sweatdrop I didnt say I hated him but I didnt say I loved him either I was quiet actually and very puzzled he practiclly raised me and been by my side and on my birthday he pulls this on me? all that managed to escape from my throat was 'I-I dont know..'
But I knew very well that I couldnt be around him at least not now....Im 15 and in 10th grade...Im New York but call me Mizaki and here's my story The sun rose with its golden rays giving life into the dark room where she's been locked up in for a few days...the sun slowly gave life back to her once pale face and caused her to wake from her slumber but her dorm room was ice cold that day even her twin sister had to sleep with a friend she couldnt handle seeing her sister in such a state
"Ha....Ha...What...time is it?" her once shining blue eyes dimmed towards the clock only for it to say
6:30 Oh yeah her life was crumbling little by little she couldnt sleep for very long any more and she would drink nothing but coffee at a time she already made 3 trips to the hospitial and made her sister feel guilty at a time but made sure she didnt get depressed like her older sister here suddently there were knocks on the door Mizaki was getting dressed at the time with her uniform on with the blue sleeves and blue tie
"Mizaki open the door it's me Kagome its time check on you" Her sister wimpered as she opened the door slowly looking away from her once
outgoing overconfident fast food eating sister it was killing her all the more "Here have some water and i'll make breakfast today how dose that sound" Kagome tried to sound normal as possible but all efforts were for nothing as her sister didnt arugue on her cooking or complained how she'll go to the store and rather buy some thing to eat
"Thank you" was all Mizaki said before Kagome dropped the frying pan and forcefully grabbed her sister and threw her on the floor "M-Mizaki this isnt like you at all why are you letting him get to you" Kagome cried but it didnt seem to get through her sister het out a disturbed smile "Mizaki you never used to be depressed you were alyways keeping the peace always smiling and now because one person wont talk to you your destroying yourself?! WHERE IS MY SISTER I KNOW AND LOVE"
"Unfortunally she died once she let him go she wont come back might as well deal then right?" and with that Mizaki shrugged and pushed her sister off her and left her there to cry on the floor alone she took her book bag and headed for class looking pale as a ghost she didnt care anymore she would ignore everyone in the hallways evrn her dear friends Canada and America who apperently havent saw her in days and notice how skinny she has gotton even though she blamed her feeling on Canada she loved him and yet hated him and when she was so close to admiting the truth to her child hood friend her heart shaddered when France came and sweeped him away so much that its led to this not even the 'Hero' America could cheer her up with his famous cinnomin buns which were his secret wepon all she knew was or rather though that Matthew 'Canada' Williams wanted nothing to do with her and her stupid crush
"Yo Mizaki~" She reconized the voice and turned only to find her self looking at Alfred~ Which he looked pissed off because she let her self depart from every one she's closet to "When are you gonna snap out of it youve been to the hospital more than three times your sister slept in out dorm crying her heart out THIS ISNT LIKE YOU" America Cried out but wasnt getting through to her and though she had givin up on her life but just then she managed to speak
"A-Alfred....She died okay? Just
deal with the fact you couldnt save her or anybody for that matter"Mizaki yelled as she staggered off to class by a mirical America helped New York to class the boys were twins so when she was sick she couldnt tell them apart America and Canada but she ofton figured it out when they fed her America would be hamburger and Canada would be soup hot soup followed by tea same thing for the girls New York and New Jersy but it was obvious Mizaki Loved blue while Kagome was pink one would keep her hair down and the other two pigtales but back in those days everyone was happy no sadness had ever occoured since Mizaki always cheered them up with sometime she could concot weather it was Englands cooking or France perverted ways she always had a remedy for everyone, everyone except her self
"Mizaki! Alfred!! Come quick Kagomes heading towards the hospitial" Seychelles piped up taking them out of the classroom now Mizaki could care less about her health but her little sister who carriying her sister burden must have caused a breakdown and Mizaki with Alfred's help chased after the ambulance what little strength Mizaki had left at that point she held her sister hand strong and begged her sister to stop worrying about herslf that she'll be fine and to stop pushing your self to smile Alfred couldnt stand to watch but stayed by Mizaki's side at that moment Mizaki began to cough up blood Alfred called the other nurses but Mizaki fought to stay concous to make sure Kagome could live her life and not her sisters destructive life all this pain over one boy...no one should go through this alone but no one should drag loved ones down with them..
Just then another blond headed boy arrived in the hospitital with his viotel blue eyes tearing up at the scean and face extermaly red from crying her had a scowled look on his face but replaced it with concerned once he saw Mizaki in her state waiting for her sister to wake up clutching her hand for dear life "M-Mizaki your your coughing up blood y-you look a mess!!!" Canada began to spazz while America tried to calm him dow
'D-Dammit why is he here I dont need this right now!!!'"Mizaki im sory if I hurt you I didnt mean to stop doing this to yourself look at your sisters condition" Matthew cried out "We dont want you to die!!! I-I want you t-to l-live please just get your health back" It actually did get through to her and she broke down she collapesed on the floor her puplis were dialated she couldnt speaked she couldnt move but she could her America and Canada scrambling for a doctor to help Mizaki again "Please dont die!!" The boys screaming now crying with full force and along came England in a huff wondering where the girls were at

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