you know when you are sitting there, and all of sudden you start to think about the person you like. Slowly drifting off into a different world as you think about their flaws and their perfections. Softly smiling to yourself as you think about their smile, laugh, and how they look at you. Enjoying every moment your with them. Even if you haven't been having a good day to began with. Then just wanting to spend more time with them, because you enjoy their company. While all together you just wish that you could tell them, yet aren't sure of their reaction. Knowing that you might get hurt, but it hurts to not tell them. So, you keep a safe distance. Knowing if you do. Then there isn't a chance that you can start to like them more. Yet then you talk to them again. it ruins everything, because then once again you are traped in a vortex that involves the one person you like. So. You think about telling them again, and it turns into a fierce cycle that seems like it wont end. Eventually you tell a few of your good friends that you like this person, and then they start to 'tease' you about it. Or will put pleasent thoughts into your head. though in the end you know you just wish that one person was there with you and your friends.
Samoccy · Sun Sep 06, 2009 @ 07:50am · 0 Comments |