ugh, i'll add the rest later, if i remember....
Anyway, life's been pretty good lately. I've developed a new obsession for Naruto that had died a little before. Yes, the fight scenes take forever to finish, but, as a whole, I love the manga series. My favorite character is Kiba!!!! heart Oh, I love him so much. And you know what's really really exciting?? We have the same birthday!!!! OMFG, I was totally flippin' out when I found out. (It's July 7th by the way). So, I love him and his cute dog with all my heart! Ugh, why can't these people really exist in real life?? If I ever met someone like that, my life would be complete. Lolz, this sounds so cheesy. But, I actually have met a pretty nice guy. He's sporty and cute (and now that i think of it, he kinda looks like Kiba sweatdrop ) and really nice. Now, I'm sure you think I'm obsessed. But, to add on to my obsessiveness, I'm cosplaying as him at the next anime convention I go to. whee