Well congrats to thoughs to people out there wo actually read this stuff, because now, you are safe from evil mushrooms eating your so-called "Brain". If your brain IS eaten, you have RD and yourself to blame. Also 4chan*. THIS. IS. AMERICAAAAAAAA!!! D<
AND DONT FORGET IT. OR ELSE I WILL GATHER ALL OF ALFRED JONES FANGIRLS TO TEAR YOUR LIMBS OFF. OR I WILL STUFF SAUSAGES DOWN YOUR THROAT. MM. SOUND GOOD. MAYBE. AND CAPS IS STILL ON ISNT IT? WELL...OK. YOU ARE NOW SAFE FROM BRAIN EATING MUSHROOMS. THE PURPOSE FOR THIS ENTRY IS BECAUSE IM TRYING TO GET MY RANDOMNESS LEVEL UP AND IM NOT SUCCEEDING. AND ALSO TO KEEP YOU SAFE FROM THE OLD LADY THAT GOT HIT IN THE FACE BECAUSE OF A FLYING DOG. THE FLYING DOG IS SAID PERSONS **coughcoughRD'scoughcough** FAULT. Gawd i have bad coughing today-- **coughcoughRD-IS-THE-WEIRDEST-OC-I-HAVE-EVER-HADcoughcoughcough** And said person is singing "Brothers" obsessively for the last 3 months. Its beautiful :'D. I think its in russian....im not sure.....*hums* GATEDMANIT I GOT IT OFFICIALLY STUCK IN MY HEAD! If you would like this in a different language, go to a country that speaks it. If you would like to protest against "the cake is a lie", press 3. IM STARTING THIS AGAIN?! O-O
*weakly and slowys reaches hand out while laying on the floor* I'm...sorry oh master of rand-- *coughs up blood* ...omnes...s... *diez*