I started to fight the grip that Drakno had on me. I started to get claws and stated scratching him with them. He started to loosen his grip so then I sink my fangs into him.
Darkno: Ahhh! This little b***h! How dare she!
Shanowa: Grr *mouth is full of Drakno's blood and still biting on his hand*
Sonic: Shanowa...did u just...
Drakno got mad and grab me by the back of my neck and toss me aside.I kinda wine a bit cause I hit a tree.
Drakno: You're not worthy of my time any more but soon that scythe and your soul will be mine Shanowa! *he vanish into the darkness*
Sonic: Shanowa! *checks on me* are u ok?
Shanowa: huh...arf!
Sonic: -_- u have got to be joking...ur a wolf now...?
Shanowa: woof!
Sonic: *sigh* guess I have to take care of u until ur better...
So we head home to be much more safer...or are we?