Name: Mary Smith
Age: 3
Occupation: Assassin
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130 lbs
Weapons: Whatever she can find.
Powers: None.
Biography: She's a robot. She has feelings She was implanted with them, however most fo the time, her logic contradicts her feelings. This makes her storm off, for some alone time, so that she can try to think things through. She is perfection, in everything. Her body. Her mind, Her physical strength and stamina. She's perfect, but she often shows no signs of pain, someone dying is just one out of a million other deaths. A broken bone will heal, or in her case, be repaired. Her one flaw is her inability to cope with logic and emotion quickly and at the same time. She often has prioriety[sp?] issues. She's been in romantic relationships, but never really got very far before something ended the relationship. Sometimes people aren't really sure if she's human or not, because she can seem so lifelike. She has skin, but underneath, she's all curcuits. She's warm to the touch, has growing hair, essentially, she's human, she's just got inner software.