There are some good things from this, though. I won't have to spend the year with my old crush. mrgreen
Sasukeishot23234 and I get to see some of our friends and we can go back to chorus.
(she really REALLY missed a friend there)
Anyway, there ARE some negative things. I'm not sure if I remember everything I learned last year. Besides, some things are useful to remember because you might end up being re-educated. lol
I'm a bit bad at handing in work, but I'm sure I'll be able to ignore that...hopefully. XD
dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama
I'm pretty good at things like english and long as it's not algebra. XD
I'm hoping I can get a solo in chorus this year, too. I've got more than enough folders and binders, so I'll even have enough to get a new chorus folder and drawings folder. SWEETNESS!
I'll be able to check out some new teachers and perhaps make more friends. YAY!
So, yeah, I'm basically ready. This stuff'll take place the 8th. ^_^
Luv u guys
heart "Peace Sells, but who's buying?" heart