Jan 13-15 avvy will be changed for Wills' 2yr anniversary
January 12, 2006

This avvy is my geeky avatar!!
"Greetings, passerby. Thou hath stumbled upon my suspenders and pocket protectors."
If the geek were to describe themselves, they would probably say this:
"My name is insert name here and I am 15 years old. Approximately 28.492 hours in the past, I was researching Pi for fun. I had already memorized the first 300 digits in numerical order and I could say them backwards, but I found a site with the first 400,000,000 digits. I was so overcome with pure joy that I nearly stopped peeling my foot fungus. Nearly. I immediately whipped out the ballpoint h2x 3000 fine-tipped writing utensil- one of my favorites- from my chest pocket and wrote them down, according to Pisearch.de.vu/. I found that the number 481516 is precisely found at position 2,100,939 digits after the decimal point. Of course, the other 2,999,899,061 digits are known too. Proceeding that event, I further researched the internet to improve my mathematical skills with the properties of binary expansion. Today in class, we studied the properties of dodecohedrons and enneagons, which I alread knew. Oh! I almost forgot to mention that I also closely examined perplexing pentominoes. I could calculate the entire surface area and divide each one into 8 equal parts. Proceeding the required attendance of my school building, I sped to my locker where I then picked up my bug-catching net and stayed afterschool catching insects, studying them, and adding to my data book - all without wrinking my vest. *checks watch* Well, I should be going. I have to be 28.1362 seconds early to my arithmatic web chat, or else the gang will be concerned. And besides, today is the Commemoration or Remembrance Day (Anniversary of the Battle of Geok-Tepe) in Turkmenistan. Farewell."
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