, I still have work to do, so if I don't update for awhile after Thanksgiving, it's because I'm building a car....
So anywho!
Back to the fight scene!
Sora and Riku ran for the front door, stopping to fight the Heartless who had spoted them and attacked them. Soon they were in the middle of the concrete path that led up to the house, completely stopped and surrounded by the small ant like things. I could hear the way the air spilt with every blow of both the keyblade Sora had, and the thing I think was a sword but wasn't to sure Riku had. Within minutes, they had reduced the Heartless by a quarter.
The path to the front door was clear.
"Go Alex!" Riku shouted.
Nodding, I sprinted toward the front door, pushing around some of the Heartless that had realized my presence and jumped to attack me. Using the machete and what Riku taught me about using it, I slashed it blindly, hoping that it has cut them across the weird emblem that was printed on their chests. Riku was right, it didn't kill them.
By the time I reached the door, they population of them outside was reduced by another quarter by the two boys. I took a minute to wonder why they were so quick with killing them, how they were able to kill them at all. I couldn't kill one, yet they could kill a bunch of them! I frowned before turning my back t them and running into the house.
Never before have I seen such a messy and totally destroyed place! It looked like something had blown up or...something! I scanned the room, looking for the glowing gold eyes of the Heartless. I had ended up in the kitchen which had been to the left of the door. The fridge was open and food was thrown across the room, most of it on the floor. The room was cold from the fridge being open, so it must have been like that for awhile. I shivered and rubbed my free hand over the one with the knife, keeping at least that one warm. I slowly walked across the room to the doorway that probably led to the dining room, stepping over the food carefully and without making a sound. The front door was open, there has to be Heartless here and I knew it.
Everything was so quiet. I couldn't hear anything on the other side of the two swing way door, the only nosies I could hear was the hum of the fridge, my quiet breathing, and the thumping on he inside of my chest. I was scared, no doubt about it. I felt like I was in some cheep horror movie and no the other side of the door was the crazed killer. Bu this wasn't a movie. It was more like a video game. A really fun one if you weren't actshully in it.
I pushed the door open a crack, glad that it didn't squeak when I did, to gaze out at the living room. There was a fireplace across from the door where the embers were all that was left of a fire. That was the only source of light as far as I could tell. The armrest of a white leather couch was visible.
In one of the lessening flashes a lightning, I got a clear few of the room.
It was full of Heartless.
I gasped and stepped away from the door, letting it swing close.
There were so many of them! You couldn't even see the floor, just a large crowd of thick black bodies. I clutched the knife even tighter until my hand started to send waves of pain down my spine. I turned around and looked at the door I came into the kitchen by. I knew I couldn't kill them, I couldn't kill one! But I knew one thing, I couldn't just leave. I was on a mission, and I didn't give up easily. I turned around and took another deep breath.
Pushing open the door, I swung my knife at the closest Heartless.
I couldn't tell if they were surprised, but I saw that they stopped for a few seconds like they were. I took the opportunity and wildly slashed my knife at any and every one of them that was in my way. I couldn't see it in the dark, but I had a feeling that I had killed at least one of them. I had gotten to the fireplace when they started to attack back.
They jumped at me, digging their claws into my clothes and into my skin. I felt blood, warm and thick, dripping down my legs and arms from where the claws ripped into my flesh. I let out a whimper of pain before trying to shake them off of me, stabbing my knife into the one on my arm. It let go and jumped back a few feet, staggering as if in pain, but it did not disappear. It jumped back at me within seconds.
It was useless, what did I get myself into? I felt another attach itself to my stomach, it's claws stabbed through my skin like a cat when it uses a scratching post. I gasped in pain and dropped my knife, trying to push it off as it started to climb up to my chest. I backed myself up against the wall, slamming the one that was on my back into it, still trying to get the one closest to my heart off of me. Useless, completely useless.
I reached over and grabbed one of the fire pokers from the fire place, using it to push the claws out of my skin by pushing it down with great force. The minutes the claws left my skin, I buckled with pain, falling to my knees while tears formed in my eyes. More blood ran down from the deeper cuts on my stomach then on my arms and legs. It hurt! It hurt so much goddamnit!
It was over, I was finished. They moved in slowly on me, toying with me right before they were to take my heart. I bit back a sob and clutched the poker in both hands, ready to fight one last time. Fear was think in my throat and my mind was spinning. I always remembered wanting to do something out of the ordinarily, but when it finally happened, I was the first to get killed. I guess those Facebook quizzes were sometimes right.
The jumped on me, so many of them that all I could see was blackness and yellow eyes, all I could feel was claws and pain. I screamed and clutched the poker in my hand. I had given up, I closed my eyes....
Then there was a bright flash of light, the pain left and the dark in that moment left as well. No pain...no dark...was I dead? I opened my eyes just a peek. I was still in the room next to the fire place where only embers were all that was left of the fire. However, it was empty.
There were no Heartless.
My jaw dropped as I looked around, but when I looked at my hands, I was even more surprised.
I wasn't holding the fire poker anymore. I was holding two mini-scythes in both of my hands that were concocted by a long, strong chain. The handles were made of bone, I could tell by the feel and shape, but they were painted black with small bright green circles dug inside. They shown brightly in the dark. However, everything else was pure medal. The blades were long and sharp and the chain was thick and seemed to shrink as I looked at it. When the hell did I get this!?
Suddenly, I saw a Heartless running toward me. I was still in shock about the weapon to have seen it enter, but I saw it right before it jumped for me. Almost atomically, as if I was possessed, I held up m weapon and when it was right in front of me, I cut it in two. It disappeared in a puff of smoke.
I...killed one?
My joy was short lived since at them moment, I heard a moan coming from one of the bed rooms.
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Oh, you know. Writing things that need to be writen.^^
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