as i slowly started to fall asleep at my BFFL house i had the 3 most frightning nightmares of my life
i woke up 3 times tht night and i had 3 different dreams everyone of the dreams i was going to be killed in no matter wat I DUNO WHY I AM DREAMING THIS STUFF....Dx
my first dream was at a famous land mark and in a special statchue there was a secret crystal tht had the code of the earthes last 3 days of life and for some reson the men who wanted to kill me ....only wanted me because of the crystal ...i had moved the crystal without noticing tht i had ......i dident even know wat it was i just thought it was a rock i MEAN COME ON ......well as the men figured tht the crystal wasent there they stalked me for at least 4 hours i geass and well it seemed tht long ..Dx
as one of the men pulled up to me and my sister and familly i was so scared i almost fainted ...:/
my sister who thought the guy could give us a ride hop'd in the car and said "wats wrong come on there is nothing to worry about .." so i hop'd in but i dident wanna stay the man looked at me the way a rapest would i new i had to do somthing to get me and my familly out of tht car so i opend the door and jumped out sister screams with fear"MADISON OMG ARE U OK " then she yells "STOP THE CAR U CRAZY MAN" as he stops the car he pulls on my sister's arm and says "are u coming back" and my sister slaped him and ran ....then he got so mad he grabed a gun and started shooting at us ...... I GOT SO SCARED i woke up .....:::/// as i start into my next dream ......TO BE CONTINUED biggrin
i shall be continueing now xD
this time i am at a old ware house i think i duno but still kinda blury oh well
anyways .. biggrin another crystal was involed,and so this time it was hid in a room no windows or a door i dont know how i got in there but it is a dream huh
i moved the stone to my bag and as i noticed i was doing it i knew tht i had somthing to do with a big situation, and once i felt the crystal in my hand ,the roughness on the edges gave me the chills as i heard wood snaping down stairs in the warhouse i started to step down the steps fog was alll over with a mist type breeze flowing through the house i took a deep breth and noticed i wasent alone,"gulp" i swallowd.....
BLOOD SPLATERD ALL AROUND THE WALLS best friend killed by MY STALKER WHAT THE HECK i hate crazy dreams but ....they are interesting .. biggrin loll ,as i bursted with shoke out the warehouse door i fellt my hair being choped off bye some crazy STALKER AGAIN i tripped over a ledge the rock fell out i knew i had to get it back so i rushed to get up but as i was stuck to the ground with the pain running through my veins was rlly stressfull ..Dx
then the next thing i knew was i had lost hold of the rock for EVER the men had found it and drove off setting traps all over the warehouse ...Dx i was going to die tht night no matter wat i did to get out of it but .... as i started to sink in so kind of brown sticky muck first my heals ,then my chest, then one last breath "gulp" once again i was awake ...TO BE CONTINUED ......
i might turn this into a book HMMMM GOOD IDEA ...
as i continue .... last stone .....hidden in the bottom of the lake .... i was sitting alone out on my dock near my house and as the water turns yellow ,blue,purple,pink and other colors there was a weird rock shape figure tht flys up in the air and lands in my hands why me i ask ..? god dosent respond shore he will though ...;/ BAM !!!!!! all i saw was a flash of lightning ,and a big boat tht had crashed into my dock with me on the dock, i dident die for some crazy reason and only the boat driver did and some other ppl but then as the rock started to glow again "gulp" deep breath tookin in, and off i go sorring through the air like a bird ,foggy once again as i am i flyinf i feel a bit of heavy pouder like snow GAH i duno wat it was ???? but who does i mean rite ?
lol biggrin as i started to get hit with the pouder type mist stuff.... i noticed i was about to crash into a building half way across the world ...Dx mind went BOOM!!!! when i woke up it was like whoa .....!! lol i duno why i am having these dreams but i will keep riteing them till i do know ... biggrin ok i am totally set straight for this GET READY for more nightmares ...Dx
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