So, here we go.
<span id="test28810753">. . .</span><br/><div id="post28810753" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;">
The Forest That Whispered

It's the party of the year, you can't miss it, everyone who's anyone is going, and even the people who aren't anyone are invited.
Even though it's summer vacation you notice the owner of the house has managed to invite just about everyone in your grade and then some. Because of all these people it's very hot in the house, so you and a few friends head out to the back on the porch. Sevral other people also move outside. The air is cool, damp and it feels good on your sweaty faces.
Soon the group is talking, everyone on the deck is enjoying themselves. Eventually someone looks out, and they notice the forest behind the house and down the hill. It's very large, and it's dark.
"Hey, I dare you to go down there," he says.
No one says anything.
"Oh, come on, it's just dark, like a little dark ever hurt anyone?" he jeers.
After a little talk, you all decide to go down there as a group. One girl decides it'll be safer to count, just in case. Twenty-six kids begin the trek down the hill towards the looming forest. Not including the one who dared them in the first place.
What these 26 unsuspecting teens don't know, is that a little dark could hurt people, especially in this forest. The Whispering Forest, it was called in the past by pilgrims and settlers of this Colorado town. It was said to hold dark magics, and creatures of all sorts. But no one ever came out of the forest, sometimes screams could be heard in the distance, dark birds fly out from the trees, startled by the call for help that would go unanswered.
It's also said the forest holds a great aura, and when entered, fills the people with power. Powers unlike any other. But these powers can't get you out alone, even more wicked beasts lay within. Spriggans, nymphs, even, maybe a few werewolves.
But this is all legend of course.
I have put this one out in the forums if you want to go check it out. Click Here For Awesomness!
And you know, I was originally just going to have it as normal people, no powers, only the forest has powers, but everyone wants a power lately and they want to do RP's where they can have a power, so that's what I did. If I had my way I'd take a way the powers in an instant. But people are unreasonable....fats.</div>