I've learned
That even if life is so awesome
After a really long time
It get's dull
People change
Feelings change
Friendships change
And you can't stop it
biggrin I have a new group
Of awesome people
Including some colorful friends
Today was awesome
There were these quartet people form a barber shop
At choir
They were all old men
They all looked like little turtles
And the weird thing was,
The soprano one sang higher than me!
0.0 Creepy I know
Lexie and I were cracking up the whole time
I have a solo/ensemble coming up soon
Wehave to find a sing to sing though wink
Can't wait
I wrote a poem today that was really cute
I was definitely satisfied with it
I'm going to put it on my profile later
My sister has like a ton of drama
But she's getting a new job!
Yay for her!
I wanna work
But at the same time
I don't
I think I would most likely love to work when I get older
But ah well
You know...
I'm going to stop typing now!
So farewell!
*kiss kiss*
See ya later

With Love,EmmaRose