~august 22, 2009~
~slightly confused and worried~

i had that same dream again about the old house and the fire. my sister and maany others, say it has meaning but i don't know what it could mean. it worries me thinking about it...
~random quote for today~
"in other words spirit is like the wind. when the wind is strong, it can rattle a whole Forrest. when ones spirit is moved tremendously, one can do tremendous things, and spirit is limitless. humans have the innate potential to do anything."
~slightly confused and worried~

i had that same dream again about the old house and the fire. my sister and maany others, say it has meaning but i don't know what it could mean. it worries me thinking about it...
~random quote for today~
"in other words spirit is like the wind. when the wind is strong, it can rattle a whole Forrest. when ones spirit is moved tremendously, one can do tremendous things, and spirit is limitless. humans have the innate potential to do anything."