Oh and I'll add some pics of myself later, okay? biggrin

our desk pt. I
1 - my comp
2 - Thomas' comp
3 - the screen is linked with both computers
4 - Remember the little devil plushie you gave me? It's sitting on our couch biggrin
5 - my keyboard & mouse
6 - speakers
7 - I have yet to install my webcam xd

our desk pt. II
8 - pic of me (my bf insisted on having it on the desk)
9 - picture cube!!! (I love those things!) biggrin
10 - Yes - he's a crocodile freak! lol But a very cute one. wink

my comp & stuff
11 - I bought those headphones in Paris, baby. cool
12 - little bit of dust xd
13 - That's our router! Connecting me to the World Wide Web anytime! xd (Well, this thing sucks, really)

the wall unit in our living room
14 - So what's with the boxes and stuff? Well, we're still moving in...
15 - moar speakers
16 - some of Thomas' trophies
17 - part of his collection of toy cars >_<

the window sill in the living room
18 - My cacti and my mini orchids heart
19 - That's the entrance to our magnificently empty balcony xd (Which I didn't bother taking a pic of)

kitchen pt. I
20 - the stove
21 - our chocolate fondue thingie biggrin
22 - the fridge
23 - the freezer
24 - my collection of recipes xd
25 - We haven't got a lamp for the kitchen yet, so it's just a lightbulb for now...
26 - the kitchen sink
27 - our kettle

kitchen pt. II
28 - almost-empty cookie yar xd Oh God, I need to make new ones for my sweetie!
29 - the toaster
30 - that's where we store our instant lemon tea powder stuff xd
31 - And this is where we eat. smile It's great for two, really biggrin
32 - the microwave oven

the entrance hall (not all that big)
33 - In heeeere is where the nightly magic happens! rofl
34 - some jackets... This summer sucks! evil
35 - the entrance door
36 - Our shoes usually go here. smile

bathroom pt. I
37 - the bathtub
38 - the sink
39 - our mirrored bathroom cabinet
40 - the toilet
41 - the washing machine

bathroom pt. II

bathroom pt. III
42 - a bottle of bubble bath gel that I got from my in-laws for my birthday
43 - my sponge biggrin it's from Las Vegas
44 - Yeah, that's my dirty makeup sponge right there...

bedroom pt. I
45 - My sweetie is a member of the local paramedics squad, and these are his clothes.
46 - our bed smile
47 - the lava lamps and stuff on the window sill
48 - My bf has yet to install these mirrors.
49 - boxes of various stuff
50 - You can kinda see the hills out there. The view is magnificent! biggrin

bedroom pt. II
51 - my side of the bed
52 - Thomas' side of the bed
53 - down there are all his plushies >_<
54 - The purple heart-shaped pillow he gave me for my 19th birthday. It says "Ich hab dich lieb" which means "I like you". Cute, huh? smile

my messy nightstand
55 - the case for my glasses
56 - all my money goes in there xd (part of my identity card is showing as well)
57 - my watch / some jewelery
58 - my cell phone
59 - the vacuum cleaner

Look outside our bedroom window! biggrin
60 - the hills
61 - the church
62 - the school's soccer field biggrin
63 - Over there is the next village already! surprised
64 - These are the garden plots of some people.