__The tree cried out as the wind moves over me. It kisses my cheeks and plays with my hair. Pushing me back, the wind holds my hands softly, wanting me to come dance with it. I clutched my jacket shut and ignored the winds taunts and teases. It whispered softly in my ear, turning my complection the color of a fresh spring rose.
__Working its icy hand up my back, the wind caused more arousment through out the trees. I pushed forward as I tried to get out of the wind's chilled arms. Peices of the trees' clothes twirled around me, somehow brought to life just to dance. The wind roughly brushed against my lips. I perced them to keep warm. I couldn't take it anymore.
__I stopped in the road and closed my eyes as the wind became more fierce. It tossed my hair around my face and growled at my bare neck. I breathed in the iciness that was the wind, grinning at the sound of the trees' protest. The wind groaned in my ear and held my tight, but the grip on my jacket staid firm. It wrapped its invisible arms around me tighter, making it hard to breathe.
__And then it let go.
__All was silent. The trees, their clothing on the ground, all silent. The wind had given up. As i looked up at its gray face, icy tears fell. They fell on my skin ever so softly. As the wind's tears grew in numbers, I smilled widely. How happy i was to see the wind cry.